Image Credit: Brian Krebs
My family and friends are tired of hearing me talk about the ever-present risks to your cash, bank accounts, and even your online reputation. Ignore this at your peril.
This ingenious credit card skimmer recently covered by Brian Krebs (Bluetooth Overlay Skimmer That Blocks Chip) is a great example of why we all need to make security a central part of everything we do. Not only is this skimming your credentials but it grabs a copy of your PIN when you are forced to enter it since the device blocks the customer form using the chip function. The data is handily transmitted via Bluetooth allowing the device to be left in place.
It was a few weeks before these devices were even noticed.
Even when you think the account or access is low risk, it may, as in the case of email, provide an easy on-ramp to taking over your life.
Using a credit card protects you as they have more safeguards in place to detect fraudulent charges, but even if they do start racking up charges as soon as you notify the credit card company that amount goes into suspension and you are not required to pay, they replace the card and work with you to get you up and running quickly. Debit cards can find your cash drained and inaccessible while the bank investigates leaving you high and dry
All this will only get worse in the never-ending arms race so stay on top of this – your incremental step, stop using your debit card for shopping (and learn to treat credit spending the same as cash spending – spend only what you already have).