Artificial Intelligence
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If you’re like me, you’re always trying to find the best deals on your credit card, cable, and phone providers. That may mean calling up every 12 months to renegotiate annual contracts—or threatening to cancel. But for many people, the cost of putting in this time and effort is too high, so they just renew […]
As a physician, it likely won’t (or shouldn’t!) surprise you to hear that my first and foremost focus has, and always will be, on the patient. Whether it be as a practicing physician where I saw patients daily, to numerous opportunities working in both healthcare and computing with consulting firms and technology companies – […]
Is the iPhoneX and overpriced luxury or does it represent fantastic value when you consider the features and functions it delivers and the opportunity to improve your health? Seeing a mobile device as a phone is much like the perception that the Apple Watch is a watch – it’s really not. They selected that form factor and […]
Rethinking Wellness in the Wearable Age This past week I had the privilege of joining ~30 or so people from around the country in Los Angeles to hear about the work Aetna and Apple have been doing as part of their partnership announced last Fall (Aetna to Transform Members’ Consumer Health Experience Using iPhone, iPad and […]
The Year 2030 by Dr Nick van Terheyden (@DrNic1) How will the world of medicine change in the next 15 years? Well 15 years ago AOL had just bought Time Warner, the human genome had just been deciphered and published and the first inhabitants of the International Space Station had arrived. The Year 2030 – […]
Once again I am headed to CES this year. Last year the DigitalHealth pavilion was overflowing with people, innovation, and wearables designed to influence us to a healthier life. The show still features the big sections of technology for cars, televisions and 3-D printers but much of the show is being turned over to healthcare […]
Its an exciting time to be in healthcare and medicine – technology is bringing so much innovation and opportunity to improve the delivery, quality and reduce the cost of healthcare. Much remains to be done At our our recent DellWorld conference we captured insights into this exciting future As Dr. Jai Menon vice president and chief research […]
“You are all individuals” Brian, speaking to the masses in Monty Python’s Life of Brian. Finally, medicine is getting the message. One of my school friends was part of the original genome project that kicked off in 1984, finally got underway in 1990, and reached completion in 2003. It was a $3B project (by the way, […]
This year I have the privilege of attending CES2015 in Las Vegas – for those of you who have not been before its big..even by Las Vegas standards. CES attracts 150,000 visitors (all looking for the same cabs so I’m willing to bet that Uber is not going to work as well), occupies 2,000,000 sq […]
I am at Medicine 2.0 this week and will be participating on the panel Bridging the Digital Divide and will then be presenting: Speech and Medical Intelligence – Allowing Doctors to Focus on Patients Not Technology This is an exciting time for mobile devices and while we know there is a discrepancy in the accessibility of mobile technology […]
Come join me in the conversation with my colleagues at the SpeechTek 2014 conference in Marriott Hotel in Time Square, Manhattan New York. The Panel: C103 – PANEL: The Digital Healthcare Revolution at 1:15 p.m – 2:00 p.m. The panel moderator Bruce Pollock, Vice-President, Strategic Growth and Planning at West Interactive and on Social Media @brucepollock I will be […]
You can always rely on Hollywood to take concepts and extend them into the future – sometimes correctly (cloaking, holographic TV, forcefields and eco skeletons with mind control), sometimes incorrectly (aluminum dresses, atmosphere that is completely controlled, suspension bridge apartment housing). We have had speech recognition and Spock’s request: So it was no surprise to find the […]
I received a link form a friend to this article Robots, Soldiers, & Cyborgs: The Future Of Warfare – I think in part because I post on the value and opportunity of the intelligent agentIn fact I just talked about this recently around the concept of smart shelves instead of selling shelves. It was this comment […]