Digital Health

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Pearls of Wisdom to Fix Healthcare Talking with Robert Pearl, MD, (@RobertPearlMD) best-selling author of the book Mistreated and former CEO of The Permanente Medical Group at the World Healthcare Congress (WHCC19). Robert shares his thoughts on death, especially as a result of medical errors, in the most expensive healthcare system in the world. He […]


  I spoke with Katie Keating, Client Solutions Professional for IBM Watson Health at the Connected Health Initiative (CHI) Connected Health Demo & Reception at the Rayburn House Office Building We reviewed what’s going on at IBM Watson Health, where they have come since the Jeopardy challenge which took place 8 years ago in 2011 and […]


I spoke with Wayne Derkac, MD SVP of Medical Affairs at for BioTel at the Connected Health Initiative (CHI) Connected Health Demo & Reception at the Rayburn House Office Building The company has been offering outpatient telemetry since 2002, with the first wirelessly connected medical device in the history of medicine (which included its backup telephone […]


Temperature and Sleep Do you struggle to get to sleep or find yourself waking up too hot or too cold? Some people need to warm up and then cool down to fall asleep. This is the principle underlying the long-held method of a warm bath before bedtime to help you sleep which is counterintuitive in […]


Design Thinking for Healthcare and Medical School This week I am talking to Dr. Clay Johnston, MD, PhD (@ClayDellMed), Dean, Dell Medical School and Vice President for Medical Affairs, UT Austin. Dr. Johnston has been the inaugural dean of Dell Medical School and is working towards a vision to create a new model for academic medicine that accelerates […]


January 11, 2019


Keys to Successful Conferences How do you describe the CNS Summit and what it offers – the word impossible springs to mind? Even the name can be a little misleading especially for medical folks who might look at that and think “Central Nervous System” but actually its stands for Collaborating for Novel Solutions This coming […]


It was with interest I read a recent Viewpoint article in the Journal of American Medical Associations (JAMA) titled: Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) in the Digital Age, Determining the Source Code for Nurture authored by Dr. Freddy Abnousi, the head of healthcare research at Facebook, along with a couple of other authors, Dr. John Rumsfeld, Chief Innovation Officer […]


December 14, 2018

The NHS at 70

Healthcare, NHS

The crown jewels of British society The NHS was the crown jewels of British society providing healthcare to every member of society no matter who they were, where they came from and what personal resources they had. It was the great leveler of society creating a single standard of care and service that was accessible […]


  Does Intermittent Fasting Work?   This week  I’m covering the world of Intermittent Fasting. What’s that you ask – in its simplest form Eat – Stop – Eat In other words, challenging your body with no intake of calories for a variable amount of time. In my case I fast for about 36 hours […]


Change Behavior, Change the World This week I am talking to Adam Pelligrini,(@adampelligrini) the General Manager and SVP for Fitbit Health Solutions. Adam has had a long career in the Digital Health coming from the Digital Health group for Walgreens Boots Alliance where he built a range of digital and mHealth platforms. He recently ran and […]


  Your Data but Who Owns It This excellent piece by ProPublica and NPR: Health Insurers Are Vacuuming Up Details About You — And It Could Raise Your Rates is part of a series – The Health Insurance Hustle by Marshall Allen that offers insights into the data-rich world we are entering and how this information may well be […]


Catching up With the Digital Doctor   It was great to catch up with colleague and friend Dr. Eric Topol (@EricTopol), Executive VP and Professor, Molecular Medicine, The Scripps Research Institute Founder and Director, STSI We had a wide-ranging discussion that included some specific incremental steps to better healthcare – include getting the data to the […]


  Patient Status Critical The threat level in Cyberspace keeps rising as evidenced by the recent alerts issued by the US Government (TA18-074A) and the long list of indicators of Compromise (IOC) Targeting critical infrastructure with an extensive list of tools, attacks, and techniques. While this is not new, with cases dating back to Stuxnet in 2007 […]


If you’re like me, you’re always trying to find the best deals on your credit card, cable, and phone providers. That may mean calling up every 12 months to renegotiate annual contracts—or threatening to cancel. But for many people, the cost of putting in this time and effort is too high, so they just renew […]


Diverse Engaging and Eclectic What other conferences can you attend that offers you exercise and revitalization programs, alongside engaging presentations from key leaders in some of the top companies in pharmaceuticals, technology, healthcare and a demonstration environment packed with the latest and greatest innovations and technologies? The CNS Summit – now in its 8th year […]


Is the iPhoneX and overpriced luxury or does it represent fantastic value when you consider the features and functions it delivers and the opportunity to improve your health? Seeing a mobile device as a phone is much like the perception that the Apple Watch is a watch – it’s really not. They selected that form factor and […]


Incremental Interoperability   Can you imagine a sports team that was unable to share? Sharing is Caring and can only be done with open and easy access that includes the clinical team, patients, and their family. Translational Medicine Conference I recently attended the innovative 8th Annual Translational Medicine Conference this past week in Derry/Londonderry Northern Ireland […]


  Changing Your Health with Wearables There are probably very few people around who remember the old stores and how they used to work. Stores where you walked in and someone behind a counter would fetch items at your behest. Perhaps you’ve seen the concept in Little House on the Prairie or perhaps you have […]


Malaria   World Malaria day is today – Tuesday, April 25, 2017. Recognizing global efforts to control and perhaps one day eradicate this major killer that disproportionately affects my home country of Africa. The WHO African Region continues to shoulder the heaviest malaria burden, accounting for an estimated 90% of malaria cases and 92% of malaria […]


HIMSS is rapidly approaching and I am excited to be presenting: The Best Exotic Marigold Hospital: Learning digital lessons from the hospitality industry to personalize the healthcare experience on Monday February 20, 2017 — 01:30 PM EST – 02:30 PM EST in the Chapin Theatre (W320) – Session ID: 43 The Friction of Travel As part […]

