Health Reform
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I practiced Telemedicine with my mother every week when she was alive. We did this on Facetime and it allowed me to catch up with her, see how she was getting on in her home environment. Medicine is practiced the same in countries across the world let alone across state lines. I wish my mother […]
Drug Prices Contribute to Failure of Treatment There’s no escaping the significant increase in drug prices and the apparent disproportionately high prices we pay in the United States when compared to other countries. And then there are the huge price hikes for old drugs like Daraprim by Martin Shkreli and the EpiPen debacle spearheaded by Heather Bresch […]
Changing Your Health with Wearables There are probably very few people around who remember the old stores and how they used to work. Stores where you walked in and someone behind a counter would fetch items at your behest. Perhaps you’ve seen the concept in Little House on the Prairie or perhaps you have […]
Working from Home Americans are doing more and more activities from the comfort of their home and its no surprise – the frustration of showing up to a business only to find they are closed or worse short-staffed and instead of dealing with the customer in front of them the staff are on the phone […]
The Great Healthcare Debate Healthcare is personal and front and center in our minds not just because we all intersect with it in some way but it employs 1 in 9 people in the United States. With the current state of our media and political system with polarized debates, he said she said talking heads […]
It’s perverse but the healthcare system in the United States is making you sick. Don’t believe me – then maybe you have a high-end plan with no deductible and full access and no ceiling. But there are not many of those and for the rest of us, I imagine your interaction with the system is […]
Designing an Effective Population Health Program Population health is the topic du jour for the health care industry, and I’m glad to see us all focusing on this important issue. But there is a lot of confusion as to what, exactly, constitutes population health. Or more correctly, an effective population health system. A good population […]
The move toward value-based reimbursement is shaking up traditional healthcare in all kinds of ways, as connectivity and cost-effectiveness become critical attributes in care delivery. Proprietary PACS, used in image acquisition systems, are starting to feel the squeeze from this dual pressure, as vendor-neutral archives take over many of their functions. A recent study by […]
This piece by Aaron Carroll detailing his personal experiences with the healthcare system for what should be an easy and simple activity represents the frustration and challenges everyone faces on a daily basis including myself I have the exactly the same challenges with renewal of what is a long standing formulation I know this is […]
The rising costs of drugs is covered in this piece offering some thoughtful insights into the rising costs that exceed inflation rates (2014 projected to increase by 6%) and the jaw dropping costs for some chronic conditions that top tens of thousands of dollars per year The solutions and underlying problems are not clear and […]
This week I had the fortune of speaking at the Connected Health – Healthcare Reinvented – Customer First I pulled together an update in resources on the payment streams for mHealth activity alongside some review of the players in the space and some success stories The over riding principle in my mind is encapsulated by […]
There is no known medical condition that enables an individual to predict the future. While such an ability would be extremely useful for myriad reasons, we have, instead, learned to hone and leverage our analytic skills to deduce what might occur, relying on the data we cull and parse to help forecast the future. So, […]
After all the hype and knee jerk politics and media I was delighted to read this piece Ebola US Patient Zero: lessons on misdiagnosis and effective use of electronic health records by Upadhyay, Sittig and Singh (PDF file here) A thoughtful piece that drilled in to the detail of events surrounding the arrival and subsequent […]
I attended the Connected Healthcare Conference in San Diego yesterdayAccelerate mHealth Adoption: Deliver Results through Data Driven Business Models for End-User Engagement Never has there been so much to play for in the mobile health landscape, a revolution is just round the corner with key players from the health care and consumer markets coming together […]
Like many people the death of Robin Williams was sad on so many levels and while my connection with him was limited to the exposure I had through his canvas of work, I like others felt I knew him. He was not only prolific in his work with a list of films, interviews and shows (and […]
We have some Healthcare reform in the US but we are still challenged with a system that is failing to deliver results. This piece recently: America Ranks No. 1 for Over-Priced, Inefficient Health Care featured the chart from the Commonwealth fund That ranks the US last in a group of 11 industrialized countries. As he puts […]
Previously posted on HITConsultant On a recent flight, I had my headphones on and the Rolling Stones’ “Satisfaction” began to play. It’s a song I have heard hundreds of times over the years, but I was struck by the difference listening to it with headphones made. With no distractions, I noticed the bass line, in […]
The Panel “The Art of Medicine” Panel (part of the Art of Medicine campaign) took place yesterday from 9 – 11am at the Boston’s W Hotel, 100 Stuart St, Boston, MA Our panelists from Left to Right John D. Halamka, MD, MS, CIO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (and Life as healthcare CIO blog and @jhalamka) Keith Dreyer, DO, […]
The new Art of Medicine campaign is focused on getting physicians back to their original roots – the reason we all stepped over the threshold of medical education and into an honorable profession to serve our community. Its all about the patient but changes in the healthcare system and in particular changes with technology have […]
This post originally appeared on HIT Consultant During a recent and troubling discussion with a physician friend, he described to me a new ailment he’s been experiencing: waking up in the morning, and not looking forward to going to work. The reality is that he is not alone. It’s no secret that physicians across the […]
This is not news for many in the healthcare profession as they face the challenges of billing rules and regulations and the sometimes obscure idiosyncrasy – but as you can see form this piece on NBC for many patients this is a surprise and a costly one at that Visit for breaking news, world […]
Patients deserve the same standard and car that doctors receive when they need treatment. But as I have said before (Doctors Die Differently and more recently Treatment Creep in Medicine – sucking Decency out of Patients) we remain challenged especially when it comes to dying. This piece by Dan Gorenstein, How Doctors Die: Showing Others the […]
I posted a piece that was published on FastCompany site at the end of last month: Could The Future Of Health Care Mean No Waits In Hospitals? It included a link to an original concept from the innovative Kaiser founder Dr Sidney R. Garfield I shared this with my wife who is an accomplished midwife […]
Loved spending time with Dr Pat Salber (@DocWeighsIn) from the Health 2.0 conference that took place a couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of watching her in action as she blended social media with the sessions at Health 2.0 and tweeted a picture of her in action Here’s how @Docweighsin is a leading […]
Consumer reports published a Medical Gripes report What bugs you most about your doctor?We asked 1,000 people about their biggest medical gripes recently It included the chart “Grip-o-Meter” What struck me was the number of elements that could be addressed using Healthcare Technology (HealthIT). While technology may not be a panacea it is a tool to help […]