
Review of the first Day of HIMSS15 and the Physician IT Symposium


In a great expose of the value of the narrative Dr Regina Harrell explores Why A Patient’s Story Matters More Than A Computer Checklist in a journey documenting one elderly patient with knee pain and underlying Dementia Sadly Dr Harrell spends more time on technology than on the important aspect of patient engagement and clinical care: At […]


Snackmaker Modernizes the Impulse Buy with Sensors, Analytics This company is building “smart shelves,” to help them identify people and sell to them more directly targeted adverts and products…. new display units located by checkout counters, that will use sensor technology to identify the age and sex of the would-be snacker, analytics to determine what type of guilty pleasure best […]


Just too good not to share Why U.S. Health Care Is Obscenely Expensive, In 12 Charts ‘Nuff Said The Charts here are some illustrations of the wasteful spending.


Hanging out with Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn & Dr Susan K Newbold at Summit of the Southeast #HealthIT Susan K Newbold, PhD RN-BC FAAN FHIMSS CHTS-CPSknewbold@comcast.net, 443-562-0502 cell Sent from my iPad


In a great piece on FastCompany titled: Are you an Introvert or an Extrovert? What it Means for your Career, Beth Belle Cooper explores what she considered a binary position or bucket to put people in but discovers this is really a continuum and one that we as individuals don’t sit at one spot all of […]


Great post: 7 predictions for the future of health care technologyI expect we are failing to imagine all the other opportunities that exist but makes some key points Democratization of Medical Knowledge For thousands of years, the science and art of medicine has been passed down from generation to generation under an apprenticeship model (it’s called “a […]


The Geneticist Mary-Claire King who discovered the BRCA1 gene, says she is delighted by the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that makes it illegal to patent it and rightly so Dan Munro reviews the decision in this piece on breaking the Myriad Monopoly and he rightly pointed out that Mark Skolnick said in an interview in 2007 Q: “You [Myriad] said this test will […]


Interesting study published by Pennsylvania Safety Authority  Spotlight on Electronic Health Record Errors: Paper or Electronic Hybrid Workflows What will not be a shock but still an important finding – hybrid workflows major challenge in EMR implementations creating much increased risk of errors


Credit Suisse Says Wearable Tech “The Next Big Thing”: You bet – this market and area is going to explode via Tumblr http://drnic1.tumblr.com/post/50916719025


Andrew Wakefield Tries to Shift Blame for UK Measles Epidemic By Phil Plait  |  Posted Sunday, April 14, 2013, at 8:00 AM 943 432 Right now, in the UK, the outbreak of measles has reached epidemic proportions. Nearly 700 people have come down with the highly contagious disease in south Wales, and that number may […]


Awesome presentation on presenting….. <iframe src=”http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/17313548?rel=0” width=”427″ height=”356″ frameborder=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” style=”border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style=”margin-bottom:5px”> <strong> <a href=”http://www.slideshare.net/HubSpot/what-would-steve-do-10-lessons-from-the-worlds-most-captivating-presenters” title=”What Would Steve Do? 10 Lessons from the World&#39;s Most Captivating Presenters” target=”_blank”>What Would Steve Do? 10 Lessons from the World&#39;s Most Captivating Presenters</a> </strong> from <strong><a href=”http://www.slideshare.net/HubSpot” target=”_blank”>HubSpot […]


This is a great presentation by Kate Crawford Algorithmic Illusions: Hidden Biases of Big Data interspersed with some nice visuals (a silhouette illusion – a Kinetic bistable optical illusion that lacks visual clues for depth – the spinning cat!) to make the point that big data. The point being there are ways we see data and […]


IMG_2107.MOV Watch on Posterous Posted via email from drnic’s posterous


Here’s my list of 12 things coming to Healthcare in the next 12 months Tablets – in particular the iPad Mini which has captured the imagination and is ready for prime time in a perfect balance fo form factor Voice Enablement – it’s everywhere and quite right too but expect it to get a whole lot […]


Dr Tornado’s recent post on “How I met your EMR” takes a lighter look at the challenges of EMR use in healthcare and specifically makes the point that: the goal of human-machine interaction engineering is to produce a user interface which makes it easy, efficient, and enjoyable to operate a machine in the way which produces the desired […]


A Nurse Learns Firsthand That You May Fend For Yourself After A Hospital Stay Beth Ann Swan1 Author Affiliations 1Beth Ann Swan (bethannswan@gmail.com) is dean and professor at the Jefferson School of Nursing at Thomas Jefferson University, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She and her husband, Eric, express their gratitude to their colleagues and the many great […]


A recent conference at the Bipartisan Policy Center: Accelerating Electronic Information Sharing to Improve Quality and Reduce Costs in Health Care The full agenda is here and you can watch all the proceedings online in the video: There are some great sessions but as always Dr Farzad Mostashari, MD, ScM, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, Department of Health […]


Women “catching up” in many countries Posted via email from drnic’s posterous


via nuancehealthcareblog.com Nuance wants your help – we want to make #HealthIT smarter and have issued a challenge (similar to the successful challenge from HIMS2012) Can you take the Clinical Language Understanding (CLU) software development toolkit and apply this in your application. The opportunity to convert free form narrative content into meaningful clinically actionable data […]


Recent review by Medscape (Membership required) http://www.medscape.com/features/slideshow/EHR2012 THe advice from EHR users included the suggestions: “Learn to Type VERY Well” Intelligent integration of speech recognition is a genuine solution to that challenge Rankings were interesting – Amazing Charts still hitting the top spot In Medscape’s 2012 survey, the 5 top-ranked EHRs were Amazing Charts, Practice Fusion, VA-CPRS, […]


Nice Summary from Healthcare Informatics in graphic form of the major changes of MU1 -> MU2 http://www.healthcare-informatics.com/article/meaningful-use-stage-2-what-s-changed-proposed-rule Posted via email from drnic’s posterous


Posted via email from drnic’s posterous


Amazing Larry Weed, MD’s (Father of the Problem Orientated Medical record and key innovator in Problem-Oriented Medical Information System (PROMIS) )video is still available but here it is on youtube Interesting to see how he effectively highlights the need for a well-organized problem lists for clear and sound clinical thinking. His thoughts are still relevant today and he is […]


About 6 years ago Dow Chemical sponsored what became a series of iconic TV commercials – simply called The Human Element. They still crop up occasionally – and I still think they are CLIO worthy – but no wins to date. A summary of the soothing, violin accompanied voice-over went like this: For each of us there is a […]

