Author: Dr Nick

Page: 25

How Americans DieThis is a fantastic visual presentation of data that you can look at in more detail on the Bloomberg SiteError: Embedded data could not be displayed.If the embedded page does not work head over there directly here The main points highlighted The mortality rate fell by about 17 percent from 1968 through 2010, […]


In an interesting post on the medscape site (subscription/registration probably required): The Pitfalls of Giving Free Advice to Family and Friends Shelly Reese described some of the challenges of giving medical advice to friends and family (even if you are a wannabe Dr Phil). As she puts it the path can sometimes lead to challenging areas […]


Social Media is here to stay and its impact in Healthcare has been impressive and far reaching. If you still need convincing – look no further than this piece 24 Outstanding Statistics & Figures on How Social Media has Impacted the Health Care Industry that features a host of examples. As they put it In a […]


The Panel “The Art of Medicine” Panel (part of the Art of Medicine campaign) took place yesterday from 9 – 11am at the Boston’s W Hotel, 100 Stuart St, Boston, MA Our panelists from Left to Right John D. Halamka, MD, MS, CIO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (and Life as  healthcare CIO blog and @jhalamka) Keith Dreyer, DO, […]


The Art of Medicine Panel (part of the Art of Medicine campaign) is hosted this week and I am looking forward to hearing from our panelists: John D. Halamka, MD, MS, CIO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (and Life as  healthcare CIO blog and @jhalamka) Steven J. Stack, MD, past chair of the American Medical […]


HIMSS was exciting and despite the HIS Talk HISies awarding Google Glass the most over rated technology: Oh, @wareflo – this could hurt… #HIStalkapalooza14 Most overrated tech @histalk HISSIES #HIMSS14— Mandi Bishop (@MandiBPro) February 25, 2014 I know I am biased as one of the lucky Google Glass Explorer as can be seen in […]


Medicine is part science…. Part art.The relationship between physicians and patients is at the core of healing. This begins with hearing and understanding. We want to reimagine healthcare—where physicians can get back to the art of medicine and were delighted to be joined by panelists: Dr. Mark Kelemen, Senior Vice President, CMIO, University of Maryland […]


The Physician (#DrHIT) Symposium at #HIMSS14Opening session was eloquently covered by Robert Wah, MD (@RobertWahMD) detailing the spectrum of issues ranging from the new Healthcare System: The challenge of SGR “fix(es)” and the evolution of the systems we are implementing and the value proposition. As he put it Quality of care is improved with better information — […]


The new Art of Medicine campaign is focused on getting physicians back to their original roots – the reason we all stepped over the threshold of medical education and into an honorable profession to serve our community. Its all about the patient but changes in the healthcare system and in particular changes with technology have […]


This post originally appeared on HIT Consultant During a recent and troubling discussion with a physician friend, he described to me a new ailment he’s been experiencing: waking up in the morning, and not looking forward to going to work.  The reality is that he is not alone.  It’s no secret that physicians across the […]


Many years ago I remember an excited friend who worked for one of the vendors of electronic medical records (really this was more of a billing and patient tracking and management system than and Electronic Health record) desperate to show me some of their new applications – in particular a module they had developed to […]


It can be frustrating to be a clinician in the era of the internet and instantaneous availability of data especially when the reliability and accuracy is variable. But this is the world we live in and there is plenty of data showing that patients are accessing information in ever increasing numbers. The challenge has been […]


I was reminded of there Jerry Maguire movie clip when I read the latest in a long line of security breach stories – this one emanating from Canada where this group is in hot water over a massive 620,000 patient data breach…taking 4 months to notify authorities. Apparently Canada does not have a national Breach […]


Possibly one of the best advertising videos…ever What’s your influence..


We know doctors are under an ever increasing load may eventually break their backs..if nothing else its increasing the overall pain In a recent study of physician attitudes toward clinical documentation technology and processes clinicians the majority of clinicians said they would be more responsive to Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) clarifications if they were delivered […]


This is not news for many in the healthcare profession as they face the challenges of billing rules and regulations and the sometimes obscure idiosyncrasy – but as you can see form this piece on NBC for many patients this is a surprise and a costly one at that Visit for breaking news, world […]


This piece in Wired Natural Language Tech and Medicine: Just What the Doctor Ordered by our very own Joe Petro (SVP of Engineering) as he puts it Somethings gotta give! Yes it does. Healthcare and in particular doctors are juggling far too many changes And like the picture of Aaron Gregg who achieved the world record of the […]


December 13, 2013

23 and Me and

The FDA issued a warning letter to 23andMe on Nov 22, 2013. There followed a slew of articles, posts, tweets and commentary – amongst the many there’s also more reason for concern …. Class Action Law Suit Filed Against @23andMe via @forbes @danmunro— Gregg Masters (@2healthguru) December 3, 2013 And this piece on Forbes […]


Nelson (Rolihlahla) Mandela or Mandiba as he was know to many was an inspiration for many with his incredible strength and especially his compassion and moral courage despite his 25 year incarceration. His strength contributed to the Rainbow Nation. In the words of another early lost talent Bob Marley: I Want you to know I’m […]


You can always rely on Hollywood to take concepts and extend them into the future – sometimes correctly (cloaking, holographic TV, forcefields and eco skeletons with mind control), sometimes incorrectly (aluminum dresses, atmosphere that is completely controlled, suspension bridge apartment housing). We have had speech recognition and Spock’s request: So it was no surprise to find the […]


Patients deserve the same standard and car that doctors receive when they need treatment. But as I have said before (Doctors Die Differently and more recently Treatment Creep in Medicine – sucking Decency out of Patients) we remain challenged especially when it comes to dying. This piece by Dan Gorenstein, How Doctors Die: Showing Others the […]


This recent post on the Atlantic: How CPR Became So Popular reminded me of a piece I wrote some time back – Doctors Die Differently. As I said then: Its not that doctors don’t want to die, its just that they knwo they know enough about modern medicine to know its limits, importantly they have […]


In a great expose of the value of the narrative Dr Regina Harrell explores Why A Patient’s Story Matters More Than A Computer Checklist in a journey documenting one elderly patient with knee pain and underlying Dementia Sadly Dr Harrell spends more time on technology than on the important aspect of patient engagement and clinical care: At […]


Video of the presentation from the Health2.0 show in October 2013 of the Florence DemonstrationYou can see Florence in action at the siteor in the video below


I received a link form a friend to this article Robots, Soldiers, & Cyborgs: The Future Of Warfare – I think in part because I post on the value and opportunity of the intelligent agentIn fact I just talked about this recently around the concept of smart shelves instead of selling shelves. It was this comment […]

