Personal Health Management
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Market Based Medication Pricing Interacting with the healthcare system does nothing for my health and renewing a prescription is yet another painful experience. What about you? What stands in the way of a positive health experience Getting a prescription from the gatekeeper – your overworked primary care physician Insurance who impose arbitrary rules limiting how much […]
This week I am talking to David Hunt, Founder & President of the Cosán Group – which is Gaelic for path, a path that David has been on since growing up in the Boston area with a tight knit family. His career started out in the Medicare world which provided some early insights into the challenges […]
War broke out at DoorDash apparently San Francisco-based DoorDash is requiring engineers to deliver food — and they’re furious DoorDash, the food delivery app based out of San Francisco, is requiring all its nondelivery employees, including CEO Tony Xu, to do a “dash” once a month — and some employees are seemingly furious. It is […]
Tracking my Vitals I recently was sent wearable device that is now recording a wide range of metrics about me – all at a fraction of the cost of some of the devices on the market. Expect more news on this in the future. In fact I am now able to track on a regular basis […]
This week I am talking to James Mault, MD, CEO of BioIntelliSense (@BioIntelliSense), who started out as a Cardiopulmonary technician and found his path and career by way of a mentor, Bob Bartlett with the father of ECMO to become a Cardiothoracic surgeon. His early experiences drove his desire for more complete monitoring, closer to the experience […]
This week I am talking to Ron Chiarello, PhD (@roncphd) CEO and founder of Alveo Technologies, bringing diagnostic testing into the home: Everyone, Anytime, Everywhere Ron started his career in physics where he was involved in low temperature technology and testing for contamination using high intensity x-rays. Like me he was influenced by the original Star Trek […]
Carin Alliance This week I am talking to Ryan Howells, Principal at Leavitt Partners and a Healthcare technology specialist and focus on the and also the program manager of the Carin Alliance that is trying to get more data into the hands of patients and building on a multitude of interoperability programs. We discuss the early challenges […]
Money Games in Healthcare and How To Solve them This week I am talking to Marty Makary, MD, MPH, (@MartyMakary) Professor Johns Hopkins School of Medicine & Bloomberg School of Public Health Editor of Medpage, and author of The Price We Pay – What Broke American Healthcare – and How to Fix It (released Jun 8, 2021) and Unaccountable […]
This months episode of “News you can Use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of April. You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see covered. You can reach out direct via […]
Perhaps this interview might be a tipping point for change? One outcome from this interview was the realization for people outside the US and inside that drug advertising was unique to this country. Many watched the interview online to discover that it was filled with adverts for drugs, the news even for Americans who did […]
Building a Trusting Relationship This week I am talking to Ramin Bastani, (@Raminb) CEO of Healthvana, who has built a direct communication platform for patients and doctors that has been working to deliver test results quickly and accurately for HIV for a number of years and has expanded into COVID19. Ramin’s journey started out caring for his […]
Inspiration Exchange This week I am talking to Adam Gonzalez, Ph.D., Director of Behavioral Health at Stony Brook Medicine (@StonyBrookMed) and the work they have done to mitigate ether enormous strains placed on healthcare workers dealing with the COVID19 pandemic. Building on the creation of the Mind-Body Clinical Research Center that was created back in […]
Haircut, and Would you Like Heart Checkup To? This week I am talking to Andrew Suggs, Co-Founder of Live-Chair (@livechairinc) – addressing healthcare disparities through the community of trusted barbers and barbershops (long the center of medicine and in particular surgery). The company started out providing scheduling and customer management tools to the many barbershops […]
As we move into the winter, cases continue to rise here in the US and also around the world. What does that mean for you, your business and how should you handle this troubling increase in cases? It starts and continues with limiting the spread of the disease following all the guidance that everyone is […]
The Learning Healthcare System This week I am talking to Vivian Lee, MD PhD MBA, (@vivianleemd) President Verily Health Platforms (@verilylifesci) and author of “The Long Fix: Solving America’s Health Care Crisis with Strategies that Work for Everyone” (W.W. Norton) and a Senior Lecturer at Harvard Medical School. Dr Lee started out like many doctors do with a […]
The History The term “Snack Oil Salesman” has long been used and associated with seedy profiteers who sell fake wares to an unsuspecting public, and that is the way I use the term here (ironically the origins were at odds with this). But the term is relatively well understood as a metaphor for individuals who […]
Reducing Transmission of COVID19 This months episode of “News you can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of July You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see covered. You can reach out direct via the contact form on my […]
Building Lasting Change in Healthcare This week I am talking to Stacey Chang, Executive Director and Founder, Design Institute for Health and a Professor, Dell Medical School and College of Fine Arts. They have recently announced a First-of-Its-Kind Master’s in Design in Health Launches at UT Austin that is taking applications for Fall 2020 course that is the only […]
Smart Toilets This week I am talking to Chad Adams, President, and CEO of Medic Life – makers of one of the world’s smartest toilets, even smarter? In the context of our current Pandemic with the spread of the Virus SARS-CoV-2 that is sweeping the world and causing the disease COVID19 a virus detecting smart toilet […]
Full Month of Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring This week I am talking to Josep Sola, Ph.D. Co-Founder and CTO for Aktiia (@aktiiaglobal), who have created a wrist-worn cuffless continuous blood pressure monitor that lasts a month on one battery charge. How and why does a telecoms engineer end up in medical device and sensor research looking […]
Updated Wednesday, Nov 13, 2020 This resource was first created by me in response to what I saw as growing demand for reliable information. I continue to update the page with new links and resources keeping up with the rapidly changing knowledge we have on the SARS-CoV-2 infection and the disease COVID19. I will continue […]
Coronavirus The statistics are jarring – as of the latest update from WHO of 77,794 confirmed (599 new) cases globally with the majority coming from China with 2,348 deaths in China and 11 outside of China. The fatality rate in the point of origin (Wuhan China) is between 2-4% but outside of this region fatality […]
The recurring theme I find in life is people’s generally good intentions that fail to end in actual positive results? You will often find me stating that I don’t believe that anyone gets up in the morning with an intention of How can I be a terrible parent How can I eat unhealthily What is […]
Continuous Monitoring of Health So the opportunity to dive deep into glucose metabolism in my body with detail previously confined to laboratories was an exciting proposition. This especially true as I contemplated CES this coming week which has seen each year an ever-expanding Digital Health Pavilion with more companies and new solutions springing up. The […]
Detecting Undiagnosed Silent Killers This week I am talking to Prof. Arik Eisenkraft, MD, MHA, the Chief Medical Officer for BioBeats – a new step in continuous monitoring for blood pressure with a wearable device (watch or patch) that does not use an inflatable cuff for measuring your blood pressure. The journey to this point […]