Author: Dr Nick
Page: 33
New innovation improves results in IVF IVF breakthrough to hit the world market Posted via email from drnic’s posterous
Eat more tomatoes…..Tomatoes found to contain nutrient which prevents vascular diseases Posted via email from drnic’s posterous
Nuance’s eScription Platform Honored with Seventh Consecutive Best-in-KLAS Award Seven Consecutive Best in KLAS Awards, Market Growth and Continued Delivery of Innovation Reinforces eScription as Leading Solution for Hosted, Background Speech Recognition BURLINGTON, Mass., – December 20, 2010 – Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN) today announced that its eScription platform has received a Best in […]
via The ability to access clinical information while make clinical rounds proved to be especially helpful to Jon Wahrenberger, M.D., a cardiologist at Dartmouth- Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH where he was able to access information real time while at the patient’s side and used as a collaborative tool with patients reviewing the […]
Following up from my post back in June (NLP in Health care) the Jeopardy challenge is on – coming to your TV February 14 – 16. There was lots of coverage of the announcementThis from the Washington Post – “‘Jeopardy!’ to pit humans against IBM machine” and the IBM releaseKen Jennings and Brad Rutter two […]
via iPad takes healthcare by storm – there are still some difficulties but form factor, battery life and ease of use win users over Posted via email from drnic’s posterous
President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) to Release Health Information Technology Report SPEAKERS: – Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary, HHS– Lawrence Summers, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Director, National Economic Council– David Blumenthal, National Coordinator for Health IT– Eric Lander and Christine Cassel, President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology– […]
A recent Dustin Comic like all good comics hit the proverbial nail on the head Unfortunately the healthcare reform fails to address key aspects to the incentive problem in healthcare. The system remains centered on measuring what we do for patients rather than the end result. There are moves by employers and the insurance industry […]
Despite a Randomized clinical trials (RCT) some eight years ago physicians continue to prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with regular dosage despite the risks associated with this therapy High-Dose HRT Still Prevalent (CME/CE) More evidence for the requirement for clinical support tools and integration of evidence based medicine (EBM) into regular clinical practice. Capturing clinical […]
Great Presentation on 100 day productivity system 100 Day System: Where Creativity and Productivity Collide View more presentations from Steven Feeney.
5 Innovative Technologies Changing Health Care [VIDEOS] Posted via email from drnic’s posterous
Healthcare Illuminated Posted via email from drnic’s posterous
The Doctor will Sync You Now Posted via email from drnic’s posterous
As is often the cases conflicting information in the media on the benefits of screen, x-rays and healthcare.This piece in the NY Times: CT Scans Cut Lung Cancer Deaths, Study Finds suggests that annual CT Scans of current and former smokers reduces the risk of death form lung cancer: Annual CT scans of current and […]
A colleague and friend wrote this great piece for Health Management Technology : The Problem with Problem Lists in which he reviews the history of the problem list (now over 40 years old!) and while While their value in patient care has been demonstrated in countless studies, physicians have historically adopted them with much less enthusiasm than […]
We are facing significant changes to the world of clinical documentation with the big push encompassed in the Meaningful Use requirements that push provides and healthcare facilities inexorably towards an electronic medical record (EMR) but there remain significant concerns over the potential impact these solutions can and will have on our clinical documentation. In this […]
While the idea of law suits against vaccine manufactures is appealing. Opening these doors to a multitude of frivolous cases will have a chilling effect on vaccine development and vaccine use Supreme Court Considers Vaccine Injury Case On the list of snake oil challenges is the vaccine causes autism bunkum. Unsupported in any scientific study […]
Don’t think immunization is just for kids its not. Adults need those boosters too Adults Not Getting Tdap Boosters (CME/CE) Have you had yours? Posted via email from drnic’s posterous
In a timely piece from the NY Times featuring Dr Verghese who continues to demo strategy and teach medical students that the physical examination is an essential part of the clinician patient interaction. At Stanford, Dr. Abraham Verghese on a mission to bring back something he considers a lost art: the physical exam.<<<<<<< what seems […]
We are on a path to roll out a large swathe of Electronic Health Records (EHR) but a recent report published on the Audits of Electronic Health Records Cloning Reveal Documentation Problems That Put Compliance at Risk will give many folks reasons to pause and consider their strategy in rolling out electronic medical records […]
Mike Elgan said so……: Say it with me: Voice is ready for prime time, It’s time for the victory of voice to shout down the tyranny of text in this enlightening piece that had many comments all in the positive relative the to advance of technology Talking is the best user interface…Language is natural to […]
No doubt the recently presented abstract on fish oil will drive even more alternative medicine claims. The study currently preliminary: HFSA: Fish Oil Benefits Early Heart Failure (CME/CE) As always the data requires careful analysis and while superficially linking taking fish oil to reducing cardiac diseases but there are problems with this approach – the […]
In yet another noteAble challenge faced in the healthcare system over the coming years is the massive increase in Dementia over the next 20 years. Expect to see an additional 85% more in the next 20 years Report Predicts Massive Dementia Burden This is another symptom of the baby boomers getting older tied to the […]
In a move away from “pay and chase” to fraud prevention Medicare will start to ask for fingerprint and background checks on some beneficiaries in an attempt to decrease fraud Medicare Proposes New Anti-Fraud Measures Challenging problem with big money at stake but seems this strategy may fall foul of individual rights based on innocent […]
For Compression Hose, Length Matters (CME/CE) Using above knee bs cAlf length compression TED stockings improves prevention of DVTs in at risk patients Posted via email from drnic’s posterous