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Health Information Exchanges This week I am talking to Lisa Bari, Interim CEO for the Strategic Health Information Exchange Collaborative (SHIEC). Lisa started her career in the Bay area in digital marketing for Practice Fusion, and winding through CMS where she worked on the interoperability rules. Along the way discovering the incremental insight that for policy changes you […]
Shared Care Solutions This week I am talking to Dr Chris Hobson, Chief Medical Officer, Orion Health (@OrionHealth), a population health and precision medicine company focused on data to support the delivery of the best possible care. Chris started out working in hospitals medicine for 6 years and spent time in primary care in New Zealand before […]
Stemming the Loss of Clinical Expertise This week I am talking to Hass Saad MD, Founder & CEO of Detroit Medical Informatics (DMI) a unique organization offering a highly successful elbow side clinician support, training and technology implementation in hospitals and healthcare settings. Hass grew up as a digital native and was entirely comfortable using the technology […]
The First in the Breech This week I am talking to Luis Saldana, MD (@lsaldanamd), an Emergency room physician and CMIO Clinical Informaticist who was at the center of the first Ebola case that reached US shores in 2014. He is a clinician first but like many in the profession went through a period of […]
Accurate Tracking This week I am talking to Mehdi Bentanfous, CEO of Kinexon (@kinexon) a company providing real-time intelligence and automation with precise localization and edge analytics and underlying technology used by the NFL for their successful COVID19 mitigation program that was featured in this published paper: Implementation and Evolution of Mitigation Measures, Testing, and […]
This week’s discussion centers on the latest trend of “Vaccine Shopping”. What’s that you ask – I had the same question. For some who are struggling with accessing appointments, worried that their appointment might be canceled, or even thinking they want to pick and choose the vaccine they get, they are booking multiple appointments. While […]
Your Stress Pal This week I am talking to Pennie Sempell, JD, CEO for StressPal (@Stress_Pal) that is working to build better resilience in healthcare communities to stress and burn out. Pennie started out in Psychology, graduated from law school, and worked in mediation that led to a career focused on stress reduction. Pennie has […]
Soundcloud Meets Rap Genius This week I am talking to Shiv Rao, MD (@ShivdevRao) is the co-founder and CEO of Abridge (@ABridgeHQ), which uses groundbreaking machine learning to help people understand the details of their care and follow through on their doctors’ advice. He is also a faculty member and practicing cardiologist at UPMC’s Heart and Vascular Institute. Shiv […]
Returning Ultimate Control of Care to the Patient This week I am talking to Rob Kowal, MD, PhD Chief Medical Officer, of Medtronic (@Medtronic/@MDT_Cardiac) and a cardiac electrophysiologist who has been part of the incredible progress and innovation that have taken place in implantable cardiac devices. He talks about the progress from the early days of external pacing […]
Looking Back at 2020 This months episode of “News you can Use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of December and a look back at the 2020 You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovation in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on […]
To close out the year Fred Goldstein and I review the things that took place in 2020 in healthcare generally that includes: A renewed focus on “Surprise billing” Getting everyone including patients seamless health data access Drug pricing transparency and why the US pays so much more The FDA warns Vaping is bad for your […]
Building a Trusting Relationship This week I am talking to Ramin Bastani, (@Raminb) CEO of Healthvana, who has built a direct communication platform for patients and doctors that has been working to deliver test results quickly and accurately for HIV for a number of years and has expanded into COVID19. Ramin’s journey started out caring for his […]
Pattern Recognition for the Visual Mind This week I am meeting with Art Papier, MD, a dermatologist and CEO and co-founder of VisualDx, a company offering a diagnostic clinical decision support system designed to enhance diagnostic accuracy, aid therapeutic decisions, and improve patient safety and recently featured in the NY Times for their 20-year journey an […]
Adnan Iqbal, CEO & co-founder, and Dr. Tashfeen Ekram, MD, CMO & co-founder of Luma Health (@lumahealthhq) that is helping solve capacity and scheduling problems and creating a single solution for connection and connectivity for the patient journey. They came together to solve the problem after Adnan tore his ACL and couldn’t get in for a scan […]
Election Results This month’s episode of “News you can Use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of November – presidential election month. You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see […]
Healthcare and Data Need to Get Along This week I am talking to Caesar Djavaherian, MD (@Caesardjava), and Emergency room physician and Medical Director and Co-Founder of Carbon Health (@CarbonHealth). Carbon Health is a modern, tech-enabled vertically integrated healthcare system designed from the ground up to put patient care first. Caesar’s path through medicine like many […]
Treatment Options The treatment and management of COVID-19 patients are evolving rapidly. There is a global effort to discover novel treatments and test existing therapies that are safe and effective. This week Fred Goldstein and I discuss what medical treatments are available for patients who contract SARS-CoV-2 and develop symptoms of COVID19 and discuss the […]
Rising Cases As we move into the winter, we are seeing a rise in cases here in the US and also around the world. We don’t know why exactly but some of this may be because of the re-opening that has taken place compounded by the move indoor We know that the shutdown is having […]
In this week’s episode, Fred Goldstein and I discuss transformative technologies from the 2 Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry this year, Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna “for the development of a method for genome editing” – aka CRISPR. A technology that is revolutionizing medicine in general but also part of another initiative to detect […]
Addressing Health Inequity This week I am talking with Lucie Ide, MD, PhD, founder of Rimidi, one of HIMSS’ Most Influential Women in Health IT, and one of Healthcare Global’s Top 10 Influential Women in Healthcare Technology. Lucie had an interesting background in physics and signal analysis prior to entering a career track in medicine. […]
The Cohort of Missing Care and Vaccination This months episode of “News you can Use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of September You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see […]
We Might Already Have had a Solution to COVID19 This week I am talking with Dr Jake Reder, PhD the CEO of CeldaraMedical – am innovation incubator and accelerator focused on transforming academic innovations into medicines that cure the world’s most challenging diseases. The company was originally launched during the financial crisis and as Jake […]
Neuromodulation Treatment for COVID19 This week I am talking to Peter Staats, MD, MPH, CMO for electroCore, CMO for National Spine and Pain Center, and President-Elect of the World Institute of Pain. Peter started his career as an anesthesiologist and founder of the division of Pain Medicine in the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine […]
What We’ve Been Missing This week I am talking to Tom Goodmanson CEO of Calabrio (@Calabrio), a customer focused contact tracing solution provider that has been workmen with state and local health and government technology leaders to rapidly build out contact tracing operations and manage the agent workforce. Tom has a very personal connection to contact […]
Testing, Testing, Testing, 1,2,3 This months episode of “News you can Use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of September. You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see covered. You can reach […]