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This week I am talking to Dr. Zoë McLaren, Ph.D. (@ZoeMcLaren) Associate Professor in the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Zoë has a broad and deep set of experiences when it comes to effectively gathering data to combat infectious disease, especially in resource-limited countries, and has commented and written on […]


Inspiration Exchange This week I am talking to Adam Gonzalez, Ph.D., Director of Behavioral Health at Stony Brook Medicine (@StonyBrookMed) and the work they have done to mitigate ether enormous strains placed on healthcare workers dealing with the COVID19 pandemic. Building on the creation of the Mind-Body Clinical Research Center that was created back in […]


Healthcare and Data Need to Get Along This week I am talking to Caesar Djavaherian, MD (@Caesardjava), and Emergency room physician and Medical Director and Co-Founder of Carbon Health (@CarbonHealth). Carbon Health is a modern, tech-enabled vertically integrated healthcare system designed from the ground up to put patient care first. Caesar’s path through medicine like many […]


Rising Cases As we move into the winter, we are seeing a rise in cases here in the US and also around the world. We don’t know why exactly but some of this may be because of the re-opening that has taken place compounded by the move indoor We know that the shutdown is having […]


Addressing Health Inequity This week I am talking with Lucie Ide, MD, PhD, founder of Rimidi, one of HIMSS’ Most Influential Women in Health IT, and one of Healthcare Global’s Top 10 Influential Women in Healthcare Technology. Lucie had an interesting background in physics and signal analysis prior to entering a career track in medicine. […]


What does quarantine mean? Who goes into isolation versus quarantine? This week I review the difference between quarantine and isolation, why someone would be placed in quarantine not isolation and importantly what are the steps required to exit and allow a return to normal activities of daily living. What part does testing play in this […]


Hard to imagine but we are 10 months into this crisis, and it is 7 months since the WHO declared this to be a Pandemic. It is clear there is fatigue in all areas of our society and world. There is fatigue in the impact it is having economically and the new daily challenges we […]


Breaking News…….is it though? The problem of constant alerts and flood of information and attempts at grabbing our attention was a problem long before the COVID19 pandemic swept across our world. But add in what has now been months of the flood of news and data, much of which is tagged as “breaking” and you […]


September 14, 2020

Found With a Trace

What We’ve Been Missing This week I am talking to Tom Goodmanson CEO of Calabrio (@Calabrio), a customer focused contact tracing solution provider that has been workmen with state and local health and government technology leaders to rapidly build out contact tracing operations and manage the agent workforce. Tom has a very personal connection to contact […]


This week I explore the success of one country that ranks second in the world for their response to COVID19. Can you guess who it is? They spend 2.4% of their GDP on health or approximately $72 per person They have 6 doctors per 100,000 people They have around 14,000 cases of COVID19 infection 284 […]


August 24, 2020

The Long Fix

The Learning Healthcare System This week I am talking to Vivian Lee, MD PhD MBA, (@vivianleemd) President Verily Health Platforms (@verilylifesci) and author of “The Long Fix: Solving America’s Health Care Crisis with Strategies that Work for Everyone” (W.W. Norton) and a Senior Lecturer at Harvard Medical School. Dr Lee started out like many doctors do with a […]


Vaccines Work and Twice Over This week I am talking to Dr. Richard Pan, MD, MPH, (@DrPanMD) a pediatrician and California State Senator. He has been a leading advocate of increasing the health of everyone and raising California’s vaccination rates, sadly making him a target for online harassment and in-person assaults by conspiracy theorists and […]


This week I discuss reopening in the context of the recent antibody testing and immunity passports. If you are tested and found to have Antibodies to COVID19 what does that mean for you and your risk of getting the disease. And, are there other possible causes of COVID19? No matter what the guidance remains the […]


Building Lasting Change in Healthcare This week I am talking to Stacey Chang, Executive Director and Founder, Design Institute for Health and a Professor, Dell Medical School and College of Fine Arts. They have recently announced a First-of-Its-Kind Master’s in Design in Health Launches at UT Austin that is taking applications for Fall 2020 course that is the only […]


Adjusting to Work at Home My personality is generally that of a proton – always positive but like many lately this position has been challenged on a daily basis. Challenged professionally as I watch work disappear and all-around retreat into cocoons of reduced activity, contracting, and hiring. Challenged personally, facing down social isolation, economic challenges, […]


This week I am talking to, Timothy Washburn, RN the Chief Clinical Officer for Electronic Caregiver about their solutions for virtual caregiving solutions including Addison, their 3D Virtual caregiver. We discuss the challenges associated with delivering home care to the aging population, a problem made more acute with the COVID19 crisis, and even more important to solve. […]


With a nod to “The Trouble with Tribbles” this week I am reviewing testing strategies in the context of getting back to work and responding to a question I received on LinkedIn. Guidance on who should get tested (and in some cases who is eligible to get tested as we remain under-resourced in the United […]


Surviving and Thriving Incrementally in the new Post COVID19 world demands rethinking shift work, office ventilation, and common areas and food First up this week are some incremental steps to stay positive – it turns out that positivity is as infective as SARS-CoV-2 and highly transmissible. Smiling at someone can help especially at home where […]


The recurring theme I find in life is people’s generally good intentions that fail to end in actual positive results? You will often find me stating that I don’t believe that anyone gets up in the morning with an intention of How can I be a terrible parent How can I eat unhealthily What is […]


Easing Frustration I get frustrated even though I try hard to not. Most of the day I amble along quietly absorbing the ups and downs, but that all comes to a screeching halt when I interact with some telephone systems and support. Not all are bad but some are so bad that by the time […]


This week I am talking to Tom Knight, CEO & Founder of Invistics. The companies name derives from Inventory Visibility and Analytics where they started many years ago tracking inventory and providing better data to companies trying to manage production and their supply chain as the world moved to just in time manufacturing and shipping. […]


This week I am talking to Lawrence Kosinski, MD, MBA, the Founder and CMO of SonarMD (@SonarMD) a company offering a pathway to optimizing the treatment of patients with complex chronic conditions to improve outcomes and decrease costs. Dr Kosinski’s journey started when he took on the role of chairman of the American Gastroenterology Association (AGA) […]


This week we take a look at mind-body therapies to reduce our need for medication in particular Opioids. JAMA published a Meta-Analysis study (A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis) this month. The researchers reviewed evidence from over 60 studies with more than 6000 people looking at a range of therapies including meditation, guided imagery, hypnosis, and cognitive-behavioral […]


What is it about crisis and tragedy that inspires the human spirit to behave in the way that ultimately I think we all want to see? Think back to how you felt and behaved after 9-11 I know I can vividly remember where I was, who I was with, and the days that followed in […]


This week I am talking to Dr Bill dePaso, Chief Medical Officer for Twistle that focuses on Patient Engagement. Bill is an Internal medicine phsycian who spent his career focused on Pulmonary and Critical Care and sleep. He spent the early part of his career working in Public health in Chicago where communication was the key element […]

