Author: Dr Nick
Page: 28
A Nurse Learns Firsthand That You May Fend For Yourself After A Hospital Stay Beth Ann Swan1 Author Affiliations 1Beth Ann Swan ( is dean and professor at the Jefferson School of Nursing at Thomas Jefferson University, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She and her husband, Eric, express their gratitude to their colleagues and the many great […]
December 2011 ICD-10 and Its Impact on Radiology By Ronald V. Bucci, PhD Radiology Today Vol. 12 No. 12 P. 10 Dr Jones sends his patient John to the radiology department for an x-ray of his nasal bones. John’s pet turtle bit him and, distracted by the pain, John walked into the lamppost in the […]
I am excited to be joined by one of the keynote speakers from HIMSS13 conference Dr Eric Topol – Author of The Creative Destruction of Medicine: How the Digital Revolution Will Create Better Health Care and has been named in the list of the Top 100 Most Influential Physician Executive in Healthcare, 2012 by Modern […]
I am excited to be joined by one of the keynote speakers from HIMSS13 conference Dr Eric Topol – Author of The Creative Destruction of Medicine: How the Digital Revolution Will Create Better Health Care and has been named in the list of the Top 100 Most Influential Physician Executive in Healthcare, 2012 by Modern […]
Welcome to this new series, Topol on The Creative Destruction of Medicine, which is named for my new book, The Creative Destruction of Medicine. I’m Dr. Eric Topol, Director of the Scripps Translational Science Institute and Editor-in-Chief of Medscape Genomic Medicine and In this series I will detail the driving forces behind what I […]
Share This article Earlier this year, well known cardiologist Eric Topol published his highly successful book, “The Creative Destruction of Medicine.” In it he describes several examples where smartphones, particularly the iPhone, have been morphed into first-rate medical devices with the potential to put clinical-level diagnostics in the hands of everyday users. Coincidentally, Topol was […]
via Dr Robert walker among a growing band of physicians finding benefit in dictating in front of his patients. As he puts it: Before I started dictating in front of patients, I would have said I don’t make many mistakes. But now once or twice a week they correct me — they say it […]
via What a great post from Katie McCurdy on the new age of medicine and the fact that the medical record needs to be more than single points of data recorded when we stop by a healthcare facility or clinical office. Katie comes at this as an interaction designer so is able to create […]
Video interview wiht John Lynne (@Techguy and @EHRandHIT) on topics ranging from EHR Upcoding, Meaningful Use Stage 2, Interoperability, EHR Consolidation, and ACOs (originally posted here): Posted via email from drnic’s posterous
An exciting month for Voice of the Doctor with the following guests appearing November 2: Terri Mitchell, MSN RNDirector, Clinical Informatics Solutions at Nuance Communications We will be talking about The Healthcare Data Imperative and the challenge of capturing Healthcare data and the importance of capturing information at the point of care when the information is fresh in […]
via The new world of Mobile Healthcare will include an integral component in efficiency – the power of he clinicians voice. Cerner and Epic are The new mobile-native electronic health records (EHRs) systems of Epic and Cerner are being voice-enabled via recent deals with Nuance Communications Not only easy access to the world’s leading […]
A series of Forbes Insights profiles of thought leaders changing the business landscape: Gary Clayton, Chief Creative Officer, Nuance Apple’s Siri iPhone voice-based App interface has forever changed consumer expectations of how to interact with their computing devices. But Nuance’s Nina may represent an even bigger transformation—the consumerization of IT. Nuance has over 10,000 employees, $1.4 billion in […]
The use of electronic health records is linked to significantly higher quality care, according to a new study by Lisa Kern and her team, from the Health Information Technology Evaluation Collaborative in the US. Their work appears online in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, published by Springer. Electronic health records (EHRs) have become a […]
via The latest book exposing the healthcare system and how broken it is from Dr Makary a surgeon from Johns Hopkins. As he says Meet ‘Shrek,’ a doctor who insists on surgery in every case—and has a surgical-incision infection rate of 20%. and more troubling He quotes a recent Hopkins survey of employees of […]
The New Yorker author, surgeon, Harvard University faculty member, and health policy adviser Atul Gawande told the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) today that checklists could help improve the quality of health care and lower costs. PCAST members seemed enamored with the idea of standardizing treatment and procedures, and also discussed […]
Please sit down — this will not be an easy article to digest, no matter how carefully I parse my words. Life under the microscope of Recovery Audit Contractors is going to get tougher for physicians. Three recent developments may impact your practice in the next year. I have written in the past on RACs […]
A recent conference at the Bipartisan Policy Center: Accelerating Electronic Information Sharing to Improve Quality and Reduce Costs in Health Care The full agenda is here and you can watch all the proceedings online in the video: There are some great sessions but as always Dr Farzad Mostashari, MD, ScM, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, Department of Health […]
By Ashish Jha, MD The wrong question always produces an irrelevant answer, no matter how well-crafted that answer might be. Unfortunately the debate on health information technology seems to be increasingly focused on the wrong question. An Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal argues that we have had a “Major Glitch” in the use of electronic […]
Women “catching up” in many countries Posted via email from drnic’s posterous
This month we will be Sep 7Brad Tritle (@BTritle)who is currenlty the chair of the HIMSS Social Media Task Force. He is currently co-editing a forthcoming HIMSS book on consumer engagement and consulting under the Office of the National Coordinator on consumer engagement for State HIEs and immunization registries. Amongst the areas of focus: Health Information Exchange Consumer […]
via Nuance wants your help – we want to make #HealthIT smarter and have issued a challenge (similar to the successful challenge from HIMS2012) Can you take the Clinical Language Understanding (CLU) software development toolkit and apply this in your application. The opportunity to convert free form narrative content into meaningful clinically actionable data […]
via Technology replacing doctors….. Still missing The Human Element and besides in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings March 2006 vol. 81 no. 3 338-344 they identified the most most important characteristics patients feel a good doctor must possess confident, empathetic, humane, personal, forthright, respectful, and thorough These facets are entirely human and will be hard […]
Recent review by Medscape (Membership required) THe advice from EHR users included the suggestions: “Learn to Type VERY Well” Intelligent integration of speech recognition is a genuine solution to that challenge Rankings were interesting – Amazing Charts still hitting the top spot In Medscape’s 2012 survey, the 5 top-ranked EHRs were Amazing Charts, Practice Fusion, VA-CPRS, […]
Speech Technology Speech recognition offers efficiencies today but recent innovations and new technologies will expand the horizon of opportunity with speech technologies that will change the human computer interface, simplifying the interaction and offering new and innovative tools that increase efficiency and safety of healthcare delivery and reduce the administrative burden and decrease costs. Medical […]
via This problem needs to be fixed – if the debt load for a student emerging from medical school training is that high their income needs will be very high just to make loan payments. Average debt of $162,000 – $205,000: Imagine starting out your early life with that kind of debt load! Posted […]