
This months episode of “News you can Use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of April. You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see covered. You can reach out direct via […]


After many years of living in the DC Metro area, I finally managed to attend the HealthData Palooza event at the Washington Hilton (famous for amongst other things the Assassination attempt of Ronald Regan) that first took place in 2010 – created in part as a response to the then newly established Website and database […]


This piece by Aaron Carroll detailing his personal experiences with the healthcare system for what should be an easy and simple activity represents the frustration and challenges everyone faces on a daily basis including myself I have the exactly the same challenges with renewal of what is a long standing formulation I know this is […]


We have some Healthcare reform in the US but we are still challenged with a system that is failing to deliver results. This piece recently: America Ranks No. 1 for Over-Priced, Inefficient Health Care featured the chart from the Commonwealth fund That ranks the US last in a group of 11 industrialized countries. As he puts […]


I have the privilege of spending a lot of time on the road interacting with clinicians around the country (and world). I hear with too much frequency many doctors complaining about the Electronic Medical Record and how it fails to help them and in many cases makes their work harder. Some of this is a […]


I posted a piece that was published on FastCompany site at the end of last month: Could The Future Of Health Care Mean No Waits In Hospitals? It included a link to an original concept from the innovative Kaiser founder Dr Sidney R. Garfield I shared this with my wife who is an accomplished midwife […]


Loved spending time with Dr Pat Salber (@DocWeighsIn) from the Health 2.0 conference that took place a couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of watching her in action as she blended social media with the sessions at Health 2.0 and tweeted a picture of her in action Here’s how @Docweighsin is a leading […]


Always enjoying talking with John Lynn (Founder of the HealthcareScene.com (he goes by @techguy and @ehrandhit) and great discussion yesterday on “Technology and Focusing on the Patient” using a Google Hangout      


Like many in the healthcare IT industry, I was saddened by the announcement that Dr Farzad Mostashari (@Farzad_ONC) would be retiring. I would suggest as famed football legend Vince Lombardi said “The strength of the group is the strength of the leaders” And, for healthcare technology, Dr. Mostashari has been a great leader. I’ve outlined below some of […]


  All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking Friedrich Nietzsche Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend Albert Camus I met Regina Holliday a while back at one of the many conferences that she attends: […]


For many decades, newspapers were big; printed on the so-called broadsheet format. However, it was not cheaper to print on such large sheets of paper — that was not the reason for their exorbitant size — in fact, it was more expensive, in comparison to the so-called tabloid size. So why did newspaper companies insist […]


Post a Comment via statisticalmedievalist.blogspot.com Great post on the challenges around pay for performance that highlights an interesting fact – Bill Clinton’s heart surgeon Dr Craig Smith has some relatively poor outcome measures…not because he has bad outcomes but because his practice takes some of the most high risk patients. It is hard to take […]


The use of electronic health records is linked to significantly higher quality care, according to a new study by Lisa Kern and her team, from the Health Information Technology Evaluation Collaborative in the US. Their work appears online in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, published by Springer. Electronic health records (EHRs) have become a […]


via online.wsj.com The latest book exposing the healthcare system and how broken it is from Dr Makary a surgeon from Johns Hopkins. As he says Meet ‘Shrek,’ a doctor who insists on surgery in every case—and has a surgical-incision infection rate of 20%. and more troubling He quotes a recent Hopkins survey of employees of […]


The New Yorker author, surgeon, Harvard University faculty member, and health policy adviser Atul Gawande told the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) today that checklists could help improve the quality of health care and lower costs. PCAST members seemed enamored with the idea of standardizing treatment and procedures, and also discussed […]


via venturebeat.com Technology replacing doctors….. Still missing The Human Element and besides in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings March 2006 vol. 81 no. 3 338-344 they identified the most most important characteristics patients feel a good doctor must possess confident, empathetic, humane, personal, forthright, respectful, and thorough These facets are entirely human and will be hard […]


via ama-assn.org This problem needs to be fixed – if the debt load for a student emerging from medical school training is that high their income needs will be very high just to make loan payments. Average debt of $162,000 – $205,000: Imagine starting out your early life with that kind of debt load! Posted […]

