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Inspiration Exchange This week I am talking to Adam Gonzalez, Ph.D., Director of Behavioral Health at Stony Brook Medicine (@StonyBrookMed) and the work they have done to mitigate ether enormous strains placed on healthcare workers dealing with the COVID19 pandemic. Building on the creation of the Mind-Body Clinical Research Center that was created back in […]


Haircut, and Would you Like Heart Checkup To? This week I am talking to Andrew Suggs, Co-Founder of Live-Chair (@livechairinc) – addressing healthcare disparities through the community of trusted barbers and barbershops (long the center of medicine and in particular surgery). The company started out providing scheduling and customer management tools to the many barbershops […]


Breaking News…….is it though? The problem of constant alerts and flood of information and attempts at grabbing our attention was a problem long before the COVID19 pandemic swept across our world. But add in what has now been months of the flood of news and data, much of which is tagged as “breaking” and you […]


September 14, 2020

Found With a Trace

What We’ve Been Missing This week I am talking to Tom Goodmanson CEO of Calabrio (@Calabrio), a customer focused contact tracing solution provider that has been workmen with state and local health and government technology leaders to rapidly build out contact tracing operations and manage the agent workforce. Tom has a very personal connection to contact […]


Vaccines Work and Twice Over This week I am talking to Dr. Richard Pan, MD, MPH, (@DrPanMD) a pediatrician and California State Senator. He has been a leading advocate of increasing the health of everyone and raising California’s vaccination rates, sadly making him a target for online harassment and in-person assaults by conspiracy theorists and […]


Building Lasting Change in Healthcare This week I am talking to Stacey Chang, Executive Director and Founder, Design Institute for Health and a Professor, Dell Medical School and College of Fine Arts. They have recently announced a First-of-Its-Kind Master’s in Design in Health Launches at UT Austin that is taking applications for Fall 2020 course that is the only […]


Adjusting to Work at Home My personality is generally that of a proton – always positive but like many lately this position has been challenged on a daily basis. Challenged professionally as I watch work disappear and all-around retreat into cocoons of reduced activity, contracting, and hiring. Challenged personally, facing down social isolation, economic challenges, […]


This week I am talking to, Timothy Washburn, RN the Chief Clinical Officer for Electronic Caregiver about their solutions for virtual caregiving solutions including Addison, their 3D Virtual caregiver. We discuss the challenges associated with delivering home care to the aging population, a problem made more acute with the COVID19 crisis, and even more important to solve. […]


Surviving and Thriving Incrementally in the new Post COVID19 world demands rethinking shift work, office ventilation, and common areas and food First up this week are some incremental steps to stay positive – it turns out that positivity is as infective as SARS-CoV-2 and highly transmissible. Smiling at someone can help especially at home where […]


Navigating Mental Health This week I am talking to Ekaterina Malievskaia MD MScPH, Chief Innovation Officer and Co-Founder of COMPASS Pathways (Navigating Mental Health Pathways). Ekaterina is an entrepreneur dedicated to bringing about positive change in society with a particular focus on health and wellbeing and driven to address the challenge of access to brain health […]


The recurring theme I find in life is people’s generally good intentions that fail to end in actual positive results? You will often find me stating that I don’t believe that anyone gets up in the morning with an intention of How can I be a terrible parent How can I eat unhealthily What is […]


Easing Frustration I get frustrated even though I try hard to not. Most of the day I amble along quietly absorbing the ups and downs, but that all comes to a screeching halt when I interact with some telephone systems and support. Not all are bad but some are so bad that by the time […]


The recent “cloud deal” signed between Ascension and Google has raised a lot of discussion and concern over the privacy of patients data – in this case perhaps as many as 50 million patients. You can get a good sense of the background and details from this piece on CNBC Google’s hospital data-sharing deal raises […]


This week I am talking with Jacob Reider, MD (@JacobR), CEO of Alliance For Better Health (@Alliance_PPS), a New York Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) care transformation initiative. Dr. Reider is a family physician who wants the world to be more healthy – a man after my own heart! He previously served as the Deputy National […]


For many of us we live in a privileged world – I know oftentimes it seems like we don’t but rest assured, no matter what problems challenges or disasters have befallen you, your family or friends there is someone, somewhere who is worse off. You could be driven by rankings and where you appear with […]


Small Steps to Innovation This week I am talking to Marla Hetzel (@hetzelmj), Director of Innovation and User Experience at Change Healthcare. I met Marla when she presented at the HealthTechNet group on innovation where she talked about the ways she and her team and helping bring innovation back into businesses and healthcare. We discuss the […]


September 5, 2019

Words Matter

Speech Recognition is Hard Why did it take so long for speech and speech recognition technology to hit mainstream? You can trace the technology back at least as far as Bell Labs who claimed the first major success in the field in the 1930’s when telephone engineers developed the famous Voder a speech synthesizer that was unveiled to […]


This post was adapted from a note I sent to my daughter who is studying medicine Feeling out of your depth, wishing you were having a break? You are far down a unique and imho privileged path and this is just one more bend, turn or challenging hill on the way to something special. It […]


    This week I am talking to Vikas Shah MBE (@MrVikas), a successful entrepreneur from the age of 14 and investor. I met him at the World Health Congress for Europe that took place in Manchester where his presentation “How to Save Your Own Life”  which touched a raw and emotional part of our world that […]


The Morass of Healthcare in the United States Reading through the litany of challenges in healthcare on a daily basis is depressing. That is unless you are in one of the fortunate groups that have healthcare coverage that actually pays those bills and doesn’t cost so much to be unaffordable. So who manages to get […]


Dementia and How to Reimagine Life With It This week I am talking to Dr Tia Powell, (@tiapowell) the Director for the Center for Bioethics at Montefiore Medical Center (@MontefioreNYC) and an expert in Dementia and author of the book: Dementia Reimagined: Building a Life of Joy and Dignity from Beginning to End. We talk about […]


Thanks to Daryl Carr who suggested this in his comment on my Vlog on Cholesterol and Health. This episode kicks off a series of videos that will focus on aging and how we can age healthily. For those of you who think you are not old and don’t need to watch this, and perhaps that’s everyone as they say […]


February 25, 2019

Has Kindness Gone?

Dalai Lama

Where has the Kindness Gone As someone remarked to me just recently The kindness has gone It can certainly feel that way sometimes and while my general position is to think like a proton – always positive it has been challenging over the last few months to maintain this position. I posted this over the […]


The Opioid Epidemic 130 people die from an overdose of an opioid every day in the United States. Death from overdoses reached a staggering 47,600 people in the United States in 2017 – to put that into perspective that’s a 130 people per day, or 1 person every 11 mins, and now in the top 10 causes of […]


It was with interest I read a recent Viewpoint article in the Journal of American Medical Associations (JAMA) titled: Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) in the Digital Age, Determining the Source Code for Nurture authored by Dr. Freddy Abnousi, the head of healthcare research at Facebook, along with a couple of other authors, Dr. John Rumsfeld, Chief Innovation Officer […]

