Healthcare Technology

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This week I am talking to Mark Menton, General Manager for HealthSparq (@HealthSparq) who are focused on Helping people make smarter healthcare choices. Mark started his journey in healthcare back in 2002 creating paper based directories of physicians to help patients select a doctor for their care. We talk about the progression into the digital […]


Last week I had the opportunity to experience the first ever Vive Event in Mimi Beach Florida. This was the first return to something resembling the normality of conference experiences. There were a few differences including the requirement to provide vaccination proof and COVID19 testing before being admitted but once completed attendees were free to […]


This week I am talking to Daniel Brodie (@db_doskey), CTO and Co-Founder of Cynerio (@cynerio) who are working to improve healthcare security one incremental step at a time. Daniel entered into the healthcare world a little surprised by the state of security and infrastructure that he found in facilities and set about finding ways to develop solutions. […]


This week I am talking to Zachary Green, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and former Firefighter, author of ‘Warrior Entrepreneur’ book who has had an interesting career and some major events and adversity that he has had to overcome. Imagine being told by a lot of people including teachers that you would not amount to anything. […]


Special Guest “Dr Jayne Histalk MD” This months episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of January 2022 This month Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) and I delighted to be joined by Dr Jayne (@JayneHIStalkMD) who writes “Curbside Consult” on the HISTalk blog. We look forward into our crystal balls to tease out […]


Intelligent Scheduling This week I am talking to Jennifer Meller, MD (@drjen_Navimize), CEO & Founder, Navimize (@navimize )that is focusing on solving the problem of dissatisfaction for patients stuck in waiting rooms around the country. The problem sounds simple but in healthcare as usual the devil is in the detail. Part of the key ingredients Jennifer found […]


Virtual Surgical Training This week I am talking to Raimundo Sierra, PhD, CEO & Founder of VirtaMed (@VirtaMed) who are empowering surgeons to reach proficiency by integrating intelligent simulation into medical education. Raimundo original experience focused on electrical engineering and medical image analysis that led him on a path to simulation technology and focusing on surgical simulation In […]


Looking forward to 2022 This months is our final episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of December 2021 and a close out to the year As I did last month I am talking to Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners as we review the latest […]


Vaccines 5 and Up This months episode of “News you can Use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of November You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see covered. You can […]


This week I am talking to Nate Fox (@NateTheFox) the Chief technology Officer for Ribbon Health (@RibbonHealthAPI) a company connecting the dots in healthcare with data access. Congratulations are also in order as they just received $43.5 Million in Series B funding. Nate is an engineer by training who worked at Microsoft and got interested in data […]


Shrinking the Surgeon into the Body This week I am talking to Adam Sachs (@AdamSachsVS), CEO and Co-Founder of Vicarious Surgical (@vicarioussurg) a company that is rethinking surgery. Adam is a mechanical engineer by training who studied at MIT focusing on biomedical engineering and robotics. This is where he met his co-founders Sammy Khalifa,  Dr. Barry Green. They […]


Do you Have a Doctor in the Family This week I am talking to Walter Jin, CEO at Pager (@getpager) a virtual care company that integrates care across different platforms and channels wit the goal of democratizing access of healthcare to the widest possible population, nationally and internationally, as possible. Walter’s journey started out as an investor […]


Supporting a Caring Health System This week I am talking to Collin O’Neill, the CEO of Pilleve (@Pilleve1) and Gautam Chebrolu, the Founder and CTO of Pilleve a company addressing the devastating effects of the opioid crisis with innovative technology built to work within the existing pharmaceutical distribution systems. The company’s early roots came from personal experiences bound […]


This week I am talking to Jeff Fallon, (@IamJeffFallon) Chairman and CEO of eVideon (@evideonhealth) who are delivering solutions to engage with patients using one of the few patient facing tools to be found in hospital rooms. Jeff spent the early part of his career in the medical device and pharmaceutical space but like myself […]


Designing a Resilient Healthcare System This week I am talking to Margaret Lozovatsky, MD (@DoctorLozo),  SVP and Chief Health Informatics Officer at Novant Health (@NovantHealth). Margaret came into medicine with a computer science degree right at the time Electronic Health Records were being rolled out giving her an edge in both understanding as well as seeing the […]


Tracking my Vitals I recently was sent wearable device that is now recording a wide range of metrics about me – all at a fraction of the cost of some of the devices on the market. Expect more news on this in the future. In fact I am now able to track on a regular basis […]


Telehealth Week This week is Telehealth awareness week so it was great to catch up with Ann Wood Johnson (@AnnMondJohnson), CEO of the American Telemedicine Association – ATA (@AmericanTelemed), the only organization completely focused on accelerating the adoption of Telehealth. Ann started out focused on early stage companies and joined the ATA before the Pandemic and has […]


Solving Problems with Clinical Data This week I am talking to Richard Schreiber, MD, FACP, Associated CMIO at Penn State Health Holy Spirit Medical Center at Penn State Health. Dick is a professor in Internal medicine, a career choice made in his 4th year of medical school as he was looking to solve the mystery […]


Technical Support Done Right This week I am talking to Chris Wickersham, Director, CereCore who provide EHR implementations, IT and application support. In Chris’ case his origin story and underlying personal driver was a woman looking for help to get a hospital bound patient to their son’s wedding before they died. They managed to help and make […]


Consensus Cloud Solutions This week I am talking to John Nebergall, Chief Operating Officer of Consensus Cloud Solutions which we recorded live from HIMSS 21 in Las Vegas. Consensus is a spin off from J2 and eFax and they provide interoperability and streamlined workflows in a simple platform that keeps you connected through each patient’s continuum of care […]


This week I am talking to James Mault, MD, CEO of BioIntelliSense (@BioIntelliSense), who started out as a Cardiopulmonary technician and found his path and career by way of a mentor, Bob Bartlett with the father of ECMO to become a Cardiothoracic surgeon. His early experiences drove his desire for more complete monitoring, closer to the experience […]


The latest data is creating additional concerns with the rising incidence of the Delta variant that is running through communities, especially those that are unvaccinated. There are a number of factors at play with increased transmissibility that appears to be attributable to the virus shedding in infected individuals earlier and at high rates (Viral infection […]


National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) This week I am talking to Kelvin Coleman, Executive Director of the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) (@StaySafeOnline) that is building lasting public/private partnerships to create and implement broad-reaching education and awareness efforts to help enable us all to be cyber aware and cybersafe Kelvin describe himself as the Forest Gump […]


COVID kills more Americans than guns, cars and flu….combined We are fortunate and have widespread availability of vaccines yet we find that the overwhelming majority of deaths caused by COVID19 are to be found in unvaccinated people We discuss how businesses should approach these challenges focusing on the local data and emerging cases and providing […]


This week I am talking to Emad Rizk, MD President and CEO of Cotiviti (@Cotiviti) who are providing analytics reshaping the economics of healthcare. Emad has had extensive experience working with payers, hospital systems, government, physicians, and pharmaceutical companies, that offers a unique lens to help solve some of the hard problems in healthcare. We discuss the […]

