Artificial Intelligence
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Monitoring in the Medical Home This week I am talking to Tom Hale, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer at VirtuSense a company providing monitoring in healthcare settings for automated fall detection and is now adding biometrics sensors for broader insights and opportunities for intervention in the medical home. Tom’s early work found him heading up Mercy […]
Shared Care Solutions This week I am talking to Dr Chris Hobson, Chief Medical Officer, Orion Health (@OrionHealth), a population health and precision medicine company focused on data to support the delivery of the best possible care. Chris started out working in hospitals medicine for 6 years and spent time in primary care in New Zealand before […]
Soundcloud Meets Rap Genius This week I am talking to Shiv Rao, MD (@ShivdevRao) is the co-founder and CEO of Abridge (@ABridgeHQ), which uses groundbreaking machine learning to help people understand the details of their care and follow through on their doctors’ advice. He is also a faculty member and practicing cardiologist at UPMC’s Heart and Vascular Institute. Shiv […]
Returning Ultimate Control of Care to the Patient This week I am talking to Rob Kowal, MD, PhD Chief Medical Officer, of Medtronic (@Medtronic/@MDT_Cardiac) and a cardiac electrophysiologist who has been part of the incredible progress and innovation that have taken place in implantable cardiac devices. He talks about the progress from the early days of external pacing […]
Pattern Recognition for the Visual Mind This week I am meeting with Art Papier, MD, a dermatologist and CEO and co-founder of VisualDx, a company offering a diagnostic clinical decision support system designed to enhance diagnostic accuracy, aid therapeutic decisions, and improve patient safety and recently featured in the NY Times for their 20-year journey an […]
Adnan Iqbal, CEO & co-founder, and Dr. Tashfeen Ekram, MD, CMO & co-founder of Luma Health (@lumahealthhq) that is helping solve capacity and scheduling problems and creating a single solution for connection and connectivity for the patient journey. They came together to solve the problem after Adnan tore his ACL and couldn’t get in for a scan […]
We Might Already Have had a Solution to COVID19 This week I am talking with Dr Jake Reder, PhD the CEO of CeldaraMedical – am innovation incubator and accelerator focused on transforming academic innovations into medicines that cure the world’s most challenging diseases. The company was originally launched during the financial crisis and as Jake […]
What We’ve Been Missing This week I am talking to Tom Goodmanson CEO of Calabrio (@Calabrio), a customer focused contact tracing solution provider that has been workmen with state and local health and government technology leaders to rapidly build out contact tracing operations and manage the agent workforce. Tom has a very personal connection to contact […]
Testing, Testing, Testing, 1,2,3 This months episode of “News you can Use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of September. You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see covered. You can reach […]
Data Sharing is Data Caring This week I am talking to Sita Kapoor, CIO, and Co-Founder of HealthEC a data company that is connecting the dots in healthcare. As you will hear Sita has a fascinating background that started in the aeronautics sector as part of an engineering team that programmed the navigational backup system […]
Greetings Professor This week I am talking to Dr. Kathleen Carley, Ph.D., Professor at Carnegie Mellon University – School of Computer Science – Institute for Software Research & CEO of Netanomics. She heads up the Center for Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems (CASOS) that focuses on combatting disinformation online. In this recent feature on NPR: Nearly Half […]
Reducing Friction in Healthcare This week I am talking to Greg Johnsen, CEO (@gregjohnsen) of LifeLink – a company creating a frictionless experience for patients, providers, and researchers using chatbot technology. We discuss the challenges in healthcare, which in many respects seems to continue to place barriers to work with requirements and processes that challenge even […]
Reducing Transmission of COVID19 This months episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of July You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see covered. You can reach out direct via the contact form on my […]
Curated Surgical Training This week I am talking to Richard Vincent, CEO and Co-Founder of FundamentalVR, a company focused on democratizing access to surgery through virtual training. Richard came from a technology background building applications and solutions for the emerging mobile marketplace. To their eye, the next wave included the application of Virtual Reality and […]
Precision Joint Replacement Surgery This week I am talking with Jim Pierrepont, Ph.D., Chief Innovation Officer at the Corin Group, where they are bringing data to bear for improved outcomes in Orthopedic joint replacement. Jim has spent his entire career in the world of orthopedics, starting with his first degree Biomedical Engineering and ultimately a doctorate. […]
This week I am talking to Kim Nilsson, CEO of Pivigo (@Pivigo) and an Astrophysicist. Kim is on her second of perhaps multiple careers that began looking at the stars and is currently looking at data. After getting her PhD she decided to get an MBA and like other guests on this show discovered the […]
Smart Toilets This week I am talking to Chad Adams, President, and CEO of Medic Life – makers of one of the world’s smartest toilets, even smarter? In the context of our current Pandemic with the spread of the Virus SARS-CoV-2 that is sweeping the world and causing the disease COVID19 a virus detecting smart toilet […]
The Importance of Hands-Free This week I am talking with Ben Kanter, MD CMIO for Vocera, the communications company that took the Star Trek Communicator inspired badge and put it into a hospital. They have been offering voice-enabled communications for over 20 years but have emerged as a communication and collaboration platform that uses multiple data […]
This week I am talking to Amy Abernethy, MD, Ph.D. (@DrAbernethyFDA) the Principal Deputy Commissioner & Acting CIO for the FDA (@US_FDA). We had talked in January at CES about the forthcoming meeting focused on the FDA’s Technology Modernization Action Plan (outline here) but as a result of the COVID19 pandemic, the meeting was postponed to Jun 30 (details […]
Unlocking Data Potential In this special episode I am talking with David Lareau, CEO, Jay Anders, MD Chief Medical Officer and Toni Laracuente, RN Chief Nursing Officer all from Medicomp Systems. We discuss the challenge in healthcare of getting data to the clinical team that need it – so much of the content that has been created in the […]
Full Month of Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring This week I am talking to Josep Sola, Ph.D. Co-Founder and CTO for Aktiia (@aktiiaglobal), who have created a wrist-worn cuffless continuous blood pressure monitor that lasts a month on one battery charge. How and why does a telecoms engineer end up in medical device and sensor research looking […]
Clinical Pattern Recognition This week I am talking with Dave Lareau, CEO of MediComp (@MedicompSys) who has been solving the problem of too much data but not enough information. Dave was involved in the early solutions that became the Lotus Notes platform moving from an early billing solution to a clinically focused solution designed to […]
Connecting the Dots This week I am talking to Matthew Michela, President, and CEO of Life Image a company trying to navigate the deluge of information and connecting the dots in the data-rich world of healthcare that remains knowledge poor. Matthew has been in the healthcare industry for an extended period of time and shares […]
Operating Room Efficiency This week I am talking to Dr. Bala Nair, Ph.D. CTO and Co-Founder of Perimatics and an Associate Professor at the University of Washington along with Dr. Rajeev Saxena, MD, MBA Anesthesiology Resident at the University of Washington. They are authors on the paper: Improving Operating Room Efficiency: Machine Learning Approach to Predict Case-Time Duration that […]
This week I am talking to Tom Knight, CEO & Founder of Invistics. The companies name derives from Inventory Visibility and Analytics where they started many years ago tracking inventory and providing better data to companies trying to manage production and their supply chain as the world moved to just in time manufacturing and shipping. […]