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  Virtual Pharmacists I spoke with Mark Engelen, CEO & Co-Founder for RxLive at the Connected Health Initiative (CHI) Connected Health Demo & Reception at the Rayburn House Office Building RxLive is working on amplifying the collaborative care model by making pharmacists live into the care process and coordination. They have a platform and a service […]


I spoke with Wayne Derkac, MD SVP of Medical Affairs at for BioTel at the Connected Health Initiative (CHI) Connected Health Demo & Reception at the Rayburn House Office Building The company has been offering outpatient telemetry since 2002, with the first wirelessly connected medical device in the history of medicine (which included its backup telephone […]


Telehealth is Here – Getting There Quicker with Incremental Steps This week I am talking to Dr. Til Jolly, CMO for Specialists on Call (SOC) Telemed who are delivering enterprise-wide telemedicine to over 450 hospitals Dr Jolly is an Emergency Room physician with a fascinating background that includes working for the NFL Super Bowl “Emergency Preparedness […]


Working from Home Americans are doing more and more activities from the comfort of their home and its no surprise – the frustration of showing up to a business only to find they are closed or worse short-staffed and instead of dealing with the customer in front of them the staff are on the phone […]

