Patient Safety
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MedicAlert I am excited to be elected to the MedicAlert Board joining Jessica Federer, head of digital development at Bayer. As Barton Tretheway, CAE, chair of the MedicAlert Foundation Board pointed out Their collective experience aligns with our priorities and will be immeasurable to us as we look to leverage the power of new technology to expand the […]
I ran across this posting on Mark Hindle’s Twitter account: My Nan is in well publicised poorly performing hospital, this was in her notes last night – paper towel prescribing! — Mark Hindle (@mhindle2) August 15, 2013 The picture is shocking: This is not just a hand written note as a simple reminder…this paper […]
All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking Friedrich Nietzsche Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend Albert Camus I met Regina Holliday a while back at one of the many conferences that she attends: […]
via Excellent article that demonstrates the challenges facing scientists and data. Despite the data clearly showing the benefits far outweighing the risks parents opinion and decision is swayed by “social norms” As a society, we respect the privacy of healthcare decisions; however, if we are to sustain adherence to the recommended immunization schedule as […]
Awesome video put together showcasing the various aspects of clinical documentation and why it is so important to capture the complete patient story in narrative form Putting all the details means capturing the diabetes and loss of consciousness Everything from Assure and the ability to capture anywhere and the exploding area of mobile integration of […]
I am excited to be joined by one of the keynote speakers from HIMSS13 conference Dr Eric Topol – Author of The Creative Destruction of Medicine: How the Digital Revolution Will Create Better Health Care and has been named in the list of the Top 100 Most Influential Physician Executive in Healthcare, 2012 by Modern […]
via The latest book exposing the healthcare system and how broken it is from Dr Makary a surgeon from Johns Hopkins. As he says Meet ‘Shrek,’ a doctor who insists on surgery in every case—and has a surgical-incision infection rate of 20%. and more troubling He quotes a recent Hopkins survey of employees of […]
NPR featured a segment recently on the reducing unnecessary scans “Requiring Doctors To Justify Scans Reduces Waste” with a simple 9 point scale to demonstrate the value of a test in the diagnostic process. Low score means the test has limited or no value and high score means the test has a high chance of […]