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Encryption Algorithms Under Siege Over the course of history, the development and subsequent breaking of encryption standards have been a constant cycle. As new keys were developed so they were broken and the speed of with which new keys were broken has increased. Modern day encryption “Data Encryption Standard” or DES was launched int he […]


Artificial Intelligence in Medicine – Better More Rewarding Medicine It was great to catch up with colleague and friend Dr. Anthony Chang (@AIMed_MD) Pediatric Cardiologist, Founder of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIMed) and Director of Medical Intelligence and Innovation Institute (MI3) . How did a pediatric cardiologist find his way into the field of Artificial Intelligence, Machine and […]


Hospital Paging Systems Security I spoke with Mark Nunnikhoven, VP of Cloud Research at Trend Micro talking about their recently published paper: Leaking Beeps: Unencrypted Pager Messages in the Healthcare Industry which were designed and built in an era when it took a lot of resources and technology to access the system but now all it takes a couple hundred […]


Telehealth is Here – Getting There Quicker with Incremental Steps This week I am talking to Dr. Til Jolly, CMO for Specialists on Call (SOC) Telemed who are delivering enterprise-wide telemedicine to over 450 hospitals Dr Jolly is an Emergency Room physician with a fascinating background that includes working for the NFL Super Bowl “Emergency Preparedness […]


The Challenge of Security for Humans In the lead up to BlackHat and DefCon conferences I am talking to one of the leaders in that space and especially Social Engineering Chris Hadnagy (@HumanHacker), CEO & Co-Founder of (@SocEngineerInc) and author of several books on the topic including a new one due out this summer ”Social […]


In the lead up to BlackHat and DefCon conferences, I am talking to one of the leaders in the space of security and the innovator who created and runs the outstanding security resource HaviBeenPwned (HIBP) Troy Hunt (@TroyHunt). He is an author of multiple top-rated courses on web security on Pluralsights and highly sought after speaker. The Ethics […]


Bryan Vartabedian (Doctor_V) – Incremental Steps to Success with Electronic Health Records This week I am excited to be talking to one of the early trailblazers in social media who sits at the intersection between healthcare and technology Dr. Bryan Vartabedian, Physician Leader at Texas Children’s Hospital and @Doctor_V on twitter. Despite being a physician raised […]


After many years of living in the DC Metro area, I finally managed to attend the HealthData Palooza event at the Washington Hilton (famous for amongst other things the Assassination attempt of Ronald Regan) that first took place in 2010 – created in part as a response to the then newly established Website and database […]


Despite living in the DC Metro area for many years I have never managed to attend this event finding myself unavailable and traveling outside the area. This year I was able to attend the 4th Annual event finding it had grown by 15% from the previous year and now boasts over 700 attendees with an incredibly rich set of […]


In the spirit of survival given the overwhelming nature of joining 40,000 people at one conference, I offer up this year’s Incremental Guidance to not only surviving the HIMSS conference but enjoying it too (you can find my HIMSS16 Guide here). This will be my 21st HIMSS and 3rd year as a Social Media ambassador and every year […]


Diverse Engaging and Eclectic What other conferences can you attend that offers you exercise and revitalization programs, alongside engaging presentations from key leaders in some of the top companies in pharmaceuticals, technology, healthcare and a demonstration environment packed with the latest and greatest innovations and technologies? The CNS Summit – now in its 8th year […]


What are my BigIdeas2018 for the healthcare industry? They revolve around 3 topics: Security, Data, and Virtual care Technology continues to move at an exponential pace, leaving virtually no industry untouched. Healthcare is no exception – the technological progress in this space is offering incredible opportunities to improve the health of our population, reduce costs […]


Telemedicine is Good Medicine Historically medicine required a patient to visit a doctor to share their problem and be examined. After the examination, the physician makes a diagnosis and treatment is administered. The downside to this, especially in developing countries like Africa, is that many people do not have access to a physician, or have […]


I practiced Telemedicine with my mother every week when she was alive. We did this on Facetime and it allowed me to catch up with her, see how she was getting on in her home environment. Medicine is practiced the same in countries across the world let alone across state lines. I wish my mother […]


  As a physician, it likely won’t (or shouldn’t!) surprise you to hear that my first and foremost focus has, and always will be, on the patient. Whether it be as a practicing physician where I saw patients daily, to numerous opportunities working in both healthcare and computing with consulting firms and technology companies – […]


Is the iPhoneX and overpriced luxury or does it represent fantastic value when you consider the features and functions it delivers and the opportunity to improve your health? Seeing a mobile device as a phone is much like the perception that the Apple Watch is a watch – it’s really not. They selected that form factor and […]


Incremental Interoperability   Can you imagine a sports team that was unable to share? Sharing is Caring and can only be done with open and easy access that includes the clinical team, patients, and their family. Translational Medicine Conference I recently attended the innovative 8th Annual Translational Medicine Conference this past week in Derry/Londonderry Northern Ireland […]


Healthcare and Travel A recent trip to the Emerald Isles to visit family and friends found us in another country and short on medication. The discovery came late on Saturday evening which could have meant another 36 hours before we could speak to a clinician during normal working hours, obtain a replacement prescription and fill […]


  Security is a Worldwide Problem The recent rash of ransomware and hacking attacks have highlighted once again the highly exposed nature of our information systems and the challenge of securing these systems. In May of 2017 Wannacry trojan encryptor malware was unleashed and spread rapidly bringing many hospitals in the National Health Service (NHS) to a standstill. It […]


Hurry up and Implement Innovation has had a tendency to move at glacial pace and history is littered with scientific discoveries that took a long time to reach our world and have an impact on our lives. So many areas in our lives – math and complex numbers discovered in the 16th Century that were originally […]


I recently discovered that one of the great storytellers of our day – Malcolm Gladwell has a new podcast – Revisionist History. Each episode (he is now into Season 2) takes a look at some piece of history and through some delightful storytelling revisits the history and our perceptions of events. It reminded me of this […]


Working from Home Americans are doing more and more activities from the comfort of their home and its no surprise – the frustration of showing up to a business only to find they are closed or worse short-staffed and instead of dealing with the customer in front of them the staff are on the phone […]


This is Australia’s premier health innovation convention on the technologies that are revolutionizing healthcare and the implementation of ehealth initiatives and I was honored to be asked to give a keynote presentation at the Digital Health Summit taking place in Melbourne 29-30 March 2017. The bonus was listening to so many great presentations throughout the day […]


Secure Your Accounts Today No better example of simple security preventing what would have been at best a major disruption of my account or at worse a loss of control and embarrassment than last night I was joining the #HCLDR tweetup when I received notification on my phone Someone was trying to login to my account […]


The snafu at the Oscars with another movie being announced as a winner before being corrected has created quite a stir! You can watch the fateful sequence here and the audience reaction captured by the LA Time photographer Al Seib Watch the moment when “La La Land” is mistakenly announced best picture winner — Los Angeles […]

