Wearable EcoSystem

This week I am talking to Benjamin Vandendriessche, PhD, (@benvddriessche) the CMO of Byteflies (@byteflies) – a company creating a wearable health platform to capture continuous data and enabling true Wearable Health
Listen in to find out about their journey to creating an ecosystem of sensors that can record multiple physiological parameters that combine, much like lego bricks into multiple data sources with their special combination of software and data processing.
Hear about the early work of collecting physiological data on mice, wirelessly and the sepsis models they developed as a result and the importance of accuracy and unprocessed signals to building a valid clinical data set.
Listen live at 4:00 AM, 12:00 Noon or 8:00 PM ET, Monday through Friday for the next two weeks at HealthcareNOW Radio. After that, you can listen on demand (See podcast information below.) Join the conversation on Twitter at #TheIncrementalist.
Listen along on HealthcareNowRadio or on SoundCloud
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