Patient Safety
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Screening for Businesses This week I discuss the challenges of screening and how companies and businesses need to approach this area. How you screen, who you screen and what screening are complex issues that are dependent on your specific business its risk profile, your employee risk profiles and of course what the latest science is on the virus There […]
This week I am talking to Deanna Parker, Assistant VP of Emergency Services at Hardin Memorial that is located in Elizabethtown Kentucky – the heart of Bourbon Whiskey production – more on that later. The area is still in the early stages of the pandemic crisis with a limited number of cases but as Deanna points […]
Track my Solutions This week I am talking to Jeremy Elias, Founder and Chief Executive Officer – TrackMy Solutions, a company taking on the challenge of keeping track of all the devices and technology that is in use in healthcare but like all other technology solutions sometimes requires updates or changes to fix newly discovered […]
This week I am talking to Tom Knight, CEO & Founder of Invistics. The companies name derives from Inventory Visibility and Analytics where they started many years ago tracking inventory and providing better data to companies trying to manage production and their supply chain as the world moved to just in time manufacturing and shipping. […]
This week I am talking to Brian Powers, MD, (@brianwpowers) resident physician at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. As you will hear he has already achieved a great deal as an emerging voice in Amerian Medicine but we focused on the recently published paper “Dissecting racial bias in an algorithm used to manage the health […]
Staying Relevant In 2009 we watched and were entertained by The Repair of the Hubble Space Telescope We were still knee-deep in the Financial Crisis that began in 2007 The Icelandic banking system collapsed taking the government with it Michael Jackson died The NY Yankees won the World Series (Go Nats!) Mobile Phone Technology use […]
This months episode of “News you can use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of September 2019 You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see covered. You can reach out […]
Is Turmeric a Wonder Drug Thanks to one of my viewers for the request to cover the spice Turmeric. There’s certainly plenty of interest in the compound with 100’s of registered trials consuming large amounts of investigational resources with claims of reducing inflammation, dementia and Alzheimer’s, heart disease, depression, and cancer. Wow! But should you […]
How do We Validate Innovation Talking with Linda Riddell, Poverty Educator and in charge of validation reviews at the Validation Institute at the World Healthcare Congress (WHCC19). The validation institute is used by vendors with outcomes, promises, and results that they are offering and they check the claim. They check the claims, the source, and reliability of […]
Gaming Medical Education This week I am talking to Eric Gantwerker, MD (@DrEricGant) a pediatric ENT-otolaryngologist and also a Vice President, Medical Director at Level Ex – a gaming company focused on tapping into gaming technology for medicine and healthcare. You can get a sense of the technology from their introductory video for CardioEx which […]
Virtual Pharmacists I spoke with Mark Engelen, CEO & Co-Founder for RxLive at the Connected Health Initiative (CHI) Connected Health Demo & Reception at the Rayburn House Office Building RxLive is working on amplifying the collaborative care model by making pharmacists live into the care process and coordination. They have a platform and a service […]
Pearls of Wisdom to Fix Healthcare Talking with Robert Pearl, MD, (@RobertPearlMD) best-selling author of the book Mistreated and former CEO of The Permanente Medical Group at the World Healthcare Congress (WHCC19). Robert shares his thoughts on death, especially as a result of medical errors, in the most expensive healthcare system in the world. He […]
This week I am talking to Maggie Ehrenfried, Managing Director, Development LifeNet International (@LNInternational). LifeNet International is an organization working hard across Sub Sharan and East Africa to change that. This non-profit which touts its incredible efficiency operates through an “amplification of local resource” model to build and strengthen in-country capacity in the healthcare delivery chain. They […]
Imagination from InspiRen This week I am talking to Mike Wang, CEO and Founder of Inspiren and Paul Coyne, Co-Founder, and President. In case you are wondering about the company name Inspiren is a combination of Inspiration and the Chinese word ren a Confucian virtue denoting the good feeling a virtuous human experiences when being altruistic […]
Accidents and Sleep In case you did not know the clocks “change” as they do every 6 months with the quaint notion of “saving daylight” and are advanced forward by 1 hour. There are some exceptions for those lucky enough to live in a country or state where the powers that be have smartly decided […]
Should you use Google Translate This research letter in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA): Assessing the Use of Google Translate for Spanish and Chinese Translations of Emergency Department Discharge Instructions Reviewed the use of Google Translate to help explain instructions to patients. As I noted it’s an option but has some associated […]
The Opioid Epidemic 130 people die from an overdose of an opioid every day in the United States. Death from overdoses reached a staggering 47,600 people in the United States in 2017 – to put that into perspective that’s a 130 people per day, or 1 person every 11 mins, and now in the top 10 causes of […]
Saving Healthcare Quality This week I am talking to Fred Trotter (@fredtrotter), CTO CareSet Systems – the first commercial Medicare Data company. Fred has a long and fascinating background that unlike many healthcare Cybersecurity experts started in the security field and transitioned to healthcare and healthcare data. You can read his musings on Hacking Healthcare […]
Keys to Successful Conferences How do you describe the CNS Summit and what it offers – the word impossible springs to mind? Even the name can be a little misleading especially for medical folks who might look at that and think “Central Nervous System” but actually its stands for Collaborating for Novel Solutions This coming […]
Encryption Algorithms Under Siege Over the course of history, the development and subsequent breaking of encryption standards have been a constant cycle. As new keys were developed so they were broken and the speed of with which new keys were broken has increased. Modern day encryption “Data Encryption Standard” or DES was launched int he […]
Hospital Paging Systems Security I spoke with Mark Nunnikhoven, VP of Cloud Research at Trend Micro talking about their recently published paper: Leaking Beeps: Unencrypted Pager Messages in the Healthcare Industry which were designed and built in an era when it took a lot of resources and technology to access the system but now all it takes a couple hundred […]
The Fake Science Factory In hindsight, the Waset publishing organization (I’m not linking to it so as not to help their SEO – waset DOT org) should have refunded Chris (Suggy) Sumner’s money when he asked for it, but the rest of Science thanks them for not doing that. So launched a year-long deep dive into […]
Hollywood Future Predictions Spoiler Alert – for anyone who has not watched the Showtime series “Homeland” or not got past Season 2 In the episode titled “Broken Heart” (December 2, 2012) we watch a hacker gain remote unauthorized access to the Vice Presidents Pacemaker and induces a tachycardia (increase in the heart rate) causing him to […]
Incremental Interoperability Can you imagine a sports team that was unable to share? Sharing is Caring and can only be done with open and easy access that includes the clinical team, patients, and their family. Translational Medicine Conference I recently attended the innovative 8th Annual Translational Medicine Conference this past week in Derry/Londonderry Northern Ireland […]
The snafu at the Oscars with another movie being announced as a winner before being corrected has created quite a stir! You can watch the fateful sequence here and the audience reaction captured by the LA Time photographer Al Seib Watch the moment when “La La Land” is mistakenly announced best picture winner — Los Angeles […]