Healthcare Insurance

A Mother’s Heartache This week I am talking to Kelley Howard, Founder, Strategist at and extraordinary mother to Rachel Rigali who was featured on an earlier show (podcast and the associated blog post) with me and has now sadly died from her cancer. While both Kelley and I are working in healthcare as she describes navigating the system […]


This week I am talking to Jennifer Danielson, Chief Growth Officer at Collective Health an integrated third-party administration and navigation company delivering health benefits. Jennifer describes herself as a recovering attorney who has ‘followed the money in healthcare to understand the workings of healthcare and bring about some positive change. By now I think most of […]


This week I am talking to Trevor Cabrera, MD, The Nomadic Pediatrician who choose to pursue locum tenens with CHG Healthcare, straight out of residency. This unusual route comes with a range of benefits and its own set of challenges. We explore Trevor’s career path and how he ended up chasing to take a non-traditional path once he finished […]


The History of US Healthcare This week I am talking with Dr. Christy Ford Chapin, Ph.D., Associate Professor Department of History at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (@UMBC) and author of Ensuring America’s Health: The Public Creation of the Corporate Health Care System that dives deep into the US Health care system tracing the […]


Healthcare and Data Need to Get Along This week I am talking to Caesar Djavaherian, MD (@Caesardjava), and Emergency room physician and Medical Director and Co-Founder of Carbon Health (@CarbonHealth). Carbon Health is a modern, tech-enabled vertically integrated healthcare system designed from the ground up to put patient care first. Caesar’s path through medicine like many […]


This months episode of “News you can use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of September 2019 You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see covered. You can reach out […]


Keeping Up With Innovation in Healthcare Starting this month I will be running a monthly review of “News you can Use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio You can listen in to the first episode and read more about it here where I discuss topics ranging from Healthcare insurance and surprise billing, […]


The Morass of Healthcare in the United States Reading through the litany of challenges in healthcare on a daily basis is depressing. That is unless you are in one of the fortunate groups that have healthcare coverage that actually pays those bills and doesn’t cost so much to be unaffordable. So who manages to get […]


  Your Data but Who Owns It This excellent piece by ProPublica and NPR: Health Insurers Are Vacuuming Up Details About You — And It Could Raise Your Rates is part of a series – The Health Insurance Hustle by Marshall Allen that offers insights into the data-rich world we are entering and how this information may well be […]


If you’re like me, you’re always trying to find the best deals on your credit card, cable, and phone providers. That may mean calling up every 12 months to renegotiate annual contracts—or threatening to cancel. But for many people, the cost of putting in this time and effort is too high, so they just renew […]


  Many patients have underlying issues with their health. Oftentimes, these issues can be identified by certain markers, like a patient’s speech pattern, gait or by looking at vital signs including blood pressure, heart rate, and weight. To an untrained eye, it might be unnoticeable, but physicians are trained to look for these patterns as […]


The Great Healthcare Debate Healthcare is personal and front and center in our minds not just because we all intersect with it in some way but it employs 1 in 9 people in the United States. With the current state of our media and political system with polarized debates, he said she said talking heads […]


It’s perverse but the healthcare system in the United States is making you sick. Don’t believe me – then maybe you have a high-end plan with no deductible and full access and no ceiling. But there are not many of those and for the rest of us, I imagine your interaction with the system is […]


We have some Healthcare reform in the US but we are still challenged with a system that is failing to deliver results. This piece recently: America Ranks No. 1 for Over-Priced, Inefficient Health Care featured the chart from the Commonwealth fund That ranks the US last in a group of 11 industrialized countries. As he puts […]


This is not news for many in the healthcare profession as they face the challenges of billing rules and regulations and the sometimes obscure idiosyncrasy – but as you can see form this piece on NBC for many patients this is a surprise and a costly one at that Visit for breaking news, world […]


For many decades, newspapers were big; printed on the so-called broadsheet format. However, it was not cheaper to print on such large sheets of paper — that was not the reason for their exorbitant size — in fact, it was more expensive, in comparison to the so-called tabloid size. So why did newspaper companies insist […]


CHELMSFORD, Mass. — It’s hard work being one of Dr. Damian Folch’s diabetic patients. If a lab test shows high cholesterol, Folch is quick to call or email. No patient can leave the office without scheduling an annual eye exam, a key preventive test. A missed exam or an appointment leads to another call. “We […]


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