
This month’s episode of “News You Can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of January 2025 The show that gives you a quick insight into the latest news, twists, turns and debacles going on in healthcare with my friend and co-host Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners and myself, where […]


This month’s episode of “News You Can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of September 2024 The show that gives you a quick insight into the latest news, twists, turns and debacles going on in healthcare with my friend and co-host Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners and myself, where […]


Health Tech Havoc This month’s episode of “News You Can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of May 2024 The show that gives you a quick insight into the latest news, twists, turns and debacles going on in healthcare withmy friend and co-host Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners and myself, […]


The continued onslaught of cybersecurity attacks which if anything are only getting worse have impacted the healthcare system in dramatic fashion with the payment network brought down by the attack on Change Healthcare. I keep hoping that we all get better at combatting these attempts to breach our data and that overall vigilance rises as we […]


Should You Panic or Stay Calm? It could just be me but I doubt it. I’ve certainly had my share of attempts to attack my accounts including the SIM Jacking I documented (3 Minutes to Financial Ruin). But since the vast majority of these attacks are automated with the perpetrators using tools that essentially automate […]


This month’s episode of “News You Can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of February 2024 The show that gives you a quick insight into the latest news, twists, turns and debacles going on in healthcare withmy friend and co-host Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at Nordic Consulting Partners and myself, where every diagnosis […]


Each and every year there’s a rush for predictions for the coming year and 2024 is no different The year Skynet/Mednet became active – not really but that was the fear with everyone calling it the Year of AI. For the rest of us, it was not so much the year of AI but rather […]


This week I am talking to Kim Biddings, VP of Product for BIO-key (@BIOkeyIntl) a company focused on providing tools to uniquely and securely identify individuals to allow secure access. Kim is an expert in cybersecurity, biometric identification, and Identity and Access Management, and also a pastry chef in the making. We talk about the importance of security in […]


3 Minutes to Financial Ruin     This past week I found myself subject to a SIM Jacking attack. A reasonably sophisticated attempt to wrestle control of someone’s life, typically for money, although in some cases it can be for high-value digital assets (like a Twitter handle back in 2012). But even in those cases […]


I jumped in headfirst back into travel. I had more flights in the last 3 weeks than I had the entire past 2 years and it was great to be back but it came with a new set of challenges and experiences that are worth sharing Airline Networks The routes for airlines have changed – […]


Last week I had the opportunity to experience the first ever Vive Event in Mimi Beach Florida. This was the first return to something resembling the normality of conference experiences. There were a few differences including the requirement to provide vaccination proof and COVID19 testing before being admitted but once completed attendees were free to […]


This week I am talking to Daniel Brodie (@db_doskey), CTO and Co-Founder of Cynerio (@cynerio) who are working to improve healthcare security one incremental step at a time. Daniel entered into the healthcare world a little surprised by the state of security and infrastructure that he found in facilities and set about finding ways to develop solutions. […]


National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) This week I am talking to Kelvin Coleman, Executive Director of the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) (@StaySafeOnline) that is building lasting public/private partnerships to create and implement broad-reaching education and awareness efforts to help enable us all to be cyber aware and cybersafe Kelvin describe himself as the Forest Gump […]


Carin Alliance This week I am talking to Ryan Howells, Principal at Leavitt Partners and a Healthcare technology specialist and focus on the and also the program manager of the Carin Alliance that is trying to get more data into the hands of patients and building on a multitude of interoperability programs. We discuss the early challenges […]


Masks Mandates and Conference Vaccine Requirements This months episode of “News you can Use” in the traditions of “Ask Me Anything” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of June. You can read more about the series here and the concept of keeping up with innovating in healthcare. Please send me your suggestions on topics you’d like to see covered. You […]


My family and friends are tired of hearing me talk about the ever-present risks to your cash, bank accounts, and even your online reputation. Ignore this at your peril. This ingenious credit card skimmer recently covered by Brian Krebs (Bluetooth Overlay Skimmer That Blocks Chip) is a great example of why we all need to […]


Returning Ultimate Control of Care to the Patient This week I am talking to Rob Kowal, MD, PhD Chief Medical Officer, of Medtronic (@Medtronic/@MDT_Cardiac) and a cardiac electrophysiologist who has been part of the incredible progress and innovation that have taken place in implantable cardiac devices. He talks about the progress from the early days of external pacing […]


Additional Cybersecurity Threats from COVID19 This week I am talking to Ryan Witt, Managing Director of the Healthcare Industry Practice at Proofpoint. Proofpoint who have new findings on an email-based attack campaign employing health-related lures and impersonating health institutions. The research indicates a growing sophistication in personalized attacks meant to steal money and data, and infect […]


This week I am talking to Kim Nilsson, CEO of Pivigo (@Pivigo) and an Astrophysicist. Kim is on her second of perhaps multiple careers that began looking at the stars and is currently looking at data. After getting her PhD she decided to get an MBA and like other guests on this show discovered the […]


Democratizing Access with Technology This week I am joined by Michael Robinson (@Robinsonhealth), Vice President Healthcare North America for VMWare. Michael has an interesting international background that provides additional perspectives and insights on how we bring innovation to healthcare and democratize access. As he puts it Technology is the true democratizer of access to healthcare We […]


How to Identify the Right Patient (and Whisky) With only a few weeks to go to the annual HIMSS conference in Orlando I took the opportunity to catch up with Vince Vitali, the VP of Strategy and Business Development at Nextgate to review the current trends and hear about their special event planned at the […]


National Patient Identifier This week I am talking to Dan Cidon (@dcidon), Chief Technology Officer at NextGate (@Nextgate) who is a mechanical engineer by training but found himself on a path of identification of people in the support of  the delivery of healthcare. We talked about what some consider a “third-rail” topic – a national patient identifier. […]


Your Internet, Your Access We are dependent on our pipe/connection to the information highway, the internet. But who controls and manages that pipe continues to impact what you have access to, the information you see and hear and ultimately who gets to succeed in our new world. So it has been surprising to watch as […]


Don’t Let Your Guard Down It seemed perfectly legitimate and was cleverly assembled into a request from someone I do know in my network, had met and we had communication in the past…. but it was not Over the course of the next 90 minutes, I managed to compromise 3 separate accounts of my own […]


Humans the Weakest Link in Security   As humans, we are programmed with compassion and a desire to help but this human nature is the foundation of many of the risks that we are exposed to in the digital and cloud filled data world we all inhabit now. Our personal programming and desire to help […]

