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This week I am talking to Shai Gozani MD, PhD, President and CEO of Neurometrix – a company focusing on improving the diagnosis and treatment of disease using digital technology. Shai has a background as an electrical engineer and worked for Bell Labs back in the mid 1980’s and studied for his PhD in Neurobiology focusing […]


Gaming Medical Education This week I am talking to Eric Gantwerker, MD (@DrEricGant) a pediatric ENT-otolaryngologist and also a Vice President, Medical Director at Level Ex – a gaming company focused on tapping into gaming technology for medicine and healthcare. You can get a sense of the technology from their introductory video for CardioEx   which […]


No More Sneakernet This week I am talking to Kevin McGrail (@KAMcGrail), Director of Business Growth at Infrashield and one of a few patients suffering from a rare disease “Anti DPPx Paraneoplastic Neurological Disorder” (you can read more about these diseases here) – one of only a handful of patients diagnosed with this. Kevin is […]


I spoke with Kent Dicks, CEO for Life365 at the Connected Health Initiative (CHI) Connected Health Demo & Reception at the Rayburn House Office Building Life365 is a solution agnostic Digital Health as a Service (DHaaS) software platform that integrates devices, systems, applications, education and incentives to align with specific user needs to enable maximum patient […]


I managed to catch David Mitchell (@DavidP4AD) after his presentation at the Healthcare Costs Innovation Summit, put on by West Health, that took place today at the Ronald Regan Building and International Trade Center in Washington DC. David has Multiple Myeloma – an incurable drug cancer that is treatable by very expensive drugs. Drugs that cost […]


Temperature and Sleep Do you struggle to get to sleep or find yourself waking up too hot or too cold? Some people need to warm up and then cool down to fall asleep. This is the principle underlying the long-held method of a warm bath before bedtime to help you sleep which is counterintuitive in […]


The Opioid Epidemic 130 people die from an overdose of an opioid every day in the United States. Death from overdoses reached a staggering 47,600 people in the United States in 2017 – to put that into perspective that’s a 130 people per day, or 1 person every 11 mins, and now in the top 10 causes of […]


January 11, 2019


Keys to Successful Conferences How do you describe the CNS Summit and what it offers – the word impossible springs to mind? Even the name can be a little misleading especially for medical folks who might look at that and think “Central Nervous System” but actually its stands for Collaborating for Novel Solutions This coming […]


It was with interest I read a recent Viewpoint article in the Journal of American Medical Associations (JAMA) titled: Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) in the Digital Age, Determining the Source Code for Nurture authored by Dr. Freddy Abnousi, the head of healthcare research at Facebook, along with a couple of other authors, Dr. John Rumsfeld, Chief Innovation Officer […]


  The answer to that question is complex and individual and before thinking about that you should have a basic understanding of cholesterol in your body. You can learn about this from my video and blog post Statins In the previous episode, I talked about Cholesterol in your body. This week as a follow up […]


Dr Nick the Incrementalist discusses the new screening guidelines for hypertension or High Blood Pressure. What’s changed and what should you do about it In November 2017 the American College of Cardiology (ACC) updated the hypertension screening guidelines. Normal: Less than 120/80 mm Hg; Elevated: Systolic between 120-129 and diastolic less than 80; Stage 1: […]


I had the pleasure of talking to Bill Evans – Founder, SVP Innovation at Bridge Design, a Ximedica and learning about their success in design thinking that has created some unique and innovative products They designed a new Cleo Infusion Set for Diabetes by listening to the users – the patients and then consistently applied these small users […]


Including SDoH in Healthcare More than ever before, the social determinants of health (SDOH) are getting some well-deserved attention when it comes to their role in impacting an individual’s relative health status. Here at BaseHealth, seeing as we’re in the business of predicting health status, we’ve focused significant time and effort on understanding how SDOH […]


  Patient Status Critical The threat level in Cyberspace keeps rising as evidenced by the recent alerts issued by the US Government (TA18-074A) and the long list of indicators of Compromise (IOC) Targeting critical infrastructure with an extensive list of tools, attacks, and techniques. While this is not new, with cases dating back to Stuxnet in 2007 […]


In the spirit of survival given the overwhelming nature of joining 40,000 people at one conference, I offer up this year’s Incremental Guidance to not only surviving the HIMSS conference but enjoying it too (you can find my HIMSS16 Guide here). This will be my 21st HIMSS and 3rd year as a Social Media ambassador and every year […]


  As a physician, it likely won’t (or shouldn’t!) surprise you to hear that my first and foremost focus has, and always will be, on the patient. Whether it be as a practicing physician where I saw patients daily, to numerous opportunities working in both healthcare and computing with consulting firms and technology companies – […]


  Many patients have underlying issues with their health. Oftentimes, these issues can be identified by certain markers, like a patient’s speech pattern, gait or by looking at vital signs including blood pressure, heart rate, and weight. To an untrained eye, it might be unnoticeable, but physicians are trained to look for these patterns as […]


    The Desire to Help and Security We are programmed with a desire to help others in need but this trait is one of the reasons that hackers are so successful infiltrating our networks as I mentioned in this post. This past week the Black Hat conference took place followed by DefCon (in its 25th year) […]


Healthcare and Travel A recent trip to the Emerald Isles to visit family and friends found us in another country and short on medication. The discovery came late on Saturday evening which could have meant another 36 hours before we could speak to a clinician during normal working hours, obtain a replacement prescription and fill […]


The snafu at the Oscars with another movie being announced as a winner before being corrected has created quite a stir! You can watch the fateful sequence here and the audience reaction captured by the LA Time photographer Al Seib Watch the moment when “La La Land” is mistakenly announced best picture winner — Los Angeles […]


This is an exciting and positive development in Genomics using the CRISPR technology – here source scientists have removed the HIV-1 genome from the genome of human immune cells Gene editing could now be added to the armament of clinicians to fight diseases including infections


Once again I am headed to CES this year. Last year the DigitalHealth pavilion was overflowing with people, innovation, and wearables designed to influence us to a healthier life. The show still features the big sections of technology for cars, televisions and 3-D printers but much of the show is being turned over to healthcare […]


This week I had the fortune of speaking at the Connected Health – Healthcare Reinvented – Customer First I pulled together an update in resources on the payment streams for mHealth activity alongside some review of the players in the space and some success stories The over riding principle in my mind is encapsulated by […]


Review of the first Day of HIMSS15 and the Physician IT Symposium

