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I had the pleasure of talking with Chuck Webster, MD (@EHRWorkflow) over the last few days and weeks and he just posted this interview at his website We found much in common (not justin healthcare but in books, space and science fiction) and he has kindly agreed to join me tomorrow for the #VoiceoftheDr radio […]
Not exactly medical but an area of great interest for me and one that is so fundamental to our world I thought worth talking about. If you want to get a sense of science and how little we still don’t know or understand I recommend you read A Short History of Nearly Everything – Bill […]
In a nice piece of reporting on MSNBC we see a good review of the challenge of head gear for young soccer players. as parents we want to protect our children and a web site offering a helmet that claims t reduce concussion by 50% is likely to attract some serious attention. Problem is these […]
The Weight of the Nation – The Obesity Epidemic Top of my list this week is the films “The Weight of the Nation” from HBO over the last few nights. You can watch the films (without a subscription) and really should make a point of doing so. There are 4 episodes, 1 hour each and […]
Last week on VoiceofTheDoctor Radio Show on Friday May 11, 2012 I had the pleasure of talking with Karen Kirby, RN, MSN, NEA-BC, FACHE President and CEO of Kirby Bates Associates and Kathy Douglas, RN, MHA the Chief Nursing Officer for API Healthcare. You can listen to the podcast here or download it from here. We talked about the expanding […]
Have physician-nurse relationships improved? April 11th, 2012 by Jonathan H. Burroughs My daughter Serena will graduate from Oregon Health & Science University School of Nursing in September and I wonder if things will be different for her than for the nurses I worked with more than thirty years ago when I entered the healthcare industry. […]
May 11 May 6 – 12 is National Nurses week In honor of this I will be talking with Karen Kirby, RN, MSN, NEA-BC, FACHE who has over 25 years of experience in healthcare administration and has held top-level nursing and hospital administration positions, and serves as an Associate at the Institute for Nursing Healthcare Leadership within Boston’s Harvard healthcare […]
Join me this month with the following guests May 4 I will be joined by Brian Phelps, MD CEO, Montrue Technologies We will be discussing Best Practices: for Developing Apps for the Medical Community including the integration of speech Montrue technologies were the 2012 Mobile Clinician Voice Challenge Winner with thier award winning SparrowEDIS May 11 May 6 – 12 […]
Todays Apr 27 is news round up on Voice of The Doctor (#VoiceoftheDr, #VotD) Many people know we are suffering drug shortages in the area of chemotherapy drugs (Cisplatin, Doxrubicin, Methotrexate), but did you know that drug shortages in the US include some of these well known and commonly used drugs: Morphine Dextrose Diazepam Epinephrine Liodcaine Naloxone […]
Previous post: Greening the operating room Next post: My philanthropic advice to America’s healthcare supporters via kevinmd.com Facebook a template for electronic medical records – not as radical as it might sound at first. I blogged the same point back in 2008 A Facebook Medical Record It sounds like Facebook would make a great starting […]
The recommendations represent an unusually frank acknowledgment by physicians that many profitable tests and procedures are performed unnecessarily and may harm patients. By some estimates, unnecessary treatment constitutes one-third of medical spending in the United States. “Overuse is one of the most serious crises in American medicine,” said Dr. Lawrence Smith, physician-in-chief at North Shore-LIJ […]
9 Colleges launched an initiative to reduce waste in the healthcare system and the details can be found at Choosing Wisely website. Tune in on Friday at 2:30 ET when I will be joined by Dr William (Bill) Boonn (@wboonn) who is: • President at Montage Healthcare Solutions, Inc • Chief, 3D and Advanced Imaging. Assistant Professor, Cardiovascular Imaging at Hospital of the University […]
Cited as the “most important debate of our time” and the hottest ticket in Washignton DC this week the healthcare debate kicked off a record setting 6 hours of arguments over a period of three days. You can listen to proceedings here. You can download Monday (pdf transcript), Tuesday (pdf transcript) and Wednesday Part 1 (pdf) and Part 2 (pdf). Tomorrow I will have the pleasure of […]
<blockquote class=’posterous_short_quote’>Facebook May not be so Friendly</blockquote> via npr.org Facebook connects us but for those who struggle with social interactions the connections can amplify disconnects with main stream society. In an interesting piece on NPR featuring research from Ontario in Canada researchers found that: People with low self-esteem posted far more negative updates than those […]
via caring.com In an interesting development the Statin cholesterol lowering group of drugs is showing some effect at reducing the progression of MS suggesting that MS may be linked to lipid metabolism? It included 81 patients with early-stage MS randomly selected to take either 80 milligrams a day of Lipitor (atorvastatin) or a placebo. After […]
Neglecting the patient in the Era of Health IT Not to see what lies dimly in the distance but to do what clearly lies at hand Dr Verghese from Stanford who has authored several books make the point that the doctor patient interaction is the most important aspect of healthcare Here he talks about the […]
Helpful piece covering the increasing number of clinicians who are jumping into the world of social media incorporating it into their practice and engaging patients in new, interesting and valuable ways. SocialMed: Docs Worth Following Posted via email from drnic’s posterous
Nine Out of 10 Physicians Unwilling to Recommend Health Care As a Profession, Exacerbating Anticipated Physician Shortagehttp://www.thedoctors.com/TDC/PressRoom/PressContent/CON_ID_004671This is very troubling but not too surprising Posted via email from drnic’s posterous
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Useful summary fact sheet from HHS http://content.hcpro.com/pdf/content/276944.pdf Posted via email from drnic’s posterous
Nice poster outline for the imperatives to delivering excellent cancer care from the Advisory Board company THeir Top 6 list: 1) Ensure adherence to evidence based guidelines Seems obvious but often forgotten – 13% of Colon cancer patients receive non evidence based care. 2) Reduce unnecessary IP and ED utilization The medical home is key to ongoing […]
The CDC has released the top causes of death list. 14 of the top 15 have not changed much in years but Homicide finally got pushed out by pneumonitis. 1. Heart Disease 2. Cancer3. Lower respiratory diseases; 4. Stroke and related cerebrovascular diseases; 5. Accidents (unintentional injuries); 6. Alzheimer’s disease; 7. Diabetes; 8. Kidney diseases; 9. Influenza and pneumonia; 10. Suicide; 11. Septicemia; 12. Chronic liver […]
via consumerist.com Seems there is much more to this story than first meets the eye. THe HIPAA regulations unintended consequences include the price that healthcare providers pay to suffer claims such as this made with either “no comment” or “disagree and if they follow the letter of the law are unable to comment because of […]
Find out more here Posted via email from drnic’s posterous
What is HealthIT from the Discovery Channel Part 4 http://discoveryhealthcme.discovery.com/patiented/patiented.html Posted via email from drnic’s posterous