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This week we are focusing on mindfulness and meditation and why it is important for your health. People that include mindfulness and meditation in their daily routing find they are better able to deal with pain, have improved immunity, sleep better, lower their blood pressure and have less inflammation.   What are the incremental steps […]


Exercise Routine In this weeks video I discuss getting into the habit of exercise Getting into a regular routine for exercise is the first step to making this part of everyday activity. How do you do that – the first step like most other incremental steps is to start. It can be hard and one of […]


Security by Default The opening Keynote by Parisa Tabriz | Director of Engineering, Google: Optimistic Dissatisfaction with the Status Quo: Steps We Must Take to Improve Security in Complex Landscapes covered the journey taken by Google to bring the status of browsing into the Security age. It was sobering to see that a company like Google with the […]


Telehealth is Here – Getting There Quicker with Incremental Steps This week I am talking to Dr. Til Jolly, CMO for Specialists on Call (SOC) Telemed who are delivering enterprise-wide telemedicine to over 450 hospitals Dr Jolly is an Emergency Room physician with a fascinating background that includes working for the NFL Super Bowl “Emergency Preparedness […]


Hollywood Future Predictions Spoiler Alert – for anyone who has not watched the Showtime series “Homeland” or not got past Season 2 In the episode titled “Broken Heart” (December 2, 2012) we watch a hacker gain remote unauthorized access to the Vice Presidents Pacemaker and induces a tachycardia (increase in the heart rate) causing him to […]


Dr Nick the Incrementalist discusses weight management The first steps to any healthy weight management program is data and weighing yourself. If you have scales at home use them and if not, there are other options for weighing yourself: Department stores, fitness centers, grocery stores, hospitals and clinics, hotels, pet stores, pharmacies, public restrooms, student […]


How Does Technology Reach Escape Velocity This week I am talking to Alfred Poor, Editor and Publisher of Health Tech Insider (@AlfredPoor) and a long-standing member of the technology community dating back to the early and exciting days of the first personal computers when he worked as a reporter at PC Magazine Listen in to hear […]


Dr Nick the Incrementalist discusses the new screening guidelines for hypertension or High Blood Pressure. What’s changed and what should you do about it In November 2017 the American College of Cardiology (ACC) updated the hypertension screening guidelines. Normal: Less than 120/80 mm Hg; Elevated: Systolic between 120-129 and diastolic less than 80; Stage 1: […]


The new Colorectal screening guidelines from the American Cancer Society Screening have changed Here are my thoughts on what this means to you as you think about your own personal health screening          


  Your Data but Who Owns It This excellent piece by ProPublica and NPR: Health Insurers Are Vacuuming Up Details About You — And It Could Raise Your Rates is part of a series – The Health Insurance Hustle by Marshall Allen that offers insights into the data-rich world we are entering and how this information may well be […]


The Challenge of Security for Humans In the lead up to BlackHat and DefCon conferences I am talking to one of the leaders in that space and especially Social Engineering Chris Hadnagy (@HumanHacker), CEO & Co-Founder of (@SocEngineerInc) and author of several books on the topic including a new one due out this summer ”Social […]


In the lead up to BlackHat and DefCon conferences, I am talking to one of the leaders in the space of security and the innovator who created and runs the outstanding security resource HaviBeenPwned (HIBP) Troy Hunt (@TroyHunt). He is an author of multiple top-rated courses on web security on Pluralsights and highly sought after speaker. The Ethics […]


I had the pleasure of talking to Bill Evans – Founder, SVP Innovation at Bridge Design, a Ximedica and learning about their success in design thinking that has created some unique and innovative products They designed a new Cleo Infusion Set for Diabetes by listening to the users – the patients and then consistently applied these small users […]


Am I the only one frustrated with a health system that allows for bills to show up not only as a slow trickle but also an avalanche if you have been unlucky to intersect with a hospital system for anything. But as if that was not bad enough there is no of limitations for medical […]


Bryan Vartabedian (Doctor_V) – Incremental Steps to Success with Electronic Health Records This week I am excited to be talking to one of the early trailblazers in social media who sits at the intersection between healthcare and technology Dr. Bryan Vartabedian, Physician Leader at Texas Children’s Hospital and @Doctor_V on twitter. Despite being a physician raised […]


Ari Lightman – Finding Insights from Digital Data This week I am talking to Ari Lightman, Professor at the HJ Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University where he teaches a class at the intersection of marketing and IT including Digital Transformation, Principles of Marketing and Measuring Social He shares insights on how we can smooth the transition […]


Bill Rogers and the 3rd Wave Interface – Speech     This week I am talking to Bill Rogers, CEO of Orbita – a company trying to do the same as WordPress did for web pages and web design but for speech interfaces Bill comes to this space and healthcare from content management where he […]


Catching up With the Digital Doctor   It was great to catch up with colleague and friend Dr. Eric Topol (@EricTopol), Executive VP and Professor, Molecular Medicine, The Scripps Research Institute Founder and Director, STSI We had a wide-ranging discussion that included some specific incremental steps to better healthcare – include getting the data to the […]


  New Prostate Screening Recommendations There’s a lot of talk in the news and spanning many of the social media networks with titles like this Prostate cancer screening recommendations get rolled back by US task force So what’s a man to do? Are we now all supposed to be getting prostate screening tests and what […]


After many years of living in the DC Metro area, I finally managed to attend the HealthData Palooza event at the Washington Hilton (famous for amongst other things the Assassination attempt of Ronald Regan) that first took place in 2010 – created in part as a response to the then newly established Website and database […]


Today is Earth Day – an annual event designed to raise awareness of the environment and protection of our planet – this year the focus is on Ending Plastic Pollution Plastic Clean up from the Ocean People come together to celebrate this stunning planet and show support for protecting the environment – everything from simple […]


The Toxic Drumbeat The Toxic drumbeat of the 24/7/365 News Cycle is impacting us all and brought home to me as I was sitting in a waiting room assaulted by the never-ending talking heads on a television playing in the corner of the room proved too much to me this morning. There were others in […]


  Patient Status Critical The threat level in Cyberspace keeps rising as evidenced by the recent alerts issued by the US Government (TA18-074A) and the long list of indicators of Compromise (IOC) Targeting critical infrastructure with an extensive list of tools, attacks, and techniques. While this is not new, with cases dating back to Stuxnet in 2007 […]


In the spirit of survival given the overwhelming nature of joining 40,000 people at one conference, I offer up this year’s Incremental Guidance to not only surviving the HIMSS conference but enjoying it too (you can find my HIMSS16 Guide here). This will be my 21st HIMSS and 3rd year as a Social Media ambassador and every year […]


Diverse Engaging and Eclectic What other conferences can you attend that offers you exercise and revitalization programs, alongside engaging presentations from key leaders in some of the top companies in pharmaceuticals, technology, healthcare and a demonstration environment packed with the latest and greatest innovations and technologies? The CNS Summit – now in its 8th year […]

