Author: Dr Nick
Page: 29
Nice Summary from Healthcare Informatics in graphic form of the major changes of MU1 -> MU2 Posted via email from drnic’s posterous
Posted via email from drnic’s posterous
This week I will be joined by Clint McClellan (Twitter @clintmc1) who is Sr. Dir. of Strategic Marketing at Qualcomm Life and the President and Chairman of the Continua Health Alliance. HE and I will be talking about the Continua Health Alliance which is a non-profit, open industry organization of healthcare and technology companieswho are collaborating to improve personal healthcare.They […]
Amazing Larry Weed, MD’s (Father of the Problem Orientated Medical record and key innovator in Problem-Oriented Medical Information System (PROMIS) )video is still available but here it is on youtube Interesting to see how he effectively highlights the need for a well-organized problem lists for clear and sound clinical thinking. His thoughts are still relevant today and he is […]
About 6 years ago Dow Chemical sponsored what became a series of iconic TV commercials – simply called The Human Element. They still crop up occasionally – and I still think they are CLIO worthy – but no wins to date. A summary of the soothing, violin accompanied voice-over went like this: For each of us there is a […]
I had the pleasure of talking with Chuck Webster, MD (@EHRWorkflow) over the last few days and weeks and he just posted this interview at his website We found much in common (not justin healthcare but in books, space and science fiction) and he has kindly agreed to join me tomorrow for the #VoiceoftheDr radio […]
via Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Landing on the moon set in motion with these words First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this […]
Apollo 11 Video Introduction… Video Montage of Apollo 11 Moon Landing from 43 years ago today… Posted via email from drnic’s posterous
Some interesting news pieces to review this week including The Value of the EHR “The Relationship Between Electronic Health Records and Malpractice Claims,” from the Archives of Internal Medicine on Jun 25 and featured in the AMED News: “EHR use linked to fewer medical liability claims” on July 16 A research letter published online June […]
Not exactly medical but an area of great interest for me and one that is so fundamental to our world I thought worth talking about. If you want to get a sense of science and how little we still don’t know or understand I recommend you read A Short History of Nearly Everything – Bill […]
July Voice of the Doctor Guests Jul 13Talking to Don Rosenthal (You can follow him on twitter @DonRosenthal) part of the original team that developed the scheduling system for the Hubble Space Telescope and ran the artificial intelligence group at NASA. HE is also the founder and CTO of Allocade and publishes a blog THITSE […]
Voice of the Doctor – JulyThis month we will be July 6I will be joined by my friend and colleague Reid Coleman who joined Nunace as the CMIO for Evidence Based Medicine. Reid was previously the CMIO for Lifespan. He and I both attended the recent Association of Medical Directors of Information Systems 21st annual […]
Last week I had the privilege of attending and participating held at the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda California that took place the same day the Supreme Court announced their decision upholding the Patient Care adn Affordability Act The agenda was filled with a great list of speakers, innovators and visionary thinkers. The early part […]
So there was a lot of interest in the paper published in JAMIA Method of electronic health record documentation and quality of primary care published on JAMI this month. A quick summary They evaluated 18,569 primary care visits, 234 doctors in 2007-08 •Note taking Breakdown –62% of free-text notes –29% structured documentation –9% mainly dictated […]
June 15 Speaking with Ruthann Lipman, DO from the Department of Otolaryngology, Millcreek Community Hospital and David Eibling, MD, FACS from the Department of Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh and VA Pittsburgh who are presenting a paper at Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) this October titled: “Re- engineering the Healthcare Team: Meeting the needs of Providers with Information Specialists” June 22 Joel Selzer (@jbselz), the CEO Ozmosis will […]
Clinical documentation is an increasingly time consuming challenge for clinicians offering significant pressures that are vested in a range of requirements not always tightly aligned with clinical decision making. (See Documentation Coding Burdens) Electronic Medical Records (EMR’s) have added to the burden of information capture and while the prevailing view is that EMR’s improve care (and […]
In a nice piece of reporting on MSNBC we see a good review of the challenge of head gear for young soccer players. as parents we want to protect our children and a web site offering a helmet that claims t reduce concussion by 50% is likely to attract some serious attention. Problem is these […]
The Weight of the Nation – The Obesity Epidemic Top of my list this week is the films “The Weight of the Nation” from HBO over the last few nights. You can watch the films (without a subscription) and really should make a point of doing so. There are 4 episodes, 1 hour each and […]
Last week on VoiceofTheDoctor Radio Show on Friday May 11, 2012 I had the pleasure of talking with Karen Kirby, RN, MSN, NEA-BC, FACHE President and CEO of Kirby Bates Associates and Kathy Douglas, RN, MHA the Chief Nursing Officer for API Healthcare. You can listen to the podcast here or download it from here. We talked about the expanding […]
Have physician-nurse relationships improved? April 11th, 2012 by Jonathan H. Burroughs My daughter Serena will graduate from Oregon Health & Science University School of Nursing in September and I wonder if things will be different for her than for the nurses I worked with more than thirty years ago when I entered the healthcare industry. […]
May 11 May 6 – 12 is National Nurses week In honor of this I will be talking with Karen Kirby, RN, MSN, NEA-BC, FACHE who has over 25 years of experience in healthcare administration and has held top-level nursing and hospital administration positions, and serves as an Associate at the Institute for Nursing Healthcare Leadership within Boston’s Harvard healthcare […]
Join me this month with the following guests May 4 I will be joined by Brian Phelps, MD CEO, Montrue Technologies We will be discussing Best Practices: for Developing Apps for the Medical Community including the integration of speech Montrue technologies were the 2012 Mobile Clinician Voice Challenge Winner with thier award winning SparrowEDIS May 11 May 6 – 12 […]
Todays Apr 27 is news round up on Voice of The Doctor (#VoiceoftheDr, #VotD) Many people know we are suffering drug shortages in the area of chemotherapy drugs (Cisplatin, Doxrubicin, Methotrexate), but did you know that drug shortages in the US include some of these well known and commonly used drugs: Morphine Dextrose Diazepam Epinephrine Liodcaine Naloxone […]
I’ll be joined this Friday by Roger Green a seasoned tech visionary on The Voice of the Doctor radio show at 2:30 pm ET. You can join the conversation: Stream the show live – click the Listen Live Now button on the site to launch our Internet radio player. You can also call in. A […]
Previous post: Greening the operating room Next post: My philanthropic advice to America’s healthcare supporters via Facebook a template for electronic medical records – not as radical as it might sound at first. I blogged the same point back in 2008 A Facebook Medical Record It sounds like Facebook would make a great starting […]