Author: Dr Nick

Page: 19

  The answer to that question is complex and individual and before thinking about that you should have a basic understanding of cholesterol in your body. You can learn about this from my video and blog post Statins In the previous episode, I talked about Cholesterol in your body. This week as a follow up […]


This week I’m talking about Cholesterol. What it is, where does it come from (hint your diet is only a small part) and what does your body use it for   It’s interesting that when you search for cholesterol the recurring image is of Eggs which have been closely linked with Cholesterol and to some […]


 Preventative Health for Everyone   This week I am talking Joshua Scalar, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer for BioIQ where they are working to seamlessly connect people to preventative health testing by removing the friction from the system and allowing as many people as possible to access essential, cost-effective life saving preventative testing services. Josh […]


Women as the Key Healthcare Decision Makers This week I am talking Lisa Suennen, (@VentureValkyrie) Managing Partner of Venture Valkyrie, LLC, an advisory firm that works with healthcare and other companies on investment and innovation strategies and host of the Tech Tonics Podcast. Lisa is a twenty year veteran of healthcare investment, healthcare technology and […]


Media Coverage of Alcohol This week I’m talking about Alcohol consumption and the recent study published in the Lancet: Alcohol use and burden for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 Which generated a slew of coverage in the media with headlines like this:   Yikes! […]


Behavioral Health for Positive Impact This week I am talking to Matt Wallaert (@mattwallaert), Chief Behavioral Officer at Clover Health. I have listened to Matt on a few occasions, most recently at the FitBit Captivate event in Chicago so I was excited to get to talk to him one on one. Matt plays an unusual […]


  Does Intermittent Fasting Work?   This week  I’m covering the world of Intermittent Fasting. What’s that you ask – in its simplest form Eat – Stop – Eat In other words, challenging your body with no intake of calories for a variable amount of time. In my case I fast for about 36 hours […]


 Delivering the Care Patients Want This week I am talking to Dr. Jay Mathur, Associate Regional Medical Director for Caremore Health Systems in Connecticut. A program that started 25 years ago in California and has now expanded to multiple states and has been in Connecticut for a little over a year. This is the medicine […]


How do You Measure your Healthiness? A recent conversation with my brother about Body Mass Index or BMI got me thinking about this data point and how we use it. Many of you are probably familiar with the value – it shows up on your weighing scales right after displaying your weight And if your scales don’t […]


 Medical School Candidate Selection Are we are selecting the wrong candidates for medical school and not teaching them the skills they really need to be good doctors? I’m a doctor first – anytime anyone asks me what I do the first words out of my mouth are “I’m a Doctor”, followed by a follow-up explanation […]


Change Behavior, Change the World This week I am talking to Adam Pelligrini,(@adampelligrini) the General Manager and SVP for Fitbit Health Solutions. Adam has had a long career in the Digital Health coming from the Digital Health group for Walgreens Boots Alliance where he built a range of digital and mHealth platforms. He recently ran and […]


How Much you Travel Can Predict Your Health-Related Behavior This weeks interview was an opportunity to catch up with Dr Won Chung – an Emergency Room doctor and co-founder of Carrot Health – a company focusing on bringing consumer level insights, data and analysis to medicine His clinical career has been centered on the Emergency […]


Healthcare’s Security Posture As part of my interview series from BlackHat I spoke with Mike Weber VP Coalfire Labs – they are a large Cybersecurity Systems provider focused on securing transactions in the cloud working with all if not most of the cloud providers. Coalfire just released their Penetration Risk Report that included a special section on […]


Incremental Steps to Health This week I am talking to Dr Khan Siddiqui (@DrKhan ) radiologist, programmer, serial entrepreneur, and Founder, CTO, and CMO of HIGI – the company that is taking the concepts of consumer engagement and tracking to the next level and creating actionable insights that patients and their care team can use […]


  Flu and Flu Vaccination This week we are focusing on the Flu and the Flu Vaccination What is the Flu What is flu and how does it differ from a common cold. It’s a highly contagious viral illness that does not respond to antibiotics and changes every year and infects between 5-20% of the […]


  Aspirin This week we are focusing on Aspirin. A drug that’s been around for thousands of years going back to the Egyptians. It has some clear uses for getting rid of pain, reducing fever and decreasing inflammation but we have found other benefits as well. It is used as an emergency treatment for anyone thought […]


Encryption Algorithms Under Siege Over the course of history, the development and subsequent breaking of encryption standards have been a constant cycle. As new keys were developed so they were broken and the speed of with which new keys were broken has increased. Modern day encryption “Data Encryption Standard” or DES was launched int he […]


Artificial Intelligence in Medicine – Better More Rewarding Medicine It was great to catch up with colleague and friend Dr. Anthony Chang (@AIMed_MD) Pediatric Cardiologist, Founder of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIMed) and Director of Medical Intelligence and Innovation Institute (MI3) . How did a pediatric cardiologist find his way into the field of Artificial Intelligence, Machine and […]


  Sleep The Wonder Drug This week I am focusing on sleep – a hot topic given the recent tweets from Eric Topol What a bad night of #sleep leads to –>—extensive molecular response that helps explain weight gain—also muscle wasting@ScienceAdvances open-access, nice work by @JCedernaes @sleep_advocate @UU_University @UppsalaUni — Eric Topol (@EricTopol) August […]


Hospital Paging Systems Security I spoke with Mark Nunnikhoven, VP of Cloud Research at Trend Micro talking about their recently published paper: Leaking Beeps: Unencrypted Pager Messages in the Healthcare Industry which were designed and built in an era when it took a lot of resources and technology to access the system but now all it takes a couple hundred […]


This week we are focusing on mindfulness and meditation and why it is important for your health. People that include mindfulness and meditation in their daily routing find they are better able to deal with pain, have improved immunity, sleep better, lower their blood pressure and have less inflammation.   What are the incremental steps […]


Exercise Routine In this weeks video I discuss getting into the habit of exercise Getting into a regular routine for exercise is the first step to making this part of everyday activity. How do you do that – the first step like most other incremental steps is to start. It can be hard and one of […]


Security by Default The opening Keynote by Parisa Tabriz | Director of Engineering, Google: Optimistic Dissatisfaction with the Status Quo: Steps We Must Take to Improve Security in Complex Landscapes covered the journey taken by Google to bring the status of browsing into the Security age. It was sobering to see that a company like Google with the […]


Telehealth is Here – Getting There Quicker with Incremental Steps This week I am talking to Dr. Til Jolly, CMO for Specialists on Call (SOC) Telemed who are delivering enterprise-wide telemedicine to over 450 hospitals Dr Jolly is an Emergency Room physician with a fascinating background that includes working for the NFL Super Bowl “Emergency Preparedness […]


The Fake Science Factory In hindsight, the Waset publishing organization (I’m not linking to it so as not to help their SEO – waset DOT org) should have refunded Chris (Suggy) Sumner’s money when he asked for it, but the rest of Science thanks them for not doing that. So launched a year-long deep dive into […]

