Author: Dr Nick

Page: 24

This memorial day is a good time to reflect and give thanks – in fact this visual gives a great sense of the sacrifices of so many for our freedoms and life today Original from Facebook Here’s one for the SHARE button. A truly powerful image that tells it like it is. Posted by Madison […]


I attended the Health IT Marketing and PR Conference Schedule (HITMC) brought to you by the power house of John Lynn and Shahid Shah You can see the social Media feed in this Storify story here [View the story “Health IT Marketing and PR Conference (HITMC) – Day 1” on Storify]   The day kicked off […]


Social Media is rapidly becoming an integral part of our lives. Despite the pervasive nature of the communication channel healthcare remains a technology laggard. This presentation from HIMSS15 Wednesday Apr 15) will offer insights to help understand why healthcare professionals should join the community, participate in the discussion and how can do so successfully. I […]


Review of the first Day of HIMSS15 and the Physician IT Symposium


HIMSS is finally upon us and like the 20,000+ people heading Chicago there is a lot to take in, many options and far too much for any one person to see or catch up with. So what do you do?   First off – download the HIMSS Mobile APP that now comes with GPS intelligence […]


Great graphic that HITConsultant posted in this update SXSW Health Tech Trends Health and fitness apps, smart devices and connected products are making us more aware of our own health—and more active participants in our efforts to stay healthy. At the same time, health providers are looking to technology for smarter ways to deliver quality […]


Celebrating Pi (3.141592653) 3/14/15 at 9:26:53 Today is super-pi day, a day that comes but once a century and extends to a specific time at 9:26:53 seconds (although when that occurs will depends on your time zone. While pi is an infinite non-repeating decimal, there are still mathematicians and scientists seeking to build computers that […]


2015 health IT innovation holds the promise of turning massive amounts of personal health data into usable information that can keep you healthier — and it’s conveniently accessible on your phone. It’s always comical to watch movies from the 1980s, not only for the distinct style choices that typified that decade, but to see the […]


Like many I was saddened to hear the loss of one of my heroes growing up – Leonard Nimoy was Spock to me as he was to many others. He epitomized the value of science and logic in the resolution of problems As my good Friend Jane Sarasohn-Kahn highlighted in her tribute on Healthpopuli: Learning from […]


There is no known medical condition that enables an individual to predict the future. While such an ability would be extremely useful for myriad reasons, we have, instead, learned to hone and leverage our analytic skills to deduce what might occur, relying on the data we cull and parse to help forecast the future. So, […]


As a physician and a CMIO, I’m forever seeking the latest technology offerings that might help us solve some of the very complex problems that exist in healthcare. With that goal in mind, I set out across the CES 2015 showroom floor, seeking the best in health innovation. While it was interesting to see all […]


This year I have the privilege of attending CES2015 in Las Vegas – for those of you who have not been before its big..even by Las Vegas standards. CES attracts 150,000 visitors (all looking for the same cabs so I’m willing to bet that Uber is not going to work as well), occupies 2,000,000 sq […]


I am at Medicine 2.0 this week and will be participating on the panel Bridging the Digital Divide and will then be presenting: Speech and Medical Intelligence – Allowing Doctors to Focus on Patients Not Technology This is an exciting time for mobile devices and while we know there is a discrepancy in the accessibility of mobile technology […]


This week I will be at the Medicine 2.0 Conference on a panel Bridging the Patient Digital Divide moderated byMelody Smith Jones and includesLauren Still andNick Genes The session was put together by Melody to take on the oft talked about but perhaps poorly understood “Digital Divide”. Patients spend less than 1% of their time with doctors […]


This article originally appeared on WhatsNext: HealthcareOne in eight U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.  In 2014 alone, an estimated 295,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed.  That’s approximately 808 cases per day. That’s ~640 cases per day or a little over 1 […]


After all the hype and knee jerk politics and media I was delighted to read this piece Ebola US Patient Zero: lessons on misdiagnosis and effective use of electronic health records by Upadhyay,  Sittig and Singh (PDF file here) A thoughtful piece that drilled in to the detail of events surrounding the arrival and subsequent […]


This graphic Offers a timely reminder that the US Government delayed a second time the implementation of ICD10 coding system that is used in the rest of the world There is no code for Ebola in ICD9 – just a non-specific 078.89: Other specified diseases due to viruses which covers: Disease SynonymsAcute infectious lymphocytosisCervical myalgia, epidemicDisease […]


I attended the Connected Healthcare Conference in San Diego yesterdayAccelerate mHealth Adoption: Deliver Results through Data Driven Business Models for End-User Engagement Never has there been so much to play for in the mobile health landscape, a revolution is just round the corner with key players from the health care and consumer markets coming together […]


Like many people the death of Robin Williams was sad on so many levels and while my connection with him was limited to the exposure I had through his canvas of work, I like others felt I knew him. He was not only prolific in his work with a list of films, interviews and shows (and […]


Come join me in the conversation with my colleagues at the SpeechTek 2014 conference in Marriott Hotel in Time Square, Manhattan New York. The Panel: C103 – PANEL: The Digital Healthcare Revolution at 1:15 p.m – 2:00 p.m. The panel moderator Bruce Pollock, Vice-President, Strategic Growth and Planning at West Interactive and on Social Media @brucepollock I will be […]


I attended a Wearble Technology conference today in Pasadena California: Wearable Tech LA There was a wide range of technologies and innovations – everything from the mind monitoring by IntraXon’sMuse headband. Here’s their online demo video One of the more interesting concepts takes the challenge we have all faced mastering the mechanics of walking, exercise, […]


We have some Healthcare reform in the US but we are still challenged with a system that is failing to deliver results. This piece recently: America Ranks No. 1 for Over-Priced, Inefficient Health Care featured the chart from the Commonwealth fund That ranks the US last in a group of 11 industrialized countries. As he puts […]


Previously posted on HITConsultant On a recent flight, I had my headphones on and the Rolling Stones’ “Satisfaction” began to play. It’s a song I have heard hundreds of times over the years, but I was struck by the difference listening to it with headphones made. With no distractions, I noticed the bass line, in […]


I have the privilege of spending a lot of time on the road interacting with clinicians around the country (and world). I hear with too much frequency many doctors complaining about the Electronic Medical Record and how it fails to help them and in many cases makes their work harder. Some of this is a […]


Software Advice recently published this survey: Do Patients Really Care if You Use Your EHR in the Exam Room? It was very revealing! It turns out contrary to the perception that the intrusion of EMR’s in the office patients prefer electronic documentation to alternatives Most Patients Don’t Mind Electronic Note-Taking During Exams In each case, more than […]

