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This week I am talking to Chip Steiner, Product Manager Healthcare Practice for Chip has been bringing speech enablement to healthcare for a long time and in the very early days managed to get the Director of The Fantastic Voyage, Richard Fleischer to lecture to his team. We talk about the history of speech enablement […]


This week is a special week to celebrate the New Year and I am talking to some of my fellow show hosts to get their take on what to expect in the coming year in healthcare. In alphabetical order, I was joined by Matt Fisher (@Matt_R_Fisher), General Counsel at Carium and Host of Healthcare de Jure […]


This month is our final episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of December 2022 and a close-out to the year As I did last month I am talking to Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners. We discuss the latest news out of China which is grappling with […]


2 hits, 0 starter, 2 Misses and 3 Maybe’s 2 Hits Speech enablement, despite the experience of Amazon and the losses it has from the Alexa solution, remains a central solution and capability that continues to offer new and exciting capabilities. It’s not just navigation and clinical documentation but is increasingly showing promise for clinical […]


Conference Season Opens This month’s episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of November 2022 As I did last month I am talking to Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners. This week we discuss the recent spate of conferences and some of the highlights and positives […]


Attending the CHIME 2022 30th Anniversary celebration was a real trip back through memory lane A reminder of what was going on 30 years ago included the maiden voyage of the Space Shuttle Endeavor (now in the California Science Center) and AT&T launching their first “VideoPhone 2500” (it sold for $1,500 per unit). Also notable […]


This week I am talking to Micha Breakstone, (@michabreakstone) CEO and Co-FOunder of (@neuralight) a company using novel objective and sensitive neurological biomarkers to accelerate neurological trials and increase their success rates Micah has an unusual background and history who thought he would be a novelist but found his way into serial entrepreneurship successfully launching […]


This week I am talking to John Martin, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, Butterfly Network, Inc. (@ButterflyNetInc) who is revolutionizing the traditional practice of medicine by adding imaging capabilities to the doctor’s tool bag earlier in the diagnosis and treatment process of patients. John’s career started in vascular surgery where he found his ability to bring about […]


This week I am talking to Krishna Kurapati (@krishnaqliq), Founder & CEO of Qliksoft (@QlikSOFT). Krishna started his career in innovation and security and found his way into healthcare like many of us with connections and friends who were struggling with technology not working well to support the delivery of care. We talk about the […]


This week I am talking to Phil Bosua (@philbosh), CEO at Know Labs (@TheKnowLabs). Phil has a long and interesting background as an inventor and early producer of apps making over 600 before he moved on to invent the portable scanner “ScanBox” and LIFX – the reinvented wifi-connected color-tunable light bulb. He partnered with Ron […]


This week I am talking to Randy Hawkins, MD Chief Medical Officer of Carrum Health (@CarrumHealth). Randy is an anesthesiologist who practiced medicine in the Navy and has a long career in digital enablement, electronic medical records, and meaningful use. He is focused on delivering the triad of healthcare to everyone that brings the appropriate […]


This week I am talking to Branislav Vajdic, CEO and Founder of HeartBeam (@HeartBeami) which has developed a credit card-sized medical-grade heart attack detector that anyone can use anywhere. Branislav shares his personal story that includes his place in history in developing the Solid State technology that we all use and depend on for our storage […]


This week I am talking to Darin Vercillo, MD, chief medical officer and co-founder of ABOUT Healthcare, Inc (@ABOUT_est2005) who offer intelligent access and coordination across healthcare networks. Darin is a board-certified and practicing hospitalist who describes sitting in an ER department with a colleague, where as usual the hospital was full with patients backing up […]


This week I am talking to Pranay Kapedia (@pranayk), Founder and CEO of Notable (@notablehealth) a company that is taking the adjacent possible from the finance (Intuit and Turbotax) and mortgage world of customer service and bringing the technology to bear on the beleaguered healthcare system. Scars and Skills As he described it he has […]


March 15, 2022

HIMSS 2022 Day 2

On the second day of HIMSS 2022, the halls were open and in full swing. It was good to see a vibrant community of people all smiling and looking happy. It was hard to walk around and miss the delighted voices, comments, and pictures being taken of people seeing each other in person for the […]


10 Years on this article (The Cost of Technology) remains relevant to healthcare especially as we push to digitize the experience. There is much talk and continued push towards the ‘Digital Front Door’ and augmenting the healthcare system with #DigitalHealth but design continues to take a back seat. Technology was never and should never be […]


Intelligent Scheduling This week I am talking to Jennifer Meller, MD (@drjen_Navimize), CEO & Founder, Navimize (@navimize )that is focusing on solving the problem of dissatisfaction for patients stuck in waiting rooms around the country. The problem sounds simple but in healthcare as usual the devil is in the detail. Part of the key ingredients Jennifer found […]


This week I am talking to David Hunt, Founder & President of the Cosán Group – which is Gaelic for path, a path that David has been on since growing up in the Boston area with a tight knit family. His career started out in the Medicare world which provided some early insights into the challenges […]


This week I am talking to Nate Fox (@NateTheFox) the Chief technology Officer for Ribbon Health (@RibbonHealthAPI) a company connecting the dots in healthcare with data access. Congratulations are also in order as they just received $43.5 Million in Series B funding. Nate is an engineer by training who worked at Microsoft and got interested in data […]


Designing a Resilient Healthcare System This week I am talking to Margaret Lozovatsky, MD (@DoctorLozo),  SVP and Chief Health Informatics Officer at Novant Health (@NovantHealth). Margaret came into medicine with a computer science degree right at the time Electronic Health Records were being rolled out giving her an edge in both understanding as well as seeing the […]


Consensus Cloud Solutions This week I am talking to John Nebergall, Chief Operating Officer of Consensus Cloud Solutions which we recorded live from HIMSS 21 in Las Vegas. Consensus is a spin off from J2 and eFax and they provide interoperability and streamlined workflows in a simple platform that keeps you connected through each patient’s continuum of care […]


Affordable Equitable Healthcare for Everyone This week I am talking to Miles Romney, CTO and co-founder of eVisit (@eVisit). Miles has an unusual and interesting background, he is a health IT expert who also produces Broadway musicals and has even won a Tony Award. His diversity brings some unique insights to the world of healthcare where […]


This week I am talking to Abboud Chaballout, founder/CEO of Diagnoss, the medical coding “whisperer” company. Like many of my guests Abboud has an interesting journey, in his case through law school  developing experience founding and building companies as an entrepreneur and working in the medical coding and billing world where he learnt about money flow […]


Monitoring in the Medical Home This week I am talking to Tom Hale, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer at VirtuSense a company providing monitoring in healthcare settings for automated fall detection and is now adding biometrics sensors for broader insights and opportunities for intervention in the medical home. Tom’s early work found him heading up Mercy […]


March 22, 2021

Shared Care

Shared Care Solutions This week I am talking to Dr Chris Hobson, Chief Medical Officer, Orion Health (@OrionHealth), a population health and precision medicine company focused on data to support the delivery of the best possible care. Chris started out working in hospitals medicine for 6 years and spent time in primary care in New Zealand before […]

