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December 14, 2018

The NHS at 70

Healthcare, NHS

The crown jewels of British society The NHS was the crown jewels of British society providing healthcare to every member of society no matter who they were, where they came from and what personal resources they had. It was the great leveler of society creating a single standard of care and service that was accessible […]


Behavioral Health for Positive Impact This week I am talking to Matt Wallaert (@mattwallaert), Chief Behavioral Officer at Clover Health. I have listened to Matt on a few occasions, most recently at the FitBit Captivate event in Chicago so I was excited to get to talk to him one on one. Matt plays an unusual […]


 Delivering the Care Patients Want This week I am talking to Dr. Jay Mathur, Associate Regional Medical Director for Caremore Health Systems in Connecticut. A program that started 25 years ago in California and has now expanded to multiple states and has been in Connecticut for a little over a year. This is the medicine […]


 Medical School Candidate Selection Are we are selecting the wrong candidates for medical school and not teaching them the skills they really need to be good doctors? I’m a doctor first – anytime anyone asks me what I do the first words out of my mouth are “I’m a Doctor”, followed by a follow-up explanation […]


Catching up With the Digital Doctor   It was great to catch up with colleague and friend Dr. Eric Topol (@EricTopol), Executive VP and Professor, Molecular Medicine, The Scripps Research Institute Founder and Director, STSI We had a wide-ranging discussion that included some specific incremental steps to better healthcare – include getting the data to the […]


Defeating Loneliness Birthdays Its been an interesting journey on birthday celebrations for me personally. Going back to my childhood and I have some fond memories of birthday celebrations organized by my mother in whatever place we happened to be. No small feat given the transient nature of many of our homes. Thinking back I am not […]


Delivering Outstanding Service I had a frustrating experience with a bank this week that had so many opportunities for correction and improvement. The short version was a requirement to follow a policy that no one could explain requiring additional steps necessary because the bank had taken so long to follow their process. At various points, the […]


August 21, 2016

22 Pushups

Honoring those Who Serve (Updated Friday September 9, 2016) So what’s the 22 Pushups challenge all about? It came from the Honor Courage Commitment organization who’s mission is to create elite veterans through education, mentorship, and community service. They started the #22Kill movement back in 2013 when they learned that a staggering 22 veterans are killed […]


Like many people the death of Robin Williams was sad on so many levels and while my connection with him was limited to the exposure I had through his canvas of work, I like others felt I knew him. He was not only prolific in his work with a list of films, interviews and shows (and […]

