Personal Health Management

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I posted a piece that was published on FastCompany site at the end of last month: Could The Future Of Health Care Mean No Waits In Hospitals? It included a link to an original concept from the innovative Kaiser founder Dr Sidney R. Garfield I shared this with my wife who is an accomplished midwife […]


Consumer reports published a Medical Gripes report What bugs you most about your doctor?We asked 1,000 people about their biggest medical gripes recently It included the chart “Grip-o-Meter” What struck me was the number of elements that could be addressed using Healthcare Technology (HealthIT). While technology may not be a panacea it is a tool to help […]


A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds no link between the number of vaccinations a young child receives and the risk of developing autism spectrum disorders. Jeff J. Mitchell/Getty Images A large new government study should reassure parents who are afraid that kids are getting autism because they receive too […]


It was this podcast, “The Bitter End” From the awesome radio show radiolab that covered a topic that people are often reluctant to discuss but is an important part of our reality…as they say there are few things certain in life but birth death (and taxes) are at the top of the list. The piece […]


via Nice post on the possible future of medical records – there has been a lot fo traffic on my e-mail on the lack of value of EMR’s and several folks commented on the lack of innovation in the systems. Several noted that just digitizing the paper process will unlikely bring any satisfaction or […]


via This article helps detail some of the new findings emerging relative to the effects of the Microbiome and perhaps start to explain the significant differences found in populations based on where they grow up. In a controversial claim from the Irish study the study also suggests that this microbial make-up is driven by […]


Welcome to this new series, Topol on The Creative Destruction of Medicine, which is named for my new book, The Creative Destruction of Medicine. I’m Dr. Eric Topol, Director of the Scripps Translational Science Institute and Editor-in-Chief of Medscape Genomic Medicine and In this series I will detail the driving forces behind what I […]


Share This article Earlier this year, well known cardiologist Eric Topol published his highly successful book, “The Creative Destruction of Medicine.” In it he describes several examples where smartphones, particularly the iPhone, have been morphed into first-rate medical devices with the potential to put clinical-level diagnostics in the hands of everyday users. Coincidentally, Topol was […]


An exciting month for Voice of the Doctor with the following guests appearing November 2: Terri Mitchell, MSN RNDirector, Clinical Informatics Solutions at Nuance Communications  We will be talking about The Healthcare Data Imperative and the challenge of capturing Healthcare data and the importance of capturing information at the point of care when the information is fresh in […]


This month we will be Sep 7Brad Tritle (@BTritle)who is currenlty the chair of the HIMSS Social Media Task Force.  He is currently co-editing a forthcoming HIMSS book on consumer engagement and consulting under the Office of the National  Coordinator on consumer engagement for State HIEs and immunization registries. Amongst the areas of focus: Health Information Exchange Consumer […]


This week I will be joined by Clint McClellan (Twitter @clintmc1) who is Sr. Dir. of Strategic Marketing at Qualcomm Life and the President and Chairman of the Continua Health Alliance. HE and I will be talking about the Continua Health Alliance which is a non-profit, open industry organization of healthcare and technology companieswho are collaborating to improve personal healthcare.They […]

