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This recent post on the Atlantic: How CPR Became So Popular reminded me of a piece I wrote some time back – Doctors Die Differently. As I said then: Its not that doctors don’t want to die, its just that they knwo they know enough about modern medicine to know its limits, importantly they have […]
Video of the presentation from the Health2.0 show in October 2013 of the Florence DemonstrationYou can see Florence in action at the siteor in the video below
The short answer is yes – but I hear occasional stories and push back from clinicians and sometimes other healthcare staff – is it worth the spend and investment. Why not just wait for ICD-11 (Check out the beta draft of ICD-11 here). Why not just use SNOMED CT For the individual doctor taking care […]
I ran across this posting on Mark Hindle’s Twitter account: My Nan is in well publicised poorly performing hospital, this was in her notes last night – paper towel prescribing! — Mark Hindle (@mhindle2) August 15, 2013 The picture is shocking: This is not just a hand written note as a simple reminder…this paper […]
I posted a piece that was published on FastCompany site at the end of last month: Could The Future Of Health Care Mean No Waits In Hospitals? It included a link to an original concept from the innovative Kaiser founder Dr Sidney R. Garfield I shared this with my wife who is an accomplished midwife […]
I’ve said it before – Africa like many of the under developed countries is exploding with great use cases for mHealth. This piece: Kenya Has Mobile Health App Fever tracks the explosion of #mHealth.Promoted and supported by the Kenyan Medical Association and Shimba Technologies the latest release MedAfrica offer ready access to medical information and […]
Loved spending time with Dr Pat Salber (@DocWeighsIn) from the Health 2.0 conference that took place a couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of watching her in action as she blended social media with the sessions at Health 2.0 and tweeted a picture of her in action Here’s how @Docweighsin is a leading […]
Consumer reports published a Medical Gripes report What bugs you most about your doctor?We asked 1,000 people about their biggest medical gripes recently It included the chart “Grip-o-Meter” What struck me was the number of elements that could be addressed using Healthcare Technology (HealthIT). While technology may not be a panacea it is a tool to help […]
Always enjoying talking with John Lynn (Founder of the (he goes by @techguy and @ehrandhit) and great discussion yesterday on “Technology and Focusing on the Patient” using a Google Hangout
Like many in the healthcare IT industry, I was saddened by the announcement that Dr Farzad Mostashari (@Farzad_ONC) would be retiring. I would suggest as famed football legend Vince Lombardi said “The strength of the group is the strength of the leaders” And, for healthcare technology, Dr. Mostashari has been a great leader. I’ve outlined below some of […]
A recent article on the The Difference between Science and Technology in Birth on the AMA site demonstrates the challenges we still face in getting clicnal practice influenced by science and data. Studies and data may show the path for best clinical practice but as the authors note there are multiple instances of the clinical community […]
A recent article in Becker Hospital Review: Technology Should Aid Human Interaction: Q&A with Dr. Nick Terheyden, CMIO of Nuance featured some important points to make Health IT needs to fade into the background. It needs to become part of the fabric of the office rather than the focal point, and then the interaction will change […]
I had the pleasure of speaking with Alex Welz of Health Tech Vision last week and he posted the interview here – or you can listen to it below The importance of bringing intelligent voice interactions to Health IT especially as medical technology moves to into the Mobile world. It is an exciting time with […]
Excited to be presenting at Health2.0 There have been exciting innovations in Cloud based Intelligent Speech Understanding and our new development tool set is offering a way to help healthcare providers transform patient stories into high-value clinically actionable medical information. No more burdening clinicians with data entry tasks. Florence You can see it here […]
via Excellent article that demonstrates the challenges facing scientists and data. Despite the data clearly showing the benefits far outweighing the risks parents opinion and decision is swayed by “social norms” As a society, we respect the privacy of healthcare decisions; however, if we are to sustain adherence to the recommended immunization schedule as […]
I’m fortunate enough to spend a lot of time interacting with physicians, entrepreneurs, and investors on the bleeding edge of digital health – and it’s a consistently thrilling experience. At the same time, the continuous exposure to the imaginative and the extraordinary can also be a bit deceptive. Self-associating groups, as Sunstein has discussed, tend […]
Awesome video put together showcasing the various aspects of clinical documentation and why it is so important to capture the complete patient story in narrative form Putting all the details means capturing the diabetes and loss of consciousness Everything from Assure and the ability to capture anywhere and the exploding area of mobile integration of […]
Brian Klepper Brian Klepper, Health Care Analyst and TDWI Writers’ Group Glen Tullman Recently-fired Allscripts CEO Glen Tullman waxed progressive in a self-promotional Forbes article last week, describing the ways past and forward for electronic health records (EHRs) and health information technology (HIT). It may have been a way of trying to recover from a damning New York Times […]
Enlarge image i Notice anything unusual about this lung scan? Harvard researchers found that 83 percent of radiologists didn’t notice the gorilla in the top right portion of this image. Trafton Drew and Jeremy Wolfe Notice anything unusual about this lung scan? Harvard researchers found that 83 percent of radiologists didn’t notice the gorilla in […]
The approach came in 2009, in a presentation to doctors by Allscripts Healthcare Solutions of Chicago, a well-connected player in the lucrative business of digital medical records. That February, after years of behind-the-scenes lobbying by Allscripts and others, legislation to promote the use of electronic records was signed into law as part of President Obama’s […]
here via Great article on the potential for social media in healthcare and highlighting the phenomenal job the Salaman Khan has done (of the Khan Academy,/a>) with education online. There are some nice examples of use of video and social media to help in patient engagement and education and as David Chase points out […]
CLINICAL DOCUMENTATION NOW I’LL TELL YOU WHAT I WANT, WHAT I REALLY REALLY WANT Enough bitching like a Spice Girl, it’s time to structure my wish list and share it with you, dear vendors. Let’s start with my favorite topic if you don’t mind: Clinical Documentation and Data Input. So here’s my story from A to Z…if […]
This last week – the widely read Dr. Rob Lamberts lamented the usability of his Electronic Medical Record (EMR) software for his new primary care practice. It’s worth reading (here) as it highlights the larger systemic problem of EMR software generally and then specifically as EMR software is overlaid onto a new payment model. In Dr. Lamberts case, a software solution – […]
via Too good to not follow up to the previous post as another great article on re-workign the medical record (perhaps medical “record” is not a great term?). Personal Health Story/Personal Health History/Personal Health Chronicle… Whatever we call it this will be is the way our health information will be stored and shared Posted […]
via Nice post on the possible future of medical records – there has been a lot fo traffic on my e-mail on the lack of value of EMR’s and several folks commented on the lack of innovation in the systems. Several noted that just digitizing the paper process will unlikely bring any satisfaction or […]