Incremental Healthcare

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  The VA Healthcare System Model Talking with David Shulkin, MD – the former United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs serving under President Donald Trump at the World Healthcare Congress (WHCC19). He shares the early drivers to his long career in medicine that centered on informing and educating patients which permeates throughout his career as […]


The Price We Pay Talking with Marty Makary, MD, Professor of Surgery and Health Policy & Management, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and author of “The Price we Pay – What Broke American Healthcare and How to Fix It”  at the World Healthcare Congress (WHCC19). As he puts it the two main issues in our healthcare […]


Pearls of Wisdom to Fix Healthcare Talking with Robert Pearl, MD, (@RobertPearlMD) best-selling author of the book Mistreated and former CEO of The Permanente Medical Group at the World Healthcare Congress (WHCC19). Robert shares his thoughts on death, especially as a result of medical errors, in the most expensive healthcare system in the world. He […]


This week I am talking to Maggie Ehrenfried, Managing Director, Development LifeNet International (@LNInternational). LifeNet International is an organization working hard across Sub Sharan and East Africa to change that. This non-profit which touts its incredible efficiency operates through an “amplification of local resource” model to build and strengthen in-country capacity in the healthcare delivery chain. They […]


  Imagination from InspiRen This week I am talking to Mike Wang, CEO and Founder of Inspiren and Paul Coyne, Co-Founder, and President. In case you are wondering about the company name Inspiren is a combination of Inspiration and the Chinese word ren a Confucian virtue denoting the good feeling a virtuous human experiences when being altruistic […]


Supporting the Healthcare Consumer Incrementally This week I am talking to David Nichols, the Patient and Family Communications Product Leader for PerfectServe (@PerfectServe) and former Founder and COO of Carewire. They are focused on achieving the vision of a care platform of the future and using Nudges – or as I call it Incrementalism. Carewire […]


I managed to catch David Mitchell (@DavidP4AD) after his presentation at the Healthcare Costs Innovation Summit, put on by West Health, that took place today at the Ronald Regan Building and International Trade Center in Washington DC. David has Multiple Myeloma – an incurable drug cancer that is treatable by very expensive drugs. Drugs that cost […]


Temperature and Sleep Do you struggle to get to sleep or find yourself waking up too hot or too cold? Some people need to warm up and then cool down to fall asleep. This is the principle underlying the long-held method of a warm bath before bedtime to help you sleep which is counterintuitive in […]


January 11, 2019


Keys to Successful Conferences How do you describe the CNS Summit and what it offers – the word impossible springs to mind? Even the name can be a little misleading especially for medical folks who might look at that and think “Central Nervous System” but actually its stands for Collaborating for Novel Solutions This coming […]


Media Coverage of Alcohol This week I’m talking about Alcohol consumption and the recent study published in the Lancet: Alcohol use and burden for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 Which generated a slew of coverage in the media with headlines like this:   Yikes! […]


Behavioral Health for Positive Impact This week I am talking to Matt Wallaert (@mattwallaert), Chief Behavioral Officer at Clover Health. I have listened to Matt on a few occasions, most recently at the FitBit Captivate event in Chicago so I was excited to get to talk to him one on one. Matt plays an unusual […]


  Does Intermittent Fasting Work?   This week  I’m covering the world of Intermittent Fasting. What’s that you ask – in its simplest form Eat – Stop – Eat In other words, challenging your body with no intake of calories for a variable amount of time. In my case I fast for about 36 hours […]


Dr Nick the Incrementalist discusses the new screening guidelines for hypertension or High Blood Pressure. What’s changed and what should you do about it In November 2017 the American College of Cardiology (ACC) updated the hypertension screening guidelines. Normal: Less than 120/80 mm Hg; Elevated: Systolic between 120-129 and diastolic less than 80; Stage 1: […]


The new Colorectal screening guidelines from the American Cancer Society Screening have changed Here are my thoughts on what this means to you as you think about your own personal health screening          


I had the pleasure of talking to Bill Evans – Founder, SVP Innovation at Bridge Design, a Ximedica and learning about their success in design thinking that has created some unique and innovative products They designed a new Cleo Infusion Set for Diabetes by listening to the users – the patients and then consistently applied these small users […]


I practiced Telemedicine with my mother every week when she was alive. We did this on Facetime and it allowed me to catch up with her, see how she was getting on in her home environment. Medicine is practiced the same in countries across the world let alone across state lines. I wish my mother […]


Drug Prices Contribute to Failure of Treatment There’s no escaping the significant increase in drug prices and the apparent disproportionately high prices we pay in the United States when compared to other countries. And then there are the huge price hikes for old drugs like Daraprim by Martin Shkreli and the EpiPen debacle spearheaded by Heather Bresch […]


  Changing Your Health with Wearables There are probably very few people around who remember the old stores and how they used to work. Stores where you walked in and someone behind a counter would fetch items at your behest. Perhaps you’ve seen the concept in Little House on the Prairie or perhaps you have […]


Hurry up and Implement Innovation has had a tendency to move at glacial pace and history is littered with scientific discoveries that took a long time to reach our world and have an impact on our lives. So many areas in our lives – math and complex numbers discovered in the 16th Century that were originally […]


Working from Home Americans are doing more and more activities from the comfort of their home and its no surprise – the frustration of showing up to a business only to find they are closed or worse short-staffed and instead of dealing with the customer in front of them the staff are on the phone […]


The Great Healthcare Debate Healthcare is personal and front and center in our minds not just because we all intersect with it in some way but it employs 1 in 9 people in the United States. With the current state of our media and political system with polarized debates, he said she said talking heads […]

