How EMRs can detract from a clear narrative, and facilitate spoliation and obfuscation of evidence; UPMC and the Sweet death that wasn't very sweet
Written by Dr Nick on October 26, 2011

In a detailed and extensive post on the hcrenewal blog that covers the pending case from Pittsburgh and the challenges relative to complexity of EMR systems, understanding the data including all the meta data that is gathered within these systems but not always available for review by clinicians.
The post is illuminating on so many levels delving into the case providing links to the court papers and documents and offering analysis of the sequence of events both prior to the tragic loss of Mr Samuel Sweet’s life as well as the subsequent review and legal case.
Others can make their own minds up on the case – what is interesting is the detailed analysis and reference to actual data and documents for the EMR. It offers some window into the difficulties we face in practicing medicine in an increasingly complex arena and our increasing reliance and need to apply technology support the healthcare team deliver safe, appropriate and cost effective care to every patient, every time.