Saving Healthcare Quality

This week I am talking to Fred Trotter (@fredtrotter), CTO CareSet Systems – the first commercial Medicare Data company. Fred has a long and fascinating background that unlike many healthcare Cybersecurity experts started in the security field and transitioned to healthcare and healthcare data. You can read his musings on Hacking Healthcare here.
We talked about Fred’s coordination of the Save the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) data project that took off online using twitter and other social channels as an unofficial mechanism. The AHRQ and the National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) was expected to be taken offline earlier this year as part of budget cuts and there was a significant concern that the 1,500+ clinical guideline summaries currently available would disappear forever. Some of us might think its a simple thing to copy content thus preserving the material but as Fred explains it was not that simple

In fact he contributes to the Internet Archive project (aka the Way back Machine) on a regular basis as one fo the important community projects that is workmen to preserve the digital history fo the web. Listen in to find out why the internet archive copy that was stored on this site was not enough and how Fred and the others used the insights and data from the Archive site to improve their data capture and storage. You can access the data on Guidelines here and the Quality Measures here – all sourced from this GitHub Project
We also talk about his history and involvement in the Health Care Industry Cybersecurity Task Force that was convened under President Obama’s administration by the DHS in March 2016. They issued their report to congress June 2017: Report on Improving Cybersecurity in the Health Care Industry. Listen in to hear about the experience of bringing this diverse group together as they attempted to predict future attacks (Hint – many of the things they predicted came true that same year!)
Listen live at 4:00 AM, 12:00 Noon or 8:00 PM ET, Monday through Friday for the next two weeks at HealthcareNOW Radio. After that, you can listen on demand (See podcast information below.) Join the conversation on Twitter at #TheIncrementalist.
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