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When the Titanic Goes Down, All Ships Sink This week I am talking to Julien Pham, MD, Managing Partner of Third Culture Capital, an immigrant-founded, physician-led, seed-stage VC firm focused on emerging health tech and techbio companies that are revolutionizing modern care delivery while optimizing and reshaping the experience of care for both patients and […]


The Journey of a Tech-Savvy Doctor Who Won’t Let Chat GPT Make His Bed (Yet) This week I am talking to, Justin Norden, MD (@JustinNordenMD), Partner at GSR Ventures (@GSRVentures) who is a digital health investor and educator at Stanford Medicine. Like so many of my guests, Justin’s career start was different and interesting leading […]


Vive Wrap Up This week I am talking to Gautam Gulati, MD (aka DrG @drgautamgulati) and HealthcareNowRadio’s very own Editor in Chief Roberta Mullin (@mssoftware) to take a look back at the Vive event that took place in Nashville at the end of March. There were some well-received presentations and stand-out content and direction from […]


April 3, 2023

ChatGPT Rap

ChatGPT Breakout Technology This month’s episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of March 2023 As I did last month I am talking to Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners. With the big news of the release of ChatGPT4 and the progress made with this model, […]


This week I am talking to Joshua Titus, CEO of Gozio (@GozioHealth) a company who have an unwavering focus on customer experience and healthcare consumer engagement. We dive into Joshua’s early work with nVidea and first-person gaming (do you remember the regional MS-DOS First person Shooter game Doom) that allowed him to build a portfolio […]


This week I am talking to Vittoria Lecomte (@VittoriaLecomte), CEO of Sesh (@seshgroups) a virtual group support platform that is helping address the mental health crisis and shortage of therapists. Vittoria shares her own personal struggles with an eating disorder and the difficulty in obtaining therapy that worked and how she found group therapy and how difficult finding […]


This week I am talking to Connor Landgraf (@connorlandgraf) Co-founder and CEO at Eko (@Eko_Health) – a company rethinking the iconic stethoscope augmenting the capability with innovation Connor founded Eko while studying bioengineering at the University of California, Berkeley, with the goal of improving cardiovascular and pulmonary disease monitoring through machine learning and non-invasive sensors. […]


This month’s episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of February 2023 As I did last month I am talking to Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners. What Can ChatGPT Do for Healthcare With the continued media coverage and focus on ChatGPT we took a deep […]


This week I am talking to Punit Soni (@punitsoni), CEO of Suki (@SukiHQ) who are revolutionizing the healthcare space with technology designed to improve the capture of information. Punit has an interesting background and journey to this point and his perspective on the next big company we have yet to see is on point. As he […]


This week I am talking to Maneesh Jain, PhD CEO of Mirvie (@mirviedx) that is bringing a level of personalization and safety to pregnancy with a revolutionary approach. Maneesh has an interesting back story that started as we unraveled the human genome and shares some important insights about that early work and the over-promised potential that was […]


“Just $5 for those drugs”   Something eventually catches you with your health. There are some segments of our world that enjoy some incredible longevity and health into old age – the so-called Blue Zones that are populated by elderly people living full and healthy lives into their 90s and 100s and even beyond. But […]


This month’s episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of January 2023 Opening up the new year and tackling the latest news and updates in the world of healthcare  I am talking to Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners…..or am I? Has he been replaced by […]


January 30, 2023

Rain Man Treatment

This week I am talking to Jamie Pagliaro, EVP and Chief Learning Officer at RethinkFirst (@Rethink_First), a software and solutions provider in behavioral health that offers evidence-based treatment tools, training, and clinical support. Jaimie has an interesting origin story that set him on the path of treating autism and spectrum disorders leading to creating the ReThink First Company […]


This week I am talking to Chip Steiner, Product Manager Healthcare Practice for Chip has been bringing speech enablement to healthcare for a long time and in the very early days managed to get the Director of The Fantastic Voyage, Richard Fleischer to lecture to his team. We talk about the history of speech enablement […]


This week I am talking to Neil Clauson, Regional CISO, at Mimecast, a company focusing on stopping “bad things from happening to good organizations by enabling them to work protected”. We talk about the unique challenges that healthcare faces in securing its attack surface and the ongoing problem of balancing what is possible with what is […]


This week is a special week to celebrate the New Year and I am talking to some of my fellow show hosts to get their take on what to expect in the coming year in healthcare. In alphabetical order, I was joined by Matt Fisher (@Matt_R_Fisher), General Counsel at Carium and Host of Healthcare de Jure […]


CES 2023 It is that time of year again. Well, actually the show has not taken place fully in person for a few years. It was the last show I attended before the Pandemic in January 2020. In hindsight, it was probably one of the early spreader events based on what I heard after the […]


This month is our final episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of December 2022 and a close-out to the year As I did last month I am talking to Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners. We discuss the latest news out of China which is grappling with […]


Who Will be the Tom Hanks Actor of Healthcare This week I am talking to Elizabeth Delahoussaye, The Chief Privacy Officer at Ciox (@cioxhealth). Elizabeth is an expert in health information management aka as Medical Records. We dive into the history of healthcare information and track back to the HiTech Act from 2009 and the […]


This week I am talking to Kim Biddings, VP of Product for BIO-key (@BIOkeyIntl) a company focused on providing tools to uniquely and securely identify individuals to allow secure access. Kim is an expert in cybersecurity, biometric identification, and Identity and Access Management, and also a pastry chef in the making. We talk about the importance of security in […]


Conference Season Opens This month’s episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of November 2022 As I did last month I am talking to Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners. This week we discuss the recent spate of conferences and some of the highlights and positives […]


Popular Demand Driving Telehealth to New Heights This week I am talking to Roy Schoenberg, MD, MPH (@RoySchoenberg), President and CEO at Amwell (@Amwell) a telemedicine company based out of Boston with one of the largest telehealth ecosystems in the world. Like me, Roy found his path through medicine and into technology launching a series of companies […]


HLTH is an integrated show, When I say integrated I am not talking about virtual and in-person integration but rather a different approach and style of a conference setup. In the case of HLTH they have a large floor setting with stages in the four corners and the main stage that is situated just off […]


So conference season is in full swing and I’ve found myself in more places and in more planes than the whole of 2020 in the last few weeks There’s good and bad to all of that. The good is it’s really nice to see and meet people. Not just healthcare but people in general. As […]


This week I am talking to Ankit Rohatagi, MD, Chief Clinical Officer, AssureCare (@AssureCareLLC) an innovative, patient-centered, connected care platform that is trying to increase access to care while reducing cost. We dive into Ankit’s background traversing multiple clinical systems and countries providing him with useful and important insights into what works for healthcare and what […]

