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This week I am talking to Branislav Vajdic, CEO and Founder of HeartBeam (@HeartBeami) which has developed a credit card-sized medical-grade heart attack detector that anyone can use anywhere. Branislav shares his personal story that includes his place in history in developing the Solid State technology that we all use and depend on for our storage […]


This months episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of April 2022 As I did last month I am talking to Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners. This week top of mind is the big increase in travel and the recently renewed Mask Mandate till May […]


This week I am talking to Steve Wigginton, CEO, Icario (@icariohealth) who are creating truly personalized and incremental ways to help the world a healthier place, one person at a time. Steve has a long career in healthcare and prior to iCario came from Sutter Health/Aetna where he was responsible for launching an innovative health insurance […]


This week I am talking to Colin Banas, MD Chief Medical Officer of DrFirst (@DrFirst) a company looking to unite the “Healthiverse” and shatter the silos in our healthcare data. Colin started out as a hospitalist working at VCU but quickly became involved in healthcare technology working alongside others to develop early implementations of electronic medical […]


This months episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of March 2022 As I did last month I am talking to Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners. We review the recent in person events we both attended in Florida this past month, both coming away with […]


This week I am talking to Darin Vercillo, MD, chief medical officer and co-founder of ABOUT Healthcare, Inc (@ABOUT_est2005) who offer intelligent access and coordination across healthcare networks. Darin is a board-certified and practicing hospitalist who describes sitting in an ER department with a colleague, where as usual the hospital was full with patients backing up […]


This week I am talking to Pranay Kapedia (@pranayk), Founder and CEO of Notable (@notablehealth) a company that is taking the adjacent possible from the finance (Intuit and Turbotax) and mortgage world of customer service and bringing the technology to bear on the beleaguered healthcare system. Scars and Skills As he described it he has […]


Day 3 of HIMSS and there appears no diminishing of traffic and people although I did catch a few people checking out of my hotel as I left. It is hard to recall precisely the distances involved in the exhibit hall but this year has fewer vendors over a shorter length and catching up with […]


March 15, 2022

HIMSS 2022 Day 2

On the second day of HIMSS 2022, the halls were open and in full swing. It was good to see a vibrant community of people all smiling and looking happy. It was hard to walk around and miss the delighted voices, comments, and pictures being taken of people seeing each other in person for the […]


This week I am talking to Mark Menton, General Manager for HealthSparq (@HealthSparq) who are focused on Helping people make smarter healthcare choices. Mark started his journey in healthcare back in 2002 creating paper based directories of physicians to help patients select a doctor for their care. We talk about the progression into the digital […]


Month before This months episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of February 2022 As I did last month I am talking to Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners. This month with COVID19 fading and many restrictions lifting we focus on the latest innovations and concepts […]


This week I am talking to Daniel Brodie (@db_doskey), CTO and Co-Founder of Cynerio (@cynerio) who are working to improve healthcare security one incremental step at a time. Daniel entered into the healthcare world a little surprised by the state of security and infrastructure that he found in facilities and set about finding ways to develop solutions. […]


Groups Recover Together This week I am talking to Gus Crothers, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Groups Recover Together (find out more here) who have focused on solving the Opiod Use Disorder (OUD). Gus’ journey to this role is interesting as he described his ‘beginner’s mindset’ that allowed him to see the opioid epidemic with fresh eyes […]


Special Guest “Dr Jayne Histalk MD” This months episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of January 2022 This month Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) and I delighted to be joined by Dr Jayne (@JayneHIStalkMD) who writes “Curbside Consult” on the HISTalk blog. We look forward into our crystal balls to tease out […]


10 Years on this article (The Cost of Technology) remains relevant to healthcare especially as we push to digitize the experience. There is much talk and continued push towards the ‘Digital Front Door’ and augmenting the healthcare system with #DigitalHealth but design continues to take a back seat. Technology was never and should never be […]


Intelligent Scheduling This week I am talking to Jennifer Meller, MD (@drjen_Navimize), CEO & Founder, Navimize (@navimize )that is focusing on solving the problem of dissatisfaction for patients stuck in waiting rooms around the country. The problem sounds simple but in healthcare as usual the devil is in the detail. Part of the key ingredients Jennifer found […]


Market Based Medication Pricing Interacting with the healthcare system does nothing for my health and renewing a prescription is yet another painful experience. What about you? What stands in the way of a positive health experience Getting a prescription from the gatekeeper – your overworked primary care physician Insurance who impose arbitrary rules limiting how much […]


Virtual Surgical Training This week I am talking to Raimundo Sierra, PhD, CEO & Founder of VirtaMed (@VirtaMed) who are empowering surgeons to reach proficiency by integrating intelligent simulation into medical education. Raimundo original experience focused on electrical engineering and medical image analysis that led him on a path to simulation technology and focusing on surgical simulation In […]


This week I am talking to David Hunt, Founder & President of the Cosán Group – which is Gaelic for path, a path that David has been on since growing up in the Boston area with a tight knit family. His career started out in the Medicare world which provided some early insights into the challenges […]


This week I am talking to Rachael Grimaldi, MD (@cardmedic), Founder and CEO of CardMedic and an Anesthetist working in the NHS who founded the company while stranded out of her home country at the height of the pandemic on maternity leave. Born from a desire to help and long term desire to improve health literacy […]


Vaccines 5 and Up This months episode of “News you can Use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of November You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see covered. You can […]


This week I am talking to Nate Fox (@NateTheFox) the Chief technology Officer for Ribbon Health (@RibbonHealthAPI) a company connecting the dots in healthcare with data access. Congratulations are also in order as they just received $43.5 Million in Series B funding. Nate is an engineer by training who worked at Microsoft and got interested in data […]


Medical Data Navigator This week I am talking to Maneesh Juneja, (@ManeeshJuneja) Digital Health Futurist who has been exploring the future and how emerging technologies can make the world a healthier and happier place. We share some common interests and passions around sensors, wearables and even intermittent fasting (IF) aka Time Restricted Feeding/Fasting (TRF) He was […]


Shrinking the Surgeon into the Body This week I am talking to Adam Sachs (@AdamSachsVS), CEO and Co-Founder of Vicarious Surgical (@vicarioussurg) a company that is rethinking surgery. Adam is a mechanical engineer by training who studied at MIT focusing on biomedical engineering and robotics. This is where he met his co-founders Sammy Khalifa,  Dr. Barry Green. They […]


Do you Have a Doctor in the Family This week I am talking to Walter Jin, CEO at Pager (@getpager) a virtual care company that integrates care across different platforms and channels wit the goal of democratizing access of healthcare to the widest possible population, nationally and internationally, as possible. Walter’s journey started out as an investor […]

