Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs

Surviving and Thriving Incrementally in the new Post COVID19 world demands we are more tolerant of each other and means going back to the basics for your business and what you offer. We are now at least a couple of weeks or more into physical distancing and the isolation and it is leading to unexpected and sometimes undesirable behavior. So, your first incremental step:

Take a breath

Some people are getting desperate and what is going on in each individual’s world is widely variable, but we don’t always behave at our best under stress, especially not extended high stress. What others do is not your concern, what matters is what you do so don’t lower your standards and try to show your best.

From a business perspective, it’s back to basics. Essential to think about what is going on in the minds of those around you who may be like me are focused on some of the more basic physiological needs from Maslow’s Hierarchy (h/t to Mark Schaefer for this lens). Take a leaf from a friend of mine who watched construction wither but used the time to gather unused masks from their stores and set up a distribution protocol to local front-line clinical staff in desperate need for these life-saving devices. Not for profit, but for the good of the world. Aside from the positive effect on your own health this has benefits to those in need and will always be remembered.

We need to accelerate the #Incremental steps necessary to enable the faster transformation to allow individuals and business to not just survive but thrive in the changing world we inhabit


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