Author: Dr Nick
Page: 8
This week we Fred and I discuss the challenge of vaccine resistance in the US and around the world, some of the history behind the myths, snakeoil, mis and dis-information that circulates misleading people. We address the safety concerns that some have and highlight the long scientific foundation of the vaccines (On the Shoulders of […]
This week I find myself in Las Vegas to attend the HIMSS 2021 conference that was postponed from the beginning of the pandemic and it has been an interesting experience. There are so many elements of deja vu in the run-up arriving at the 2020 conference that I had advice to offer for those […]
This week I am talking to James Mault, MD, CEO of BioIntelliSense (@BioIntelliSense), who started out as a Cardiopulmonary technician and found his path and career by way of a mentor, Bob Bartlett with the father of ECMO to become a Cardiothoracic surgeon. His early experiences drove his desire for more complete monitoring, closer to the experience […]
This week we discuss the importance of mask wearing which as one observer noted When the CDC issued its mask guidance two months ago, it got the science right, but the policy and communication wrong…..the backsliding of the United States’ pandemic progress necessitated the return of indoor masking. This has happened because of those who […]
We can’t escape the rising tide of COVID19 cases occurring in hot spots around the country driven by the Delta variant. There is disagreement on the best mitigation strategies with some places requiring vaccines, some requiring face coverings, as int eh Case of HIMSS in Las Vegas and some outright rejecting any mitigation. We […]
This months episode of “News you can Use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of August You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see covered. You can reach out direct via […]
Who is your Rivka Rosenstein Sachin Jain posted his 6th grade journey with his science teacher of the time – Mrs Rivka Rosenstein, or more accurately how Mrs Rosenstein saw fault in her student who was not doing his best None of my other teachers found fault with my approach or cared enough to say […]
The latest data is creating additional concerns with the rising incidence of the Delta variant that is running through communities, especially those that are unvaccinated. There are a number of factors at play with increased transmissibility that appears to be attributable to the virus shedding in infected individuals earlier and at high rates (Viral infection […]
National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) This week I am talking to Kelvin Coleman, Executive Director of the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) (@StaySafeOnline) that is building lasting public/private partnerships to create and implement broad-reaching education and awareness efforts to help enable us all to be cyber aware and cybersafe Kelvin describe himself as the Forest Gump […]
COVID kills more Americans than guns, cars and flu….combined We are fortunate and have widespread availability of vaccines yet we find that the overwhelming majority of deaths caused by COVID19 are to be found in unvaccinated people We discuss how businesses should approach these challenges focusing on the local data and emerging cases and providing […]
This week I am talking to Emad Rizk, MD President and CEO of Cotiviti (@Cotiviti) who are providing analytics reshaping the economics of healthcare. Emad has had extensive experience working with payers, hospital systems, government, physicians, and pharmaceutical companies, that offers a unique lens to help solve some of the hard problems in healthcare. We discuss the […]
This week saw the extraordinary coming together of the CDC, FDA and NIH in the fastest response we have seen in a while If you live in the U.S. and have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, you don't need a booster shot, FDA and CDC said in a joint statement today — APHA (@PublicHealth) […]
Fixing Healthcare This week I am talking to Sachin Jain, MD, MBA, (@sacjai) President and CEO of the SCAN Group and SCAN Health Plan that is focused on keeping seniors healthy and Independent. Sachin is a physician by training, but has had tours of duty in the federal government, pharma industry, managed care and care delivery and as a result has […]
This months episode of “News you can Use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of June 2022 You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see covered. You can reach out direct […]
This time last year we focused on the importance of masks and discussed the reasons why Bandana’s are not as effective. A year later we know so much more but much of the guidance remains the same but now we have vaccines The Delta variant remains a concern but good news around the protection from […]
This week Fred and I review the news on Myocarditis that has now been added as a possible side effect to the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) and the details in the latest CDC update and what you need to know ⬇️Incidence remains rare 👨👨👦Occurs more frequently in younger adults and males 👍Risk reward ratio […]
This week I am talking to Ron Chiarello, PhD (@roncphd) CEO and founder of Alveo Technologies, bringing diagnostic testing into the home: Everyone, Anytime, Everywhere Ron started his career in physics where he was involved in low temperature technology and testing for contamination using high intensity x-rays. Like me he was influenced by the original Star Trek […]
This week Fred and review the latest data on the Delta variant that is sweeping across countries and causing concern. The data as it stands suggests this variant is more contagious (spreads easier from person to person) and has increased virulence (more likely to cause severe illness in unvaccinated people). It has become the dominant […]
The Regulatory Whisperer This week I am talking to Michael Hufford the CEO and Co-Founder of Lygensis a company that is breaking the mold of organ replacement and enabling organ regeneration. They recently received FDA 2A clearance and additional funding and will be starting their first human trials shortly. Michaels background has helped him master the […]
Take Control of Your Tasks Do you find yourself distracted and failing to get things done by the end of the day? New job, new living space, new environment? Or perhaps it’s just the same thing but more tasks and more activities as we find our world returning to the previous activities as we start […]
This week Fred and I look into our crystal ball and tease out some of the changes we will see in our world that will stay with us post the COVID19 pandemic 😷Are masks here to stay? 🤧What about Sick Leave policy ♻️Surveillance and Wastewater Monitoring 🏙Building Re-Design 🧠Brain Health Challenges especially for Children […]
Carin Alliance This week I am talking to Ryan Howells, Principal at Leavitt Partners and a Healthcare technology specialist and focus on the and also the program manager of the Carin Alliance that is trying to get more data into the hands of patients and building on a multitude of interoperability programs. We discuss the early challenges […]
Money Games in Healthcare and How To Solve them This week I am talking to Marty Makary, MD, MPH, (@MartyMakary) Professor Johns Hopkins School of Medicine & Bloomberg School of Public Health Editor of Medpage, and author of The Price We Pay – What Broke American Healthcare – and How to Fix It (released Jun 8, 2021) and Unaccountable […]
This week we Fred and I discuss the long tail of COVID19 that is impacting many people with “Long COVID” discussing some of the theories, what symptoms people see include fatigue, headache, dyspnea and anosmia and was more likely with increasing age and body mass index and female gender Based on the most recent published […]
For memorial weekend Fred and I discuss the challenge of vaccine resistance in the US and around the world, some of the history behind the myths, snake-oil, mis and dis-information that circulates misleading people. We address the safety concerns that some have and highlight the long scientific foundation of the vaccines (On the Shoulders of […]