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All Engines Running Out of the 195 hours of flight time (a little over 8 days) for Apollo 11 and the crew, it was the approximately 13 minutes it took for the Lunar Module or “Eagle” to descend and land on the moon that was the most taxing on the systems, the astronauts and the […]
For many of us we live in a privileged world – I know oftentimes it seems like we don’t but rest assured, no matter what problems challenges or disasters have befallen you, your family or friends there is someone, somewhere who is worse off. You could be driven by rankings and where you appear with […]
Consumer Patient Centricity This week I am talking to Sameer Badlani, MD (@SameerBadlaniMD) an Internist and the CIO for Fairview Health Services We explore his journey to becoming a CIO that started at the University fo Chicago where he was involved in teaching and started exploring his passion around informatics and its ability to bring […]
Small Steps to Innovation This week I am talking to Marla Hetzel (@hetzelmj), Director of Innovation and User Experience at Change Healthcare. I met Marla when she presented at the HealthTechNet group on innovation where she talked about the ways she and her team and helping bring innovation back into businesses and healthcare. We discuss the […]
This months episode of “News you can use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of September 2019 You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see covered. You can reach out […]
Thomas Cook Closed for Business How does a company in business for over 170 years suddenly go out of business? Thomas Cook revolutionized travel doing amazing things to increase access inventing the package holiday or tour. At one point it seemed like every high street had a Thomas Cook Office on it featuring the latest […]
This week I am talking to Allen Waziri, MD, Neurosurgeon and Translational Neuroscientist, CEO & Founder – iCE Neurosystems offering “Better Data to Save the Brain”. They have created some transformative EEG technology that derives from a different way of thinking about both data acquisition and what that means for the processing of that data. We discuss the current […]
What is it about crisis and tragedy that inspires the human spirit to behave in the way that ultimately I think we all want to see? Think back to how you felt and behaved after 9-11 I know I can vividly remember where I was, who I was with, and the days that followed in […]
Is this Reality Why is there so much focus on twitter and the list of influencers and how much does this really matter? It’s easy to get sucked into this “influencing” story and look for followers, highlight the impressions and even game the system by finding the publishers of influencer lists or maybe even making […]
Keeping Up With Innovation in Healthcare Starting this month I will be running a monthly review of “News you can Use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio You can listen in to the first episode and read more about it here where I discuss topics ranging from Healthcare insurance and surprise billing, […]
Personal Medical Consultant I was lucky to catch up with Doug Lindsay, an expert patient and now working to offer his special skills and experience to other patients in need of help navigating the healthcare system. He was part of the panel at Health Datapalooza: Taking Charge of Your Own Health – Insights and stories from patients/caregivers […]
This post was adapted from a note I sent to my daughter who is studying medicine Feeling out of your depth, wishing you were having a break? You are far down a unique and imho privileged path and this is just one more bend, turn or challenging hill on the way to something special. It […]
This week I am talking to Vikas Shah MBE (@MrVikas), a successful entrepreneur from the age of 14 and investor. I met him at the World Health Congress for Europe that took place in Manchester where his presentation “How to Save Your Own Life” which touched a raw and emotional part of our world that […]
Gaming Medical Education This week I am talking to Eric Gantwerker, MD (@DrEricGant) a pediatric ENT-otolaryngologist and also a Vice President, Medical Director at Level Ex – a gaming company focused on tapping into gaming technology for medicine and healthcare. You can get a sense of the technology from their introductory video for CardioEx which […]
This week I am talking to Maggie Ehrenfried, Managing Director, Development LifeNet International (@LNInternational). LifeNet International is an organization working hard across Sub Sharan and East Africa to change that. This non-profit which touts its incredible efficiency operates through an “amplification of local resource” model to build and strengthen in-country capacity in the healthcare delivery chain. They […]
Imagination from InspiRen This week I am talking to Mike Wang, CEO and Founder of Inspiren and Paul Coyne, Co-Founder, and President. In case you are wondering about the company name Inspiren is a combination of Inspiration and the Chinese word ren a Confucian virtue denoting the good feeling a virtuous human experiences when being altruistic […]
Personal Medical Consultant I was lucky to catch up with Doug Lindsay, an expert patient and now working to offer his special skills and experience to other patients in need of help navigating the healthcare system. He was part of the panel at Health Datapalooza: Taking Charge of Your Own Health – Insights and stories from patients/caregivers […]
It was a real privilege to catch Dr. Elisabeth Rosenthal, (@RosenthalHealth, author of “An American Sickness”) after her presentation at the Healthcare Costs Innovation Summit, put on by West Health, that took place today at the Ronald Regan Building and International Trade Center in Washington DC. I asked her what the average consumer should be […]
Patients Biggest Stakeholder in their Care I was lucky to catch up with Anil Sethi, entrepreneur and previous founder of multiple successful healthcare companies who came to Health Datapalooza where he moderated the panel: Taking Charge of Your Own Health – Insights, and stories from patients/caregivers who have successfully disrupted or redesigned health care. Anil shared his personal […]
This week I am talking to several guests live at HIMSS 2019 Rasu Shrestha, MD EVP & Chief Strategy Officer Atrium Health (@RasuShrestha), R. Hal Baker, MD SVP, CIO Wellspan, and Aneesh Chopra, President, CareJourney (@aneeshchopra) Listen in to hear their thoughts on the latest innovations at HIMSS, what’s coming, the importance of shared values, bringing the humanity […]
Where has the Kindness Gone As someone remarked to me just recently The kindness has gone It can certainly feel that way sometimes and while my general position is to think like a proton – always positive it has been challenging over the last few months to maintain this position. I posted this over the […]
Design Thinking for Healthcare and Medical School This week I am talking to Dr. Clay Johnston, MD, PhD (@ClayDellMed), Dean, Dell Medical School and Vice President for Medical Affairs, UT Austin. Dr. Johnston has been the inaugural dean of Dell Medical School and is working towards a vision to create a new model for academic medicine that accelerates […]
The Opioid Epidemic 130 people die from an overdose of an opioid every day in the United States. Death from overdoses reached a staggering 47,600 people in the United States in 2017 – to put that into perspective that’s a 130 people per day, or 1 person every 11 mins, and now in the top 10 causes of […]
Keys to Successful Conferences How do you describe the CNS Summit and what it offers – the word impossible springs to mind? Even the name can be a little misleading especially for medical folks who might look at that and think “Central Nervous System” but actually its stands for Collaborating for Novel Solutions This coming […]
Women as the Key Healthcare Decision Makers This week I am talking Lisa Suennen, (@VentureValkyrie) Managing Partner of Venture Valkyrie, LLC, an advisory firm that works with healthcare and other companies on investment and innovation strategies and host of the Tech Tonics Podcast. Lisa is a twenty year veteran of healthcare investment, healthcare technology and […]