The Problem with Celebrity Medical Advice

Written by on August 26, 2015

The challenge with taking advice from celebrities is you never know what the underlying drivers are. FDA Responds to Kardashian Post
In this case the FDA has to respond to social media posts from Kardashian who has 35 Million followers and 45 Million on Instagram and offers up Diclegis for pregnancy associated nausea. Pharma advice from celebrities and other non-scientific sources is an increasing problem especially given the increasing influence of these individuals with large followings of people who might not see the counter points of science and the FDA post (The FDA Twitter handle (
@FDA_US) has not even broken 110,000 followers – that’s less than 0.4% of the direct influence.
Aside from the fact this is based on a data set of on, it transpires Kardashian is a paid spokesperson for Duchesnay. This is not independent advice.
