Personal Health Management
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New Prostate Screening Recommendations There’s a lot of talk in the news and spanning many of the social media networks with titles like this Prostate cancer screening recommendations get rolled back by US task force So what’s a man to do? Are we now all supposed to be getting prostate screening tests and what […]
Incremental Interoperability Can you imagine a sports team that was unable to share? Sharing is Caring and can only be done with open and easy access that includes the clinical team, patients, and their family. Translational Medicine Conference I recently attended the innovative 8th Annual Translational Medicine Conference this past week in Derry/Londonderry Northern Ireland […]
Changing Your Health with Wearables There are probably very few people around who remember the old stores and how they used to work. Stores where you walked in and someone behind a counter would fetch items at your behest. Perhaps you’ve seen the concept in Little House on the Prairie or perhaps you have […]
The last remnants of summer continue to permeate our lives but coming to a close and as they say in Game of Thrones “Winter is coming”. It might be hard to think about the flu season but now is a great time to think about preventing flu for you and your family members. Each year […]
Rethinking Wellness in the Wearable Age This past week I had the privilege of joining ~30 or so people from around the country in Los Angeles to hear about the work Aetna and Apple have been doing as part of their partnership announced last Fall (Aetna to Transform Members’ Consumer Health Experience Using iPhone, iPad and […]
Healthcare and Travel A recent trip to the Emerald Isles to visit family and friends found us in another country and short on medication. The discovery came late on Saturday evening which could have meant another 36 hours before we could speak to a clinician during normal working hours, obtain a replacement prescription and fill […]
Hurry up and Implement Innovation has had a tendency to move at glacial pace and history is littered with scientific discoveries that took a long time to reach our world and have an impact on our lives. So many areas in our lives – math and complex numbers discovered in the 16th Century that were originally […]
Working from Home Americans are doing more and more activities from the comfort of their home and its no surprise – the frustration of showing up to a business only to find they are closed or worse short-staffed and instead of dealing with the customer in front of them the staff are on the phone […]
The Great Healthcare Debate Healthcare is personal and front and center in our minds not just because we all intersect with it in some way but it employs 1 in 9 people in the United States. With the current state of our media and political system with polarized debates, he said she said talking heads […]
It’s the artificial holiday that celebrates the play on words from Star Wars movies – a rallying cry The list of suggested actions from the Starwars site may not be to everyone’s taste and includes everything from Holding movie marathons Dress up as a Star Wars Character Star wars food including blue milk! Getting a Star Wars […]
What will it take to move our healthcare system to a truly patient-centered system? We know based on multiple data points that engaged patients have a big impact on the successful outcome of treatment. Leonard Kish cited the phrase back in 2012 Patient Engagement is the Blockbuster Drug of the Century Referencing a 2009 Kaiser […]
It’s perverse but the healthcare system in the United States is making you sick. Don’t believe me – then maybe you have a high-end plan with no deductible and full access and no ceiling. But there are not many of those and for the rest of us, I imagine your interaction with the system is […]
MedicAlert I am excited to be elected to the MedicAlert Board joining Jessica Federer, head of digital development at Bayer. As Barton Tretheway, CAE, chair of the MedicAlert Foundation Board pointed out Their collective experience aligns with our priorities and will be immeasurable to us as we look to leverage the power of new technology to expand the […]
A recent report published by Jane Sarsohn-Kahn for the California Health Foundation: Digitizing the Safety Net Health Tech Opportunities for the Undeserved offers some deep insights into reaching the population most in need of help but often left out in the discussions of the latest and greatest technology to break into the news cycle. As pointed out […]
Human capital – the stock of knowledge, habits, social and personality attributes embodied in the ability to perform labor so as to produce economic value. When reading the above definition of human capital, a particular word jumps out… habits. I am passionate about habits because poor lifestyle choices—or bad habits—are the number one driver of […]
The Power of Knowledge Life has changed and access to information is no longer the definition of value – we have seen these changes in the past as far back as 1494 when the printing press was introduced making books and knowledge more widely available: And proceeds through newspapers, the steam engine, photography and the death […]
This piece by Aaron Carroll detailing his personal experiences with the healthcare system for what should be an easy and simple activity represents the frustration and challenges everyone faces on a daily basis including myself I have the exactly the same challenges with renewal of what is a long standing formulation I know this is […]
This is a summary of the presentation I gave at the HIC 2015 conference in Brisbane on Wednesday Aug 5 at 12:15pm (program) Technology is an integral part of our lives – just take a look around: But unfortunately our health has suffered as a result of lifestyle changes – elegantly captured by this chart […]
This week I had the fortune of speaking at the Connected Health – Healthcare Reinvented – Customer First I pulled together an update in resources on the payment streams for mHealth activity alongside some review of the players in the space and some success stories The over riding principle in my mind is encapsulated by […]
There is no known medical condition that enables an individual to predict the future. While such an ability would be extremely useful for myriad reasons, we have, instead, learned to hone and leverage our analytic skills to deduce what might occur, relying on the data we cull and parse to help forecast the future. So, […]
This article originally appeared on WhatsNext: HealthcareOne in eight U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. In 2014 alone, an estimated 295,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed. That’s approximately 808 cases per day. That’s ~640 cases per day or a little over 1 […]
How Americans DieThis is a fantastic visual presentation of data that you can look at in more detail on the Bloomberg SiteError: Embedded data could not be displayed.If the embedded page does not work head over there directly here The main points highlighted The mortality rate fell by about 17 percent from 1968 through 2010, […]
The FDA issued a warning letter to 23andMe on Nov 22, 2013. There followed a slew of articles, posts, tweets and commentary – amongst the many there’s also more reason for concern …. Class Action Law Suit Filed Against @23andMe via @forbes @danmunro— Gregg Masters (@2healthguru) December 3, 2013 And this piece on Forbes […]
You can always rely on Hollywood to take concepts and extend them into the future – sometimes correctly (cloaking, holographic TV, forcefields and eco skeletons with mind control), sometimes incorrectly (aluminum dresses, atmosphere that is completely controlled, suspension bridge apartment housing). We have had speech recognition and Spock’s request: So it was no surprise to find the […]
Patients deserve the same standard and car that doctors receive when they need treatment. But as I have said before (Doctors Die Differently and more recently Treatment Creep in Medicine – sucking Decency out of Patients) we remain challenged especially when it comes to dying. This piece by Dan Gorenstein, How Doctors Die: Showing Others the […]