This month’s episode of “News You Can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of February 2025 The show that gives you a quick insight into the latest news, twists, turns and debacles going on in healthcare with my friend and co-host Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners and myself, where […]
This month’s episode of “News You Can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of August 2024 The show that gives you a quick insight into the latest news, twists, turns and debacles going on in healthcare withmy friend and co-host Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners and myself, where every diagnosis […]
Healthcare Realities: Beyond the Headlines This month’s episode of “News You Can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of January 2024 2023 The show that gives you a quick insight into the latest news, twists, turns and debacles going on in healthcare with my friend and co-host Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic […]
New Obesity Medications Offer Hope But Not a Panacea This week I am talking to Carolyn Jasik, MD, (@DrJasik) CMO for Omada Health, a virtual-first chronic care provider helping members make lasting changes to improve health and reduce care costs for organizations Excitement is growing around new GLP-1 receptor agonist medications for treating obesity, with […]
This month’s episode of “News You Can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of December 2023 The show that gives you a quick insight into the latest news, twists, turns and debacles going on in healthcare withmy friend and co-host Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners and myself, where every […]
Each and every year there’s a rush for predictions for the coming year and 2024 is no different The year Skynet/Mednet became active – not really but that was the fear with everyone calling it the Year of AI. For the rest of us, it was not so much the year of AI but rather […]
This week I am talking to Michael Racke, MD Medical Director of Neurology at Quest Diagnostics. Michael is a board-certified neurologist and formerly editor-in-chief of the Journal of Neuroimmunology, an expert in dementia and brain disorders who has authored/co-authored 200 peer-reviewed studies, book chapters, and reviews on neuroimmunologic diseases, including dementia. Michael discusses promising advancements in our […]
This week I am talking to Hal Baker, MD Senior Vice President & Chief Digital & Chief Information Officer at WellSpan Health that continues to be named one of the nation’s “Digital Health Most Wired” health systems by the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME), underscoring WellSpan’s efforts to lean into innovative technological advances to improve […]
This month’s episode of “News You Can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of Aug 2023 I am joined by The show that gives you a quick insight into the latest news, twists, turns, and debacles going on in healthcare with my friend and co-host Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners, […]
A Mother’s Heartache This week I am talking to Kelley Howard, Founder, Strategist at and extraordinary mother to Rachel Rigali who was featured on an earlier show (podcast and the associated blog post) with me and has now sadly died from her cancer. While both Kelley and I are working in healthcare as she describes navigating the system […]
This month’s episode of “News You Can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of Aug 2023 The show that gives you a quick insight into the latest news, twists, turns and debacles going on in healthcare withmy friend and co-host Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners and myself, where […]
The Comedy Show of Patient Payment (Price Transparency in Healthcare: A Stand-Up Comedy Special) This week I am talking to Ryne Natzke, Chief Revenue Officer, at TrustCommerce, a Sphere company (@SphereCommerce), a cloud-based, software and payments technology company. Ryne and I met some years back and he was kind enough to share some of the details […]
How to Outsmart Your Hungry Inner Couch Potato This week I am talking to Dr. Tim Church, Chief Medical Officer for Wondr Health (@WondrHealth) a company focused on Digital Behavior change especially focused on the obesity epidemic. Tim has spent a large part of his career focused on this area and as he puts it “bringing the […]
How Healthcare Charges Drive Us Crazy and What It Means for Your Health Many years back I was part of a team that built a hospital in Glasgow Scotland. It was the product of US and UK innovation built on a contaminated site used for shipbuilding in past decades. The project was a lot of […]
The Tale of Prompt Engineering Gone Wild! This month’s episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of July 2023 As I did last month I am talking to Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners. This month we open with a detailed discussion of the recently published […]
How Cannabis Saved My Son This week I am talking to Annabelle Manalo-Morgan, Ph.D., Founder, and Chief Scientific Officer for Masaya Medical that is focused on education and the formulation of high-quality, pharmaceutical-grade cannabis products, and author of Mighty Flower: How Cannabis Saved My Son and married to Grammy Award-winning reggae artist Gramps Morgan (If You’re […]
This week I am talking to Sadé Osotimehin, an Advanced Practice Pharmacist at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy (@umsop). Sade found her passion in chemistry and developed her career around this following a path into pharmacy school and beyond. Sade discusses her journey into the field of pharmacy and her passion for chemistry and explains how she […]
This week I am talking to Bob Booth MD, Chief Care Officer at TimelyCare (@TimelyMD) a company offering a student-centered platform that is designed for digital natives of on-demand access to mental health and medical care. Bob’s path informed his role and focus starting out in education, training to be a doctor and anesthesiologist and ultimately ending […]
This week I am talking to Louis Mendiola, Director of Provider Partnerships at MedArrive (@medarrive) who are mobile-integrated care management solution provider. Louis shares his origin story growing up in rural Nevada in a town called Winnemucca which provided him with great insight into the challenges of delivering local care We talk about the last mile of health care […]
This week I am talking to David Nash, MD (@nashpophealth) the founding Dean Emeritus and Professor of Health Policy at Jefferson College of Population Health. David like me have family working in front-line healthcare and struggled through the pandemic response and the enormous challenges this placed on our healthcare system and the staff who work in healthcare. We […]
“Just $5 for those drugs” Something eventually catches you with your health. There are some segments of our world that enjoy some incredible longevity and health into old age – the so-called Blue Zones that are populated by elderly people living full and healthy lives into their 90s and 100s and even beyond. But […]
This week is a special week to celebrate the New Year and I am talking to some of my fellow show hosts to get their take on what to expect in the coming year in healthcare. In alphabetical order, I was joined by Matt Fisher (@Matt_R_Fisher), General Counsel at Carium and Host of Healthcare de Jure […]
CES 2023 It is that time of year again. Well, actually the show has not taken place fully in person for a few years. It was the last show I attended before the Pandemic in January 2020. In hindsight, it was probably one of the early spreader events based on what I heard after the […]
Its the end of the year In the artificially created system of healthcare, thousands if not tens of thousands of people are scurrying to get as much of their healthcare crammed into the last few days left in the year. Is this because they need healthcare and there is some seasonal need? Sadly not – […]
Conference Season Opens This month’s episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of November 2022 As I did last month I am talking to Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners. This week we discuss the recent spate of conferences and some of the highlights and positives […]