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MedicAlert I am excited to be elected to the MedicAlert Board joining Jessica Federer, head of digital development at Bayer. As Barton Tretheway, CAE, chair of the MedicAlert Foundation Board pointed out Their collective experience aligns with our priorities and will be immeasurable to us as we look to leverage the power of new technology to expand the […]


On Tuesday March 15th, 2016 a the Dell Lounge at South by Southwest (SXSW) we hosted the #DoMoreHIT Thinktank event. This was Dell’s 5th’s annual healthcare Think Tank. Together with my good friend and colleague Mandi Bishop – Healthcare Analytics Innovations & Consulting Practice Lead, Dell, #HIT100 influencer, @MandiBPro we were joined by a veritable who’s who of […]


On February 21, 1991 President George Bush declared in Proclamation 6253 March 30 would be National Doctors Day: There is no greater reward in our profession than the knowledge that God has entrusted us with the physical care of His people. The Almighty has reserved for Himself the power to create life, but He has […]


  This year will be my 19th year at HIMSS – things have grown significantly since 1997 when HIMSS was held in San Diego with a record number of attendees – 15,800 and 408 exhibitors (you can read more of the history going back as far as 1961 here). At the time I remember being […]


Once again I am headed to CES this year. Last year the DigitalHealth pavilion was overflowing with people, innovation, and wearables designed to influence us to a healthier life. The show still features the big sections of technology for cars, televisions and 3-D printers but much of the show is being turned over to healthcare […]


Its an exciting time to be in healthcare and medicine – technology is bringing so much innovation and opportunity to improve the delivery, quality and reduce the cost of healthcare. Much remains to be done At our our recent DellWorld conference we captured insights into this exciting future As Dr. Jai Menon vice president and chief research […]


Back in 1985 the world was introduced to the Doc and Marty McFly in the iconic movie “Back to the Future” which as followed by 2 sequels – we were treated to a trip into the future that took us to October 26, 2015 at 4:29 as you can see from this clip from the […]


I presented to the Healthcare Thinktank in Austin on October 15 a presentation titles: Healthcare disruption This was the outline: Gartner ranked Dell the #1 worldwide IT services provider in healthcare in 2014. Dell sees global disruptions in healthcare delivery and continues to invest in strategies to address these rapid changes. They are actively enhancing […]


Please join me and SureScripts on Thursday, October 8th from 3:00-3:30 ET with David Chou (@dchou1107 ) honoring National Health IT Week with our Connected Patient Tweet Chat We hope you will come and share your perspectives and join the conversation regarding all things connected healthcare and the increasing role that digital health must play […]


I was raised in Gabon on the equatorial west coast of Africa and though I’ve never practiced there, I consider myself African and continue to be interested in the delivery of healthcare on the continent. Though health resources are scarce, my colleagues there have made creative use of the tools available. In Gabon, and indeed […]


Hope you can join me and my fellow Medical Informatics friends: R. Dirk Stanley, MD, MPH @dirkstanley Luis Saldana, MD @lSaldanaMD Luke Webster, MD @LukeWebsterATL Rasu Shrestha, MD, MBA @RasuShrestha John Mattison, MD @JohnEMattison   for our inaugural #CMIOChat on Thursday September 24 at 4pm ET (Regular Chat 3rd Thursday of every month)  Here’s the […]


“You are all individuals” Brian, speaking to the masses in Monty Python’s Life of Brian. Finally, medicine is getting the message. One of my school friends was part of the original genome project that kicked off in 1984, finally got underway in 1990, and reached completion in 2003. It was a $3B project (by the way, […]


This is a summary of the presentation I gave at the HIC 2015 conference in Brisbane on Wednesday Aug 5 at 12:15pm (program) Technology is an integral part of our lives – just take a look around: But unfortunately our health has suffered as a result of lifestyle changes – elegantly captured by this chart […]


I am excited to announce I am joining Dell Healthcare and Life Sciences  as their Chief Medical Officer. Dell has been ranked number one in Healthcare Provider Services for six consecutive years by Gartner and continue to expand their presence in healthcare space with an incredible range of solutions and services that are combined with extensive experience offerings of hardware and […]


  After an exciting 5 years with Nuance, I am saying goodbye to pursue a new opportunity. As is often the case with major decisions like this, I have had a chance to reflect on how far we have come and how many people I have had the privilege of working with in what has […]


This week I had the fortune of speaking at the Connected Health – Healthcare Reinvented – Customer First I pulled together an update in resources on the payment streams for mHealth activity alongside some review of the players in the space and some success stories The over riding principle in my mind is encapsulated by […]


A survey conducted at HIMSS15 found that patient satisfaction and patient engagement rank among the top priorities for CIOs. In fact, they rank above improving care coordination, streamlining operational efficiencies, and achieving Meaningful Use. The tides are clearly changing. We’ve all been talking about what the shift to a value-based care model means for healthcare […]


I attended the Health IT Marketing and PR Conference Schedule (HITMC) brought to you by the power house of John Lynn and Shahid Shah You can see the social Media feed in this Storify story here [View the story “Health IT Marketing and PR Conference (HITMC) – Day 1” on Storify]   The day kicked off […]


Social Media is rapidly becoming an integral part of our lives. Despite the pervasive nature of the communication channel healthcare remains a technology laggard. This presentation from HIMSS15 Wednesday Apr 15) will offer insights to help understand why healthcare professionals should join the community, participate in the discussion and how can do so successfully. I […]


Review of the first Day of HIMSS15 and the Physician IT Symposium


HIMSS is finally upon us and like the 20,000+ people heading Chicago there is a lot to take in, many options and far too much for any one person to see or catch up with. So what do you do?   First off – download the HIMSS Mobile APP that now comes with GPS intelligence […]


Great graphic that HITConsultant posted in this update SXSW Health Tech Trends Health and fitness apps, smart devices and connected products are making us more aware of our own health—and more active participants in our efforts to stay healthy. At the same time, health providers are looking to technology for smarter ways to deliver quality […]


Celebrating Pi (3.141592653) 3/14/15 at 9:26:53 Today is super-pi day, a day that comes but once a century and extends to a specific time at 9:26:53 seconds (although when that occurs will depends on your time zone. While pi is an infinite non-repeating decimal, there are still mathematicians and scientists seeking to build computers that […]


2015 health IT innovation holds the promise of turning massive amounts of personal health data into usable information that can keep you healthier — and it’s conveniently accessible on your phone. It’s always comical to watch movies from the 1980s, not only for the distinct style choices that typified that decade, but to see the […]


There is no known medical condition that enables an individual to predict the future. While such an ability would be extremely useful for myriad reasons, we have, instead, learned to hone and leverage our analytic skills to deduce what might occur, relying on the data we cull and parse to help forecast the future. So, […]

