Author: Dr Nick
Page: 18
Science Based Sleep Devices I spoke to Roy Raymann, Vice President, Sleep Science and Scientific Affairs from Sleepscore Labs at the Sleepshow We reviewed some of the products that the Sleepscore products that they have reviewed and curated that have been tested by their team. We talked about the SleepScore app that is available for free […]
Personalized Temperature Control Maybe you struggle with thermostat wars at home and the inability to agree on the temperature to suit everyone. I have been living this challenge all the way back to childhood when my father was the first to the heating system controls to turn down the temperature for the whole house as […]
Wearable EcoSystem This week I am talking to Benjamin Vandendriessche, PhD, (@benvddriessche) the CMO of Byteflies (@byteflies) – a company creating a wearable health platform to capture continuous data and enabling true Wearable Health Listen in to find out about their journey to creating an ecosystem of sensors that can record multiple physiological parameters that combine, much […]
CPAP and Nasal Pillows I spoke to Subbarao Potharaju – the Director of Marketing at Fisher & Paykel at the Sleepshow We took a look at their new Brevida Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Mask – a nasal pillow mask that is designed to provide a soft seal around the nose for overnight comfort. We looked at the […]
Temperature and Sleep Do you struggle to get to sleep or find yourself waking up too hot or too cold? Some people need to warm up and then cool down to fall asleep. This is the principle underlying the long-held method of a warm bath before bedtime to help you sleep which is counterintuitive in […]
Consumer and Clinical Solutions for Sleep Philips are well known to the in health and have a whole decision focused on sleep solutions both directed at the consumer as well as clinical solutions targeted towards patients suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) being treated with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) systems I took a look […]
Coping with Jet Lag Do you have trouble with Jet Lag and have tried all the various suggestions and various remedies? There’s hope for you yet if you are still struggling to adjust your clock when you move from one time zone to another in the form of an App – designed and built by […]
Impromptu Whisky Tasting When presented with a sign outside this pub in Manchester: The Britons Protection – One of Manchester’s Oldest Pubs dating back to 1806 with over 300 Whisky’s available this was an opportunity to do a little mini tasting for #TonightsTipple As this website pointed out The Briton’s Protection is a must visit for whisky connoisseurs […]
Thanks to Daryl Carr who suggested this in his comment on my Vlog on Cholesterol and Health. This episode kicks off a series of videos that will focus on aging and how we can age healthily. For those of you who think you are not old and don’t need to watch this, and perhaps that’s everyone as they say […]
Accidents and Sleep In case you did not know the clocks “change” as they do every 6 months with the quaint notion of “saving daylight” and are advanced forward by 1 hour. There are some exceptions for those lucky enough to live in a country or state where the powers that be have smartly decided […]
Should you use Google Translate This research letter in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA): Assessing the Use of Google Translate for Spanish and Chinese Translations of Emergency Department Discharge Instructions Reviewed the use of Google Translate to help explain instructions to patients. As I noted it’s an option but has some associated […]
Muscle Training This week on the Incrementalist we are focusing on Lower and Upper Body Strength Thanks to Mariam Jacob for her question on where to focus your training – should you spend more time on Lower Body strength or more on Upper Body Strength As she put it: Wonderful video! I just read an […]
What is Osteoporosis “Osteoporosis” literally means “porous bones.” The bones become weaker, increasing the risk of fractures, especially in the hip, spinal vertebrae, and wrist. Bone tissue is constantly being renewed, and new bone replaces old, damaged bone. In this way, the body maintains bone density and the integrity of its crystals and structure. Bone density peaks when a person […]
This week I am talking to several guests live at HIMSS 2019 Rasu Shrestha, MD EVP & Chief Strategy Officer Atrium Health (@RasuShrestha), R. Hal Baker, MD SVP, CIO Wellspan, and Aneesh Chopra, President, CareJourney (@aneeshchopra) Listen in to hear their thoughts on the latest innovations at HIMSS, what’s coming, the importance of shared values, bringing the humanity […]
Where has the Kindness Gone As someone remarked to me just recently The kindness has gone It can certainly feel that way sometimes and while my general position is to think like a proton – always positive it has been challenging over the last few months to maintain this position. I posted this over the […]
Design Thinking for Healthcare and Medical School This week I am talking to Dr. Clay Johnston, MD, PhD (@ClayDellMed), Dean, Dell Medical School and Vice President for Medical Affairs, UT Austin. Dr. Johnston has been the inaugural dean of Dell Medical School and is working towards a vision to create a new model for academic medicine that accelerates […]
I love music – it always manages to lift my spirits no matter the mood and right selection of songs can get people up and dance. I know, that was the main aim when I was a Disc Jockey (DJ). So it is with anticipation I look forward to Colin Hung’s email each year asking for […]
Applying AI in Healthcare for Iterative Efficiencies This week I am talking to Dr. Falgun Chokshi, MD (@FalgunChokshiMD), a Neuroradiologist and host of the podcast “Looking Around the Corner”. Falgun’s vision is to connect a healthcare innovation ecosystem that creates collaboration and focuses on a novel but importantly practical solutions. He has experience in bioinformatics (machine learning/AI) and advanced […]
The Opioid Epidemic 130 people die from an overdose of an opioid every day in the United States. Death from overdoses reached a staggering 47,600 people in the United States in 2017 – to put that into perspective that’s a 130 people per day, or 1 person every 11 mins, and now in the top 10 causes of […]
Saving Healthcare Quality This week I am talking to Fred Trotter (@fredtrotter), CTO CareSet Systems – the first commercial Medicare Data company. Fred has a long and fascinating background that unlike many healthcare Cybersecurity experts started in the security field and transitioned to healthcare and healthcare data. You can read his musings on Hacking Healthcare […]
Keys to Successful Conferences How do you describe the CNS Summit and what it offers – the word impossible springs to mind? Even the name can be a little misleading especially for medical folks who might look at that and think “Central Nervous System” but actually its stands for Collaborating for Novel Solutions This coming […]
The Bluebutton Innovator This week I am talking to Mark Scrimshire (@eKiveMark) a fellow Walking Gallery member and Entrepreneur in Residence at NewWave and on assignment as Medicare Blue Button 2.0 Innovator at CMS where he is designing and implementing the new API to enable 53 million Medicare Beneficiaries to share their claims information with the […]
It was with interest I read a recent Viewpoint article in the Journal of American Medical Associations (JAMA) titled: Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) in the Digital Age, Determining the Source Code for Nurture authored by Dr. Freddy Abnousi, the head of healthcare research at Facebook, along with a couple of other authors, Dr. John Rumsfeld, Chief Innovation Officer […]
Getting to Nationwide Interoperability Unfortunately, the existing healthcare system incentives behavior that is in opposition to the goal of scalable, nationwide, vendor-neutral interoperability. Our model has multiple groups who have a vested interest in the control and ownership of data (for example Payors, Providers, Patients). Each has their own economic and commercial drivers and in […]
The crown jewels of British society The NHS was the crown jewels of British society providing healthcare to every member of society no matter who they were, where they came from and what personal resources they had. It was the great leveler of society creating a single standard of care and service that was accessible […]